Posted on 11/30/2010 11:57:36 AM PST by Hotlanta Mike
GOP Rep. Mike Pence spoke at the Detroit Economic Club today, and came out fully in favor of the Flat Tax, and called for the United States to abandon Keynsian spending, and return to the practice of free market economics:
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
We could do worse.
What’s wrong with implementing the Fair Tax, instead?
Way too much room for manipulation, just like the current code we have now.
Flat tax = everybody pays the wiggle room.
Excessively complex and far too easy for the MSM to misrepresent. A flat tax is easy to explain to voters and hard for Democrats to argue against. Its the right first step toward future consumption-based taxation.
Tax collection is not the problem. Spending is the problem.
He doesn’t have to run for president to enact a flat tax. He needs to get the legislation through the congress. Sarah Palin can sign the bill. If that isn’t good enough, then I believe he is using this issue to run for president and nothing will become of it. The same old promises every election cycle.
Pence needs to pass along a return to free enterprise to his RINO behaving House leaders. Keeping 26 year olds on mommy’s insurance and pre-conditions is not insurance—it’s welfare, but Cantor has said that’s what the plan is, according to Rush.
That is NOT insurance and it’s not conservatism!
WHO are these people in our leadership?
Another reason to really like this man! My husband and I very much like the flat tax.
(I also like Pence’s work in Congress to defund Planned “Parenthood.”)
The Flat Tax is the only fair tax. Everyone has skin in the game and everyone will pay attention to their own business. You pay 10% (or whatever) and that’s it. That is the very definition of a fair tax.
Which sadly is exactly why it will never go away. The current system gives tremendous power to elected officials to pander to and reward their political supporters.
I laugh every time I hear about the "welfare reform" in the 1990s. Whatever "reform" there may have been, was rendered entirely moot with all the tax-credits that followed. Sure, someone making $20K (or so), may not qualify directly for "welfare", but they do qualify for innumerable tax credits. It's still wealth transfer, only it's more stealthy. I don't think there enough politicians of any stripe who will voluntarily give up that power.
I would prefer not having any income reported or taxed. A national sales tax would have everyone paying, including the idle rich with their offshore accounts, criminals with their ill-gotten gains, politicians and welfare recipients. In other words, everyone who shops and consumes, which is everyone. That is most fair.
Both are good ideas, however, the flat tax would have the greatest chance of passing with the least opportunity to be corrupted. The Fair Tax, with all its benefits would require such a structural overhaul with so many levels and departments impacted, it has a much higher risk of failing or worse, becoming corrupted. Flat Tax is a good short term solution, Fair Tax would be more of a long term goal.
“A national sales tax would have everyone paying...”
No, it wouldn’t. It would have consumers paying. We should all pay for all of our agreed upon collective services. If we can agree to that, we stand a chance of having everyone heard. Sales tax creates or maintains government bloat and throws another burden on business. Why do that? It’s ridiculous. If you buy something from a business and he collects a tax and then goes BK before it is paid, to whom do we go to get the money? Sorry, Sales Tax based is a gimmick and a bad one.
If this Flat Tax is in combination with a 10 or less page of instructions for filing with a huge 1 page form for under somewhere around $100,000 I would buy it. Fair Tax would be a joke.
I would be very happy with Pence as POTUS.
Taxing one’s income is immoral.
Taxing transactions is much more fair.
Cantor has said thats what the plan is, according to Rush.
Let’s hold our fire on the republicans until they actually do something bad. Not a single one of them voted for Obamacare in the Senate or the house. Hard to find fault with them on this issue. Easy to find fault with some of them on other issues.
“Taxing transactions is much more fair.”
Why? If you have no transactions, does that mean you will not seek protection by the armed forces the rest of us pay for?
“Flat Tax”, “Abandon Keynesian Crapola”, “Return to Free Market Fantasy”
All well-meaning nothingness, no substance, no real reform just political crapola.
In 1913, the 16th Amendment was ratified and permitted the federal government to tax income. The first tax code was a ‘Flat Tax’; 7% for the wealthiest 2% and 1% for everyone else.
Since 1913 there have been 5 major tax reforms, ALL OF THEM making the tax code FLATTER, simpler and la-ti-da.
Since the last major tax reform in 1986 there have been more than 18,000 legislative amendments to the tax code and there has been a quadrupling of tax lobbyists.
Get the picture on the Flat Tax?
Because it is a cancer.
A ‘Flat Tax’ is surgery to remove a cluster of cancerous code but the tax cancer comes back with a vengeance in 10 to 15 years. Happens every time.
The way to get rid of the tax cancer is to get rid of the 16th Amendment and enact a far superior tax code of revenue and enforcement called the ‘FairTax’; the brand name is ‘FairTax’ not ‘Fair Tax’.
The Flat Tax has happened before again and again. It is nothing new. It always fails.
How to prevent a Flat Tax from failing?
1. Pass a law that says you can’t amend a law? Nope, not possible.
2. Pass a law that says 2/3s votes of Congress are required to amend the tax code? Nope, can be overturned on simple majority vote.
Both of the above and any similar ideas require a Constitutional Amendment to make it difficult for a new Congress to get around.
If Congress is going to pass lasting tax reform they are going to have to amend the Constitution. If they are going to amend the Constitution, they may as as well amend it to repeal the 16th. The simple solution to the tax cancer is REPEAL THE 16th AMENDMENT AND ENACT THE FAIRTAX!
Here’s an article by a Constitutional Law Professor who is esteemed by conservatives:
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