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La Raza rooted in Saul Alinsky & funded by Imperialist, George Soros
family security matters ^ | May 27th, 2009 | No Compromise

Posted on 06/01/2009 9:09:35 AM PDT by Psion

With the recent Obama nomination for the United States Supreme Court of La Raza member, Sonia Sotomayor, it got me to thinking. I have often said, that whenever you want to really learn about something, you must first start at its inception, or its root system. Otherwise one will only see what grew on top, and never see, in this case, how rotten and ugly the root system is, and if those roots should be pulled out by it’s tap and burned in the fire!

If you go to the website of La Raza, you will get the warm and fuzzy picture of an organization that appears to want to be helpful to those they think have been somehow been unjustly assaulted by the big bad bubby US government. However, a closer look at this organization reveals a dark past, that I am sure is now tucked away in some dark basement closet.

The origins and history of La Raza (which means The Race) is of a rabidly racist and virulently anti-American character, inspired by Saul Alisky, Vladimir Lenin, and Che Guevara. Their goal is to create their version of a Utopian Wurker’s Paradise in the Southwestern US, and their target is the Mexican and American Hispanic population. This Utopian Wurker’s paradise is referred to as Aztlan. History bears out just how successful man’s attempts are at forcing the emergence of this Utopia. aztlan

Question:If La Raza can't create a Utopian Wurker's Paradise with Mexico what makes La Raza think they can with America?

La Raza’s goal is of a Latino/Chicano nationalist movement very similar to the Nazi movement in Germany in the late thirties.

Within La Raza, are the MEChA, a student organization bent on revising history, and causing needless agitation on campus, and the La Voz de Aztlan Communications Network, both rabid anti-semitic, pro-palestinian hate groups trying to take over America. La Voz defines nationalism as:

as the key to organization (which) transcends all religious, political, class, and economic factions or boundaries. Nationalism is the common denominator that all members of La Raza can agree upon.

Their Hispanofacist motto: ”For the race everything. For those outside the race, nothing“.

Every page of this website drips with the same anti-semitism of any white supremacist hate group sprinkled throughout America, or even more dangerous, the followers of Atzlan are of the mindset of a majority of mosques in America.

Why would you have this picture on a website pushing for Aztlan?

Done with OUR tax dollars?

Done with OUR tax dollars?

Or how about this essay on why the US is hated so much: 10 Things to Know about U.S. Policy in the Middle East.

Okay, so let me get this straight: a fiercely pro-Mexican Atzlan movement is more obsessed with involving itself with Middle Eastern issues, rather than the goal of taking over the southwestern quarter of the US for a new and improved expanded Mexico? HUH?

What up with that? Who is turning their heads in THAT direction? Perhaps Y.A.M.B.L.A. member, Yasser Arafat, can explain why he was working with hate group La Raza members in 1980! Or wait, he can’t because he is rotting in the ground after dying of AIDS. La Raza Unida Party members meets with Egyptian gay boy, now deceased Arafat

La Raza Unida Party members meet up with the Egyptian gay boy, now deceased Arafat. Note the portrait photo of the Ayatollah Khomeini on the wall behind them.

get down with da struggle, man!

get down with da struggle, man!

The 1980 La Raza delegation meeting with terrorist Arafat was funded by the Lebanese government as a “fact-finding” mission. La Raza members, and PLO terrorist Arafat exchanged stories of their common struggle, man!

However, during this same time, there was a real struggle going on, which was the take over of the American Embassy in Iran. Terrorists kidnapped 66 Americans and held them hostage for 444 days under the failed leadership of President Jimmuh Carter. While La Raza members holding American passports were schmoozing and rubbing shoulders with PLO terrorists, other Americans were being beaten and tortured in Iran. But who cares, right? They were just kidnapped, innocent Americans! According to La Raza’s own documents La Raza took this opportunity to send a two man delegation to Iran to negotiate a release of three Americans who were being held in Iran. Why three? Because two of the hostages were “Chicanos” and one was “Native American.” I guess the rest of the hostages could go to Hell for all La Raza cared about! La Raza reports that the three Americans were released, however, upon inspection of the list of American victims, there is no evidence of three men being released in 1980 prior to the larger group of released hostages. Add drugs to this "venture" in imports and exports

Add drugs to this "venture" in imports and exports

In 1978, a RUP delegation fostered “a working relationship” in “developing some import/export ventures with the PLO.” Geez, we can only “venture” to guess what those imports might have been! HMMM. After this successful meeting with Arafat, La Raza saw themselves as American Palestinians.

New Mexico Citizen , RUP agitator, and delegate to Lebanon, Juan Jose Pena stated,

We felt that we both had the same fight. They learned about our struggle that Chicanos were being thrown out of their homeland.

At this point in real history, several New Mexico members of RUP went to fight with the Sandinistas in Nicaragua (roll your tongue when you say that) to continue The Struggle (my emphasis). RUP had tried to secure funds for The Struggle, from Col. Momar Qaddafi, dictator of Libya, through the sale of oil, however President Ronald Reagan, rightly, placed a ban on Libyan oil exports. After the communists forced their way into power in that region RUP members went back to New Mexico.

Fast forward, to the problem America faces with open borders. With the history of a rabid anti-American organization like La Raza trained in Saul Alinsky organizational tactics and a idol like love for Lenin and a support base of Islamic terrorism, America has yet another front to fight if it is to survive!

Who is funding this hate-Israel group, La Raza?

In an investigative report on the evil speculator, self-made billionaire, and proponent of One World Government, through his anti-American foundation, Open Society Institute, (OSI) George Soros, Front Page Magazine uncovered many anti-American, extremist hate groups receiving some or all of their funding from this self-hating Jew.

Soros, who was born in Budapest, and survived the holocaust, is who, I very much consider part of the Erev Rav. When Soros was born, and figured out he was a Jew, he probably said, “Oy.”

Frontpage Mag states:

In keeping with his (Soros’) tendency to fund racist groups that want to ethnically cleanse portions of the United States, Soros has also funded the racist National Council of La Raza and Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF). Both groups seek to open America’s borders and have visions of “reclaiming” Aztlan (the American Southwest, “stolen” from Mexico by the Yanquis). MALDEF is in essence a Ford Foundation creation, with Ford radicalizing the once-noble organization with a $2.2 million grant in 1968.

Do these colors look familiar?

Didn't pagans used to rip out hearts on that ziggerat? Such a utopia!

Soros, with his billions, along with his hate groups are the real imperialists, and power hungry thugs who want to dominate the individual first, then the world. What motivates a human being to have such hate inside them? If truth be told, those who want to take over America will do little to create the paradise they seek to create. The countries many of these illegal aliens come from haven’t created the Utopian Wurker’s Paradise in their own countries, in fact, their countries are so full of corruption, vise, evil and pagan worship that these people will bring, and have brought that filth into this country, starting with the drugs.

Here are a few maps for your reading enjoyment: Click picture for a No Compromise Article on this map

Click picture for a No Compromise Article on this map

And please check out this Immigration Explorer on how immigration has impacted the US since 1880.

The bottom line is this: America is in serious trouble, and can be saved by her people, NOT HER GOVERNMENT, if Americans would just wake up, and see they are needed right now.

Let me tell ya, if militants like La Raza, or Islamists get ahold of this country, they will destroy it just like they destroyed their own lands! Why else have the need to go elsewhere? Seriously, why do Mexicans not work as hard fixing their own country as they work on destroying this one? Trust me, La Raza is not motivated by a love for their race, they are haters, and destroyers of all things good. If they truly loved Mexico, and Mexican culture as they screech, they would work to save their OWN country from the corruption that has permeated its government! It was their lack of love, and desire to BE LAZY that caused the corruption, JUST LIKE HERE IN AMERICA!

There is a time for peace, and a time for war, and this is definitely a time for war, La Raza thinks so, and Americans need to think so, too!

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Conspiracy; Education; Government
KEYWORDS: azazatlan; illegalaliens; immigration; invasion; laraza; reconquista; soniasotomayor; supremecourt

1 posted on 06/01/2009 9:09:36 AM PDT by Psion
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To: Psion; gubamyster; Jennikins; Liz; All

Not a lot can be done about these non profits who support the likes of LaRaza, but we can have some influence over business that does UPS. Also, AARP is a big contributor as was (and probably still is with our bailout!) Fannie Mae.
We truly are financing our own demise.

Be sure to catch the part about ‘“This grant is a natural extension of UPS’ commitment to serving the communities where our employees live and work,” ......

What? Are their employees Illegal aliens? Those of us paying for their services sure aren’t!

United Parcel Service Inc. gave $750,000 to Hispanic civil rights group National Council of La Raza (NCLR) to help that organization develop programs and services for Latino communities.

The grant will go to NCLR’s Campaign for Stronger American Communities to provide direct services or advocacy for millions of Latinos in education, health, home ownership and workforce development.

Atlanta-based UPS (NYSE: UPS) has worked with NCLR since 1982 and is the 2009 Title Sponsor of Latino Expo USA, which will be held at the NCLR 2009 Annual Conference, July 25–27 in Chicago.

“This grant is a natural extension of UPS’ commitment to serving the communities where our employees live and work,” said Ken Sternad, president of The UPS Foundation, in a news release. “We have seen over the years NCLR’s shared commitment to those communities, and we are delighted to help ensure that their important work continues.”

2 posted on 06/01/2009 9:22:54 AM PDT by AuntB (The right to vote in America: Blacks 1870; Women 1920; Native Americans 1925; Foreigners 2008)
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To: Psion

but-but-but isn’t “La Raza” supposed to be the GOOD guys?

Not at all like those nasty old MEChA or MS-13 thugs.

La Raza just has better table manners. Everything else, they are pretty much in lockstep.

Sieg Heil!

3 posted on 06/01/2009 9:24:29 AM PDT by alloysteel (President Obama - "You ain't seen nothin' yet!" Still poised to amaze and impress us all.)
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To: Psion

for later

4 posted on 06/01/2009 9:24:30 AM PDT by ElayneJ
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To: Psion

While I have no doubt this woman isn’t qualified to be on a Bench, let alone SCOTUS, I have not yet heard/seen any evidence proving that she is a member of La Raza.

5 posted on 06/01/2009 9:25:20 AM PDT by theDentist (qwerty ergo typo : i type, therefore i misspelll)
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To: Psion

Soros that scum - he is an admitted Nazi accomplice - he has stated on TV he has no remorse for rounding up Jews and robbing their pocessions.

They should be trying this man in Germany and not Demjanjuk who was already been found innocent.

6 posted on 06/01/2009 9:27:23 AM PDT by blackminorca
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To: Psion
Never mind! I found a link supporting the claim.

Near the bvottom: "n addition to her work on the bench, Judge Sotomayor is an adjunct professor at New York University School of Law and a lecturer-in-law at Columbia Law School. She is a member of the American Bar Association, the New York Women’s Bar Association, the Puerto Rican Bar Association, the Hispanic National Bar Association, the Association of Judges of Hispanic Heritage, and the National Council of La Raza. She has received many honors including, most recently, an award from the National Association of Women Lawyers. "

7 posted on 06/01/2009 9:30:08 AM PDT by theDentist (qwerty ergo typo : i type, therefore i misspelll)
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To: theDentist

She was also a member of the radical latino group that helped to derail the Estrada nomination. How’s that for irony?

[snip]Not only did Sonia Sotomayor not weep over Estrada’s story, but she was a member of a radical Hispanic group that sought to kill his nomination.....PRLDEF

8 posted on 06/01/2009 9:38:40 AM PDT by AuntB (The right to vote in America: Blacks 1870; Women 1920; Native Americans 1925; Foreigners 2008)
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To: AuntB

The original article had very interesting photos of the MeCHa-La Raza-Aztlan founders with Arafat in Lebanon.,(”America’s Palestinians”?)

9 posted on 06/01/2009 9:39:32 AM PDT by Psion ("He who dares not offend cannot be honest." Thomas Paine)
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To: Psion

“The original article had very interesting photos of the MeCHa-La Raza-Aztlan founders with Arafat in Lebanon.,(”America’s Palestinians”?)”

If you go back and look at the photos of the big marches by illegal aliens supporters a few years ago, right there with them were the Palestinian supporters and of course ACORN.

10 posted on 06/01/2009 9:41:44 AM PDT by AuntB (The right to vote in America: Blacks 1870; Women 1920; Native Americans 1925; Foreigners 2008)
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To: Psion

They are one of Americas new KKK.

11 posted on 06/01/2009 9:42:43 AM PDT by freekitty (Give me back my conservative vote.)
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To: AuntB

UPS and AARP supporting LaRaza financially truly is an act of treason! I heard this morning that the Chinese will be getting the contract for building Hummers for our military. All this while our car companies sit idle, and our people remain unemployed. Mexico gets all the jobs now, even toothpaste by Colgate, and chocolate companies, as well as appliances, and other manufacturers. Our country is deliberately being destroyed.

12 posted on 06/02/2009 11:43:18 AM PDT by Jennikins (It matters not what we want, as we are being ruled, not governed.)
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To: AuntB

UPS and AARP supporting LaRaza financially truly is an act of treason! I heard this morning that the Chinese will be getting the contract for building Hummers for our military. All this while our car companies sit idle, and our people remain unemployed. Mexico gets all the jobs now, even toothpaste by Colgate, and chocolate companies, as well as appliances, and other manufacturers. Our country is deliberately being destroyed.

13 posted on 06/02/2009 11:47:52 AM PDT by Jennikins (It matters not what we want, as we are being ruled, not governed.)
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To: Jennikins

Agreed! (great cartoon)

14 posted on 06/02/2009 12:29:01 PM PDT by AuntB (The right to vote in America: Blacks 1870; Women 1920; Native Americans 1925; Foreigners 2008)
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