A. I am applying the same standard that I would apply to any elected official....fulfill your commitment to the people who elected you to the position for which you campaigned.
B. You might have quit too but do not assume that I (or millions of others who take an oath seriously) am cut from the same cloth. I have never quit anything to which I had committed. And do not assume either that my life has not had adversity that made keeping my word a sacrifice.
Tens of millions of Americans know what it is like to be faced with sacrifice in order to keep an oath or a promise. Most do not quit, if they did this country would not be worth living in.
Well, that’s really nice but doesn’t counter anything I said.
I know that most good people are like me...they put God and their families first. And you miss the most obvious point..Sarah’s oath applied to her WHILE she was gov as gov and was upheld WHILE she was gov. She did NOT swear to go four years even if it meant destroying her family. No oath was broken. A simple fact I suspect you won’t be able to comprehend.
Are you trying to give the impression you are better than Sarah? LOL. A little dweeb behind a computer doesn’t cut it!
It takes a conservative to understand how things go in the big world. It you haven’t got it by now, stay behind the computer and do the things the MSM do - they thrive off of you. It good to be useful for something.