What are others doing to help protect themselves?
Get real contact info from fellow freepers I have about 20 or so
We can’t be stopped unless they round us up and put us in Prison. Don’t worry about it.
There are so many sneaky ways for us to circumvent government censors.
If the internet is not completely down, you can visit FreeDominion.com which has an area for freepers who are jonesing.
You haven’t received the codes to the FR extranet and subnets? If not meet us at the lakes above Fresno.
Use your Beeber! Didn't you get a Beeber from Al?
Back in the day, we use to write letters. Just say’n
Depends on where the people you want to keep in contact with are. A CB only has a range of a few miles ( depending on the height of your antenna ). HAM radio has a much broader reach, but requires a license and studying for exams, not to mention money for equipment and an area to set it up.
If you mean just a crackdown on websites, there is no problem there. You can just have your contacts on Skype and can either talk ( with video if you choose ) or leave text messages.
Send me your bank account numbers and identity information. Include a picture as well, I will contact you shortly after with an e-mail to secret FR locations and passwords to use in case of an emergency.
Stay safe! Do not share any of this information with any other website of course.
We could use smoke signals,, but then Bam also runs the EPA, oh well.
Well the first thing you could do is fill out your Homepage on FReeRepublic, then get to know your State Freepers real well.
I know that soon I may loose contact with everyone. When that happens, I'll be off the grid and survive the best I can.
There should be a ham radio version of the internet.
Didn’t usenet used to be a separate entity?
IRC might be a good way..
We have a group of about 12 people who will be taking HAM radio classes together coming up in January.
I started traveling for work a little over three years ago. Before Obumer’s election I told my wife that if everything ever fell apart when I was not home and communications became a problem to find the local HAM operators and I would find one to get a message to her. Since then I have studied and taken the two test to become a General Class HAM. I still need to invest in some more equipment for HF frequencies, but I view it as getting ready or the future.