I have had it with the slander from the anti-life camp!
Enough is enough. I don't know about anyone else from the pro-life side, but I am getting a bit fed up with these pro-abortion ghouls slandering us by making it seem like we're all a bunch of "anti-choice, terrorist extremists". I am nothing but a low level blogger with a very modest audience, but I wish someone with a little more recognition would get up on a soapbox and put these people in their place once and for all. Being non-violent is one thing, but we don't have to sit here and be nice about it when we are being slandered and called a bunch of nutjob killers. I am sick of it. I am sick of the way websites like The Daily Kos, RealityCheck, NOW, and several other left wing pro-abortion organizations have the gall to say that we all somehow are indirectly responsible for Tiller's murder. Will someone please tell these people where to stick it? I think I can safely say I speak for the mainstream pro-lifers when I say that none of us wanted to see George Tiller murdered. We wanted instead to see him have a change of heart. To one day wake up a changed man. Imagine reading a headline that says "Dr. George Tiller Quits Performing Abortions; Joins Pro-life Camp". Yes. I know. Miracles like this seem to only happen in fictional stories like Dickens "Christmas Carol". An overnight enlightening experience that makes a man change for the better. But it could have happened. Now, we'll never know. But I will not be branded an extremist or a terrorist supporter and I honestly feel that everyone involved in the pro-life movement needs to stand up to these accusations and say "How dare you? Shut your mouth!" Freedom of speech is one thing. Slanderous accusations is another. I am really getting angry here. Kim Gandy from NOW, you want a piece of me? You want to have the DHS add my name to a terrorist list just because I have an opinion that Tiller's clinic was a baby murder mill? Can I have a website called ExposePlannedParenthood.com and not have to worry about some pig like you sending the FBI to my house? You just send them over, dear. Send them over. Ms. Gandy, ma'am, with all due respect you have some set of brass. You really do. And Obama doesn't seem to care about the U.S. soldier William Long who was gunned down by a Muslim terrorist in Arkansas... (probably one of those brainless politically-clueless morons who voted for him in the first place) as much as he does for the abortionist Tiller. And look at who really needs a reality check. Here's the latest line of crap spewing from that pro-abortion site: It is the rhetoric of the militant wing of the anti-choice movement itself that is the unindicted co-conspirator in Dr. Tiller's assassination. Antiabortion domestic terrorism is linked to the radical militia movement that promotes “Biblical justice” rationales for murdering abortion providers while celebrating those responsible for the violent clashes as “heroes of the faith.”