Posted on 04/29/2009 11:41:29 AM PDT by Shellybenoit
Esam Omeish is trying to get the Democratic Party nomination to represent the 35th district in the Virginia state legislature. Omeish, has a unique background, the President of the Muslim American Society (MAS) he serves as a leader of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in the United States:
In May 2005, Daveed Gartenstein-Ross reported in The Weekly Standard that MAS is a U.S. front group for the Muslim Brotherhood -- a claim supported by a September 19, 2004 Chicago Tribune story -- and, as such, wishes to see the United States governed by sharia, or Islamic law. "The message that all countries should be ruled by Islamic law," writes Gartenstein-Ross, "is echoed throughout MAS's membership curriculum. For example, MAS requires all its adjunct members to read Fathi Yakun's book To Be a Muslim. In that volume, Yakun spells out his expansive agenda: 'Until the nations of the world have functionally Islamic governments, every individual who is careless or lazy in working for Islam is sinful.'"
MAS's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood were confirmed on August 14, 2007, as The Investigative Project on Terrorism reported:
"As the terror-support trial of the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) continued today, FBI agent Lara Burns testified that a phonebook found at the home of Ismail Elbarrasse -- un-indicted co-conspirator and former assistant to HAMAS leader Musa Abu Marzook -- listed the names and numbers of the Muslim Brotherhood leadership in the United States. On the first page of the phonebook under the title 'Members of the Board of Directors' were fifteen names. Among those names are Ahmad Elkadi, Jamal Badawi, and Omar Soubani: the founding incorporators of the Muslim American Society (MAS)." Source
Esam Omeish has spoken publicly congratulating his Palestinian brothers for waging Jihad against the Zionist entity:
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The Democrats will just go wild embracing him. He’s their kind of boy.
Rodents love terrorists.
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