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DUmmie FUnnies 07-18-06 ("mission statement- talented and gifted individuals group")
DUmmie FUnnies ^
| July 18, 2006
| DUmmies and PJ-Comix
Posted on 07/18/2006 6:31:06 AM PDT by PJ-Comix
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To: PJ-Comix
Even their mission statement shows what DUmmies they are. Mission statements are suppose to be short & concise, so they can be remembered. Not paragraphs of whinny reasons "we are a group."
posted on
07/18/2006 6:58:29 AM PDT
("History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or timid." -Dwight D. Eisenhower)
To: PJ-Comix
"You must be a "norm." "
LOL! These people are something else.
To: PJ-Comix
It's OK Brain, if you can't swell my head up like yours maybe you can start a group for other bigheads like yourself.
posted on
07/18/2006 7:01:06 AM PDT
(I'm trying to think but nothing happens)
To: PJ-Comix
Leave it to the "open-minded liberals" to find new ways to be bigoted and superior.
"Some pigs are more equal than others."
posted on
07/18/2006 7:02:00 AM PDT
(HILLARY: Not all perversions are sexual.)
To: Gay State Conservative
Howard Dean was certainly gifted.His mommy and daddy gave him a great big trust fund so that he need never worry. ...and continue to send him 6 figure gifts.
To: PJ-Comix
this group is a safe place for talented and gifted people to let our brains hang out DUmmies don't just let their brains hang out -- they let them fall out the holes in their heads.
posted on
07/18/2006 7:05:08 AM PDT
("Creation Science" is to the religous right what "Global Warming" is to the socialist left.)
To: PJ-Comix
"Maybe I should start a Freeper group for Handy Pack wearers"
Call it Fannypack Awareness Group. Yeah... That's the ticket...
posted on
07/18/2006 7:05:30 AM PDT
(Willing to fight for oil)
To: steve-b
"DUmmies don't just let their brains hang out -- they let them fall out the holes in their heads."
I was thinking of a different hole.
posted on
07/18/2006 7:06:19 AM PDT
(Willing to fight for oil)
To: franksolich
Abolishing capital letters, making all equal, fits in really good with DUmmie philosophy (a philosophy which they never practice, though; elitism and differentiation is stronger among the DUmmies than most other sociological groups, large and small) of egalitarianism. I have always been under the impression that Nettiquette says using all lower case words (or to turn your phrase, "nagalising") indicated contempt for the subject or person at hand. I never capitalize the words islam, muslim, muhammed, quran etc. to show my contempt for them.
But I go back to BITNET and USENET so maybe things have changed.
posted on
07/18/2006 7:09:12 AM PDT
(A Conservative will die for individual freedom. A Liberal will kill you for the good of society.)
To: Poser
Meanwhile there are lots of guys with earrings on their ears. Not practical and definitely gay. Handy Packs are PRACTICAL. Plus the Scots have have been wearing them for centuries.
posted on
07/18/2006 7:09:37 AM PDT
(Join the DUmmie FUnnies PING List for the FUNNIEST Blog on the Web)
To: PJ-Comix
My mother is a retired school teacher. She said that the only requirement for being in the "gifted" program was parental desire. IOW, if a parent said their child was "gifted" then the child was placed in the "gifted" program.
This is public school, of course.
posted on
07/18/2006 7:10:39 AM PDT
(What the...?!)
To: freedumb2003
But I go back to BITNET and USENET so maybe things have changed. What's with the USENET? About 10 years ago it was the place to be but lately it isn't nearly as important.
posted on
07/18/2006 7:10:47 AM PDT
(Join the DUmmie FUnnies PING List for the FUNNIEST Blog on the Web)
To: freedumb2003
Is this "normal?" I had a pretty crappy time of it in school -- I as the little guy that they all beat up on. But except when it is pointed out, specific events in my child life have zero direct influence on my life. I barely even remember people from then, much less events.
I was a natural target due to my interest in science and history over sports etc. However, the years passed and everybody grew up, the bullies and nerds found common ground. These days, some of my former bullies are good friends. It's called adulthood and it's an equalizer.
posted on
07/18/2006 7:11:08 AM PDT
(I'm trying to think but nothing happens)
To: PJ-Comix
Maybe I should start a Freeper group for Handy Pack wearers where we could meet and share war stories about being mocked for being PRACTICAL. Ahhh the fanny pak wars again.
Love ya PJ, but I reserve the right to mock you.
posted on
07/18/2006 7:12:45 AM PDT
To: PJ-Comix
you know, if I stick a harmonica in my ass crack, I can play Yankee Doodle (pre-performance bean dinner required). Am I gifted enough yet?Being a DUmmy, I'll bet he'd forget to remove the gerbil first
posted on
07/18/2006 7:13:34 AM PDT
Horatio Gates
(GBU-10 and GBU-38...two tickets to paradise)
To: PJ-Comix
This was in a letter a DUmmie proudly posted asking their kid not be placed in a gifted program:
We have not regretted our decision. Mary graduated near the top of her high school class and will soon be a senior in college at a state university
No offense to State University graduates here, but let's face facts -- the bar isn't that high for most State Universities. Had she said Harvard or Yale or Pepperdine, THAT would have meant something. This just means the kid is average (which is OK, but undermines the point of the letter).
The author goes on to point out their daughters are "progressive," which means they are racist, elitist self-important (and probably ugly) pigs.
It is a pretty funny letter. Link is here
posted on
07/18/2006 7:15:06 AM PDT
(A Conservative will die for individual freedom. A Liberal will kill you for the good of society.)
To: freedumb2003
"I barely even remember people from then, much less events. "
I was looking at my senior book a few years ago and I was shocked to realize that I didn't have the vaguest memories of doing some of these things my friends wrote about. It sure sounded like we had a blast. I just don't remember it. (I didn't drink or do drugs, so I don't have that as an excuse.)
To: PJ-Comix
"Handy Packs are PRACTICAL."
By that logic, a larger backpack would be more practical.
In any case, it's not the fanny pack that is un-manly. It's how you wear it. As long as you wear it in the back it's OK. If you wear it in the front, it is ga^H^H not manly.
posted on
07/18/2006 7:16:44 AM PDT
(Willing to fight for oil)
To: PJ-Comix
I wear a square waist pack that looks nothing like a "fanny pack."
When I am running around in shorts and a T-shirt it is invaluable. I keep my wallet, camera and phone in there and don't worry about them.
If nothing else, use the term "waist pack" -- it will help your cause ;)
posted on
07/18/2006 7:17:03 AM PDT
(A Conservative will die for individual freedom. A Liberal will kill you for the good of society.)
To: PJ-Comix
Do you remember that article a few months ago "How to Spot a Baby Conservative?" The conclusion of the study was that outgoing, confident children became liberals and whiny, introverted children became conservatives.
After looking at the whole whiny Dummie thread and reading about their miserable, lonely, introverted childhoods as outcasts, I realized why they are so still so miserable as adults! They are living in denial that they are actually CONSERVATIVES!
Come on out of the closet, little Dummies. It's okay to be a conservative. We won't hold it against you.
posted on
07/18/2006 7:17:03 AM PDT
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