Posted on 05/25/2008 2:07:55 PM PDT by John Semmens
Senator Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) urged rival Senator Barack Obama (D-Ill.) to not count his chickens before theyre hatched. Explaining her decision to continue her campaign until a nominee is selected, Clinton pointed out that you know, a lot of things can happen between now and November. Sometimes candidates get shot and have to drop out, like George Wallace did in 1972. Even worse, they could be killed like Bobby Kennedy was in June of 1968, ironically, while he was in the lead for the nomination.
You know, both Bobby and his brother Jack were shot in the head, Clinton continued. So, even if Senator Obama is wearing a bullet-proof vest, hes still at risk. So, I need to be ready to step in if such a tragic event occurs. The best way for me to stay ready is to continue my campaign. America will be grateful that I did should such an unthinkable thing happen to Senator Obama.
Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton called Clintons remarks ominous and completely inappropriate. We will not be intimidated by Senator Clintons thinly-veiled threats, Burton proclaimed. We will say, though, that these remarks provide further support for the Senators deterimination to limit access to guns by persons who are demonstrably unstable or mentally unbalanced.
Senator Clinton denied making any threat, thinly-veiled or otherwise. She went on to characterize her remarks as hypothetical, and just a bit of friendly advice. She did, however, apologize to the Kennedy family for dredging up painful memories, but added that if we dont learn from history we will be doomed to repeat it.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Premeditated? I may have used the wrong word?
Yes, she’s told us three times now.
John you are the english major. Keep it up, I gotta send this to my Army buddies.,
Semi-satire but really........
Obviously not, to her.
Oh. I thought I missed part of her comments.
Hillary Clinton reminded Barrack Husein Obama of the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy as she makes her pitch for the VP slot! Hillary Clinton may be selected as the Democrat Vice Presidential candidate whose first assignment is to protect Democrat Presidential candidate Obamas Back. A Clinton protecting your back make some feel vulnerable.
Yeah, its satire, but my buddies don’t know it. Every time I send one of John’s reports to them a couple of them send it out as real news.
It’s still in the sidebar in “Breaking News”
Works for me. :)
Disregard my post #13. I misread yours.
“I just wanted to remind everybody that stuff happens.” said Hillary Clinton. “There are no guarantees in life and I think it’s best that we remain ready, ya know, just in case.”
I know it wasn't put out by us - because the MSM NEVER carries water for us... and because it's soooooo Clintonian. Isn't that a hint about how her mind works?
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