Posted on 10/02/2008 8:42:49 PM PDT by Federalist Patriot
Here is video of Bill O'Reilly tonight in an epic battle with Democrat Barney Frank on The O'Reilly Factor. O'Reilly nailed Frank on his role in the failure of mortgage lending entities Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. . . .(Watch Video)
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I’ve got to give it to BOR. He stuck a finger in Bahnee Fwanks’ eye! Good job Bill. That was the first “shootout” that was ACTUALLY a “shootout!” O’Reilly was on fire!
marking in case it doesn’t replay tonight
BO is a loudmouth, badgering bloviator! I am no fan of Barnie Frank, but Bill made himself look like an idiot!
BF accused BO of stupidity.
HOORAY Bill O’Reilly!
HOORAY Bill O’Reilly!
HOORAY Bill O’Reilly!
Thank you, sir!
Thanks very much for posting Federalist Patriot.
HOORAY Bill O’Reilly!
I think Orielly was trying to make the guy have a heart attack...LOL
Im surprised this Fat fck hasn’t had a heart attack yet....
Frank was against reforming Fannie and Freddie. It’s on the record. Of course he would deny it now. He’s a liar.
After Bill stated that people lost money on the financial advice of BF, when in the very clip that started the segment BF said “their not the best investment these days”, I turned it off. BO got louder and more obnoxiuous, then backpeddeled. Ina addition, BF has a point, in that he only had control of the House Finance Committee since Jan 2007. Where were the Rinos for the previous 6 years? Spending money like drunk sailors, thats where. This is CONGRESS’ fault, not just the Dumbos!
“you presided over the biggest failure in history and want to blame everyone but yourself”
Oh, and I agree that the Dumbo’s on the payroll of FM & FM, were opposed to any sort of oversight reform of the GSE’s, but I did not hear much about our dear POTUS doing much about it, either.
I’m not that wild about O’Rielly, I don’t believe his questions during interviews are well thought through or enlightened.
That stated, if his objective was to get Bwaney Fwank to admit blame or some responsibility, he actually did a fairly good job of making Bwaney look stupid and incapable of admitting his errors when confronted with the truth.
Bwaney is a reprehensible human being and should be in prison....solitary of course, he’d like the group showers to much.....
Amaxing how all of the defaulted loans were only made in the last year and a half! This trainwreck has been a long time coming!
Well I am mixed about it. On one hand it’s nice to see Barney getting chewed on this. He deserves a lot, lot worse.
However, Bill could have ripped into him without losing his cool. He could have even been a little angry without going as far, it doesn’t help your case when you blow up and look like you’re not letting the other guy answer.
One thing for certain, I am not losing any sleep tonite over how Fudgie Frank was treated. He should be tarred and feathered and run out of DC on a rail.
It was long overdue - O’Reilly has expressed fury, has probably lost a fortune and the idiot who has caused so much of it, even if you want to say he wasn’t alone... fine,...but for that same idiot to say he has no responsiblity and blames republicans deserved the all the wrath he got ....and your takeaway is BO looked like an idiot? He looks like the conduit of America who is flippin’ mad and channeled all their anger through BO
Yep, and that's not where he likes fingers stuck...
OMG!!!... LoL!!... gee Bill.. why don’t you tell us what you really think???
Frank had that coming to him...
That smug look on his face as he was reading his paper got properly smacked right off his face.
I enjoyed that tremendously!
You are right and all kinds of documentation shows Franks up to his eyeballs pushing the free and easy loans since early 2000s...he has pushed as a leader on the Fannie/mac bad-credit loans since the start of the not alone in it but surely he should take SOME blame/responsibility considering he was out in front with the flag leading the charge
and theres' the money trail that nobody seems to want to answer to...
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