I know I repeat myself, but I still maintain the most dangerous ethnic group on earth ever is the white liberal.(Used to really tick off my liberal friends in the 60’s!!!-eventually I learned to not even try to be friends to them - they were ALL users of anyone they could)
I wish someone would ask these misinformed loud mouths at what point would they allow criticism of Obama and they won’t consider it ‘racist’! Really....WHAT could this leader do that they would even understand as wrong? Murder? Rape? Theft? What? Fact is no issue will be discussed with their ‘approval’. What has them ticked off is the fact that we have a voice at all. They have the media, the white house, the senate, house of reps, the entire bureaucracy.....and now they want what little we have left....PEACEFUL assembly. We are not the first ‘group’ in this nation to be persecuted, and we won’t be the last. It’s not about race, it’s about power. And the ‘power’ is WAY out of balance. History does indeed repeat itself.
These liberal traitors have pushed their race baiting so far that they elected a man based only on color. My fear is after they get done with us, many will be so soured on Obama that no good black American will ever be elected.
Our local TV had the Tea Party coverage with one white liberal just bugging out! He said ‘The blue eyes’ are just all mad ‘cause we have a black president....blah, blah.
So is that the requirement for the next persecution...BLUE eyes? So in my family I’d go off to the gulag, but not my brown eyed child or brown eyed mother?
This is MASS insanity!
Mass insanity indeed. There is a group psychosis going on. Just like under Clinton, this group doesn’t think Obama can do any wrong.
They are totally disconnected from reality.
The one thing I like about this forum, is that if someone gets ‘out there’ our own will call them on it. At the leftist sites, it’s one big happy family of loons.