Not a lot can be done about these non profits who support the likes of LaRaza, but we can have some influence over business that does UPS. Also, AARP is a big contributor as was (and probably still is with our bailout!) Fannie Mae.
We truly are financing our own demise.
Be sure to catch the part about This grant is a natural extension of UPS commitment to serving the communities where our employees live and work, ......
What? Are their employees Illegal aliens? Those of us paying for their services sure arent!
United Parcel Service Inc. gave $750,000 to Hispanic civil rights group National Council of La Raza (NCLR) to help that organization develop programs and services for Latino communities.
The grant will go to NCLRs Campaign for Stronger American Communities to provide direct services or advocacy for millions of Latinos in education, health, home ownership and workforce development.
Atlanta-based UPS (NYSE: UPS) has worked with NCLR since 1982 and is the 2009 Title Sponsor of Latino Expo USA, which will be held at the NCLR 2009 Annual Conference, July 2527 in Chicago.
This grant is a natural extension of UPS commitment to serving the communities where our employees live and work, said Ken Sternad, president of The UPS Foundation, in a news release. We have seen over the years NCLRs shared commitment to those communities, and we are delighted to help ensure that their important work continues.
but-but-but isn’t “La Raza” supposed to be the GOOD guys?
Not at all like those nasty old MEChA or MS-13 thugs.
La Raza just has better table manners. Everything else, they are pretty much in lockstep.
Sieg Heil!
for later
While I have no doubt this woman isn’t qualified to be on a Bench, let alone SCOTUS, I have not yet heard/seen any evidence proving that she is a member of La Raza.
Soros that scum - he is an admitted Nazi accomplice - he has stated on TV he has no remorse for rounding up Jews and robbing their pocessions.
They should be trying this man in Germany and not Demjanjuk who was already been found innocent.
Near the bvottom: "n addition to her work on the bench, Judge Sotomayor is an adjunct professor at New York University School of Law and a lecturer-in-law at Columbia Law School. She is a member of the American Bar Association, the New York Womens Bar Association, the Puerto Rican Bar Association, the Hispanic National Bar Association, the Association of Judges of Hispanic Heritage, and the National Council of La Raza. She has received many honors including, most recently, an award from the National Association of Women Lawyers. "
They are one of Americas new KKK.