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DUmmie FUnnies 06-18-06 ("Rove Begins Blog Takeover")
DUmmie FUnnies ^ | June 18, 2006 | Detroit Mark, KOmmies, and PJ-Comix

Posted on 06/18/2006 1:59:49 PM PDT by PJ-Comix

Take a look at Ug the Caveman above on the computer. That is actually the image many KOmmies have of conservatives on the Internet. According to the LATEST hype, conservatives are uncomfortable using the science of the Internet in general and the Blogs in particular. As a result, it is the "progressives" that are taking the lead in the Blogosphere. Of course, REALITY tells a much different story when you actually LOOK at what are the leading Blogs: HOT AIR, MICHELLE MALKIN, little green footballs, Instapundit.COM, and many, many more such CONSERVATIVE Blogs. And technically speaking The Daily Kos isn't even a Blog. It is a Web FORUM and the FREE REPUBLIC, was already there first with vastly more influence. And I cite a "progressive" expert on just how influential conservative Blogs and Forums are: Mary Mapes. Here is what Ms Mapes herself has to SAY on the CONSERVATIVE Blogs that brought down both Dan Rather and Herself at See-BS when their fake document scam was uncovered:

Within a few minutes, I was online visiting Web sites I had never heard of before: Free Republic, Little Green Footballs, Power Line. They were hard-core, politically angry, hyperconservative sites loaded with vitriol about Dan Rather and CBS. Our work was being compared to that of Jayson Blair, the discredited New York Times reporter who had fabricated and plagiarized stories.

All these Web sites had extensive write-ups on the documents: on typeface, font style, and peripheral spacing, material that seemed to spring up overnight. It was phenomenal. It had taken our analysts hours of careful work to make comparisons. It seemed that these analysts or commentators---or whatever they were---were coming up with long treatises in minutes. They were all linking to one another, creating an echo chamber of outraged agreement.

Not only did the CONSERVATIVE Blogosphere (and the Free Republic Forum) bring down Mary and Danny, but they may well have kept Mrs. Heinz's Toyboy from being elected when the fake documents were exposed. Strange but I have YET to hear of anything even remotely influential being originated in the "progressive blogosphere." However, that won't keep the KOmmies from swallowing their own hype and patting themselves on the back for having some sort of influence that exists only in the minds of MSM hype writers. The latest self-delusion comes in this KOmmie THREAD titled, "Rove Begins Blog Takeover." The hilarious premise of the KOmmie author, Detroit Mark, is that Karl Rove is so threatened by the "progressive" Blogosphere that he is going to take over the entire Blogosphere in some sort of Rovian power play. So let us now watch the KOmmies perform a hype swallowing act in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, giving a shout out to Ug the rightwing caveman blogger, is in the [brackets]:

Rove Begins Blog Takeover

[A simple task for the ALL-POWERFUL Rove.]

Well, we knew this wouldn't take long. Karl Rove saw the blogosphere taking on a decidedly progressive bend. And when the beast sees a threat, it eats it. That's what he's now attempting to do. So suggests an article appearing in Friday's Raw Story. This may be an excellent prototype exercise for progressives to finally cut their teeth on to How The Left Slays The Beast.

[Raw Story: A source as credible as TruthOut.]

We know his formula. It's not like he's creative enough to come up with something new. What he does is what the religious right has done for millennia: Wait for something new to come along that offends ... and absorb it. As pagen holidays became christian ones ... as the Pledge of Allegience became a "prayer" ... so does Rove intend to simply assimilate the Blogosphere out of existence. Let's examine the wording.

[Wasn't this already a movie: "Godzilla Swallows The Blogosphere."]

"I do also think that the Internet has proven to be a more powerful tool on our side than it has been for the other side,"

[And Mary Mapes AGREES with Rove.]

Ok, of course that's horseshit. The right has scarcely even begun to exploit the internet as progressives have. They've been so mesmerized by the success of a fast-fading AM Radio, that they let the technology of the Blog slip right by them. They were banking on us becoming a laughing stock and falling on our asses.

[Ug the rightwing caveman not understand high technology. Ug just want to toss meat in fire then eat with hands. Watch Ug eat burnt meat. Watch gobs of grease run down Ug's face onto hairy arms and chest. Watch Ug watch Blog tech slip away. Ug wanna cry.]

But the unprecedented success of Yearly Kos was like a cold slap in Rove's razor-burned face by a hand soaked in alcohol. All you have to do to prove that out is count how many times Oxy-Clean Limbaugh, and White Hood Hannity have moaned about what a failure it was. He knew he had to act, and act fast to stem the tidal wave of Progressive Popularity.

[Quick Rove! Stamp out the "progressive" blogosphere! The Stratosphere Chocolate Fountain at the Yearly Kos was such a success that it MUST be stamped out!]

So he simply makes the utterly false assertion that the right has been here all along. Just that statement alone will be ... I say again ... will be accepted as fact.

[Stand by to see what Rovian statement has all the KOmmies up in arms.]

"It has proven to be a tool on our side to sort of unite Conservatives and have a healthy intra-movement dialogue," Rove explained. "But it's essentially been something that has helped us gain in influence and broaden our appeal."

"Among Democrats, my sense is that the blog world has tended to strengthen the far Left of the Democratic Party at the expense of liberal, but somewhat less liberal, members of their party,"

[GASP!!! The OUTRAGE!!! How DARE he state the obvious! I say Karl Rove MUST be indicted for REAL!]

He has created the false impression that not only has the fringe right "used the power of the internet for good," but that Progressives simply use it as a place to lance boils, and plot church burnings.

[Great job there of putting words in Rove's mouth that he did NOT speak. However, what he ACTUALLY SAID is TRUE. The Blog World does give voice to the LOONY LEFT at the expense of any rational thinking.]

It's not only laughable because the only dangerously hateful group is the one Rove represents. But also because he creates within that statement the illusion that being "angry" about illegal wars, and illegal spying, and illegal money laundering, and illegal fund raising, and illegally expanding presidential power to create a kind of aristocracy not seen since the word 'aristocracy' was first uttered ... is somehow a bad character trait.

[Being insanely blind with rage is a GOOD character trait...according to the KOmmies.]

And all he does is ... say it.

["So let IT be said, so let IT be done," said the Pharoah guy to Big Mo.]

Why has it always worked for the Beast? Because no one has ever said anything back. No, what we do on the left is wait until we see the public buying this horseshit and all we can manage to drool off our lips is a meager, "Unh uh! That's a lie!"

[We must REACT 24/7 the INSTANT Rove says anything. Let us become even MORE obsessive over Karl Rove.]

The antidote to this rovian technique seems obvious to me: An equal and opposite force! Rove knows that perception eventually becomes the collective reality.

["Perception becomes the collective reality." Can I laminate that and place it in my wallet?]

Who will say it? Who will gain the attention of a national network television camera and say ... proudly, and loudly:


"Well the reason the internet has worked so well for us Progressives is because we pioneered the use of it. And we are able to use it in a constructive and creative way to expand our base, and exchange ideas. The problem for the right is that they're still kind of diddling with scratchy old AM radio, which is unfortunately kind of like comparing an Ipod with an 8-track tape."

[Oh yeah. I forgot all about how Al Gore invented the Internet.]

Yes. It's a talking point. Just as what the beast has uttered is a talking point. The difference is that mine is so chock full of truth it would make the Beast's butthole pucker like a toddler that was just spoonfed a half bottle of concentrated ReaLemon and alum powder. Which is precisely how you will know his nut has been cracked. His code has been broken. His jig is up. And we do it every time. When he lies ... state the exact opposite. If he says it twice ... we say it three times. Sure, it's machievillian. Unfortunately it's what this dog-and-pony show, the Bush Crime Family, has successfully trained more than just a few to respond to.

[Coming soon to your local movie theater: "Excorcist V: Mark of the Rovian Beast," starring the brave Detroit Mark as the KOmmie Excorcist who finally figured out the formula to rid us of the Demon Rove that has possessed out national soul.]

I guarantee that when the day comes that two or three of our best orators start attacking him at his own game, it will be like reading the directions for a David Blane illusion, and the whole world will groan out a collective, disinterested, "Oooohhhh, is that all there was to this asshole? And we were actually buying that 'political genius' crap!!"

[Not too long ago the entire "progressive" blogosphere was actually buying the Jason Leopold crap...much to our AMUSEMENT.]

At any rate ... it's time to stop being "baffled" by his bullshit spin techniques, and just start using his own medicine to smack him right in his fat, smug face.

[Oooooh!!! How BRAVE you are, Detroit Mark! You are the BRAVEST of the Keyboard KOmmandos in the land. Now go to your basement door. Mommy is about to shove your pizza dinner thru the food slot.]

To metaphorically coin a phrase of Alice in Wonderland's Queen of Hearts ... "Off with his head!!!"

[Or ACTUALLY quoting the late (thanx to Bush & Co.) Al-Zarqawi. And now to read the rants of Detroit Mark's equally delusional KOmmies...]

The Democratic blogosphere isn't powerful because of perception. It's powerful because of organization and information exchange. Karl can't change that by making slanderous claims.

[SUE Rove for saying that the Blogosphere allows the "progressives" to show themselves as the loons they are!]

Based on Rove's comments, I truly think he doesn't get the danger the Democratic blogosphere poses to his movement's dominance.

[You mean the KOmmies are going to blindside the ALL-POWERFUL Rove?]

The tact is... when he goes on the attack ... we counter attack ... immediately. When he says "we do a better job at the blogs" on two interviews, we say "the republicans have failed to speak to the people and listen to what they have to say, whereas the Progressives have made such great strides because we blog and we listen, and we talk" on FIVE interviews. He farts ... we spray a whole bottle of Febreeze.

[He spits... we make a giant doodie in our pants.]

attack first ... Attack first with the nastiest, meanest, most truthful and hurtful truths about the Republicans. Start with the epedemic of obesity. These folks have many deep pyschological and moral and ethical problems. I think it is higly significant and symbolic that for the first time in America's history, the children of the next generation will have a life expectancy less than their mothers and fathers. This is due to the epedemic of obesity. Isn't that what this sickness, this epidemic of Republicanism is all about, overindulgence and greed? Sick, dysfunctional, greedy and taking us all to hell with them. Write diaries about the "truth" of this perception, get media attention on this issue. Make it simple and easy to see. Obesity and sickness=Republicans

[Until recently, Democrats were attacking Republicans for starving the cheeeeeldrun. Now they are slamming the Republicans for causing kids to eat too much. Get your delusional attacks in synch.]

Of course, Randi Rhodes and Janeane Garofalo (sorry if I butchered the spelling) have been doing a fantastic job saying "KKKarl isn't a genius. He's a CHEAT! A genius is someone who can 'win' while playing within the rules. KKKarl just cheats and bullies his way to a win. There's nothing genius about that." I like to hear it when they say it. And I think it should be said over and over and over and over again.

[Randi Rhodes and Janeane Garofalo: two of the more prominent members of the sanity challenged community.]

Look, isn't it about time we revoked Karl's boogeyman credentials? He's nothing. He, along with the entire gop are fast becoming an irrelevancy.

[Strange how your fellow KOmmies are completely OBSESSED by these "irrelevancies."]

The left blogosphere is the crack in the sky that the Fascist need to repair. The truth is leaking out of this crack and as we all know totalitarians HATE the truth. Karl Rove now vindicated by the phony investigation into HIS leaking Valerie Plame's name to the world has returned to smash anyone who dares speak truth to power ( BU$HCO .) We live in one of the scariest times in American history right now and these sites are in the bullseye along with every last one of us. These sites are to be priced under just like any candidates that they don't like. Speech isn't free in America it costs big bucks. Karl and Corp mafia are intent on smashing the Internet and turning it into just another strictly policed shopping mall for the BIG Int'l Corps. You come here to shop and leave. Oh or visit the right wing blogosphere sponsered by GE, or The American Enterprise Institute or Microsoft etc. Left wing blogs need not apply as any speech they don't like will be punished. In other words the Internet as Bu$hCo campaign rally. Get ready for it folks it's coming soon. We'll all say our good-byes and then be scattered and invisible. See we now live in the "OWNERSHIP SOCIETY" where they ( the repukes et al.) own everything including (sic) freedom.

[The left blogosphere is more like a crack in a pimpled butt and something more brown colored is leaking out of that crack.]

One thing is clear. Rove is in charge. When Rove starts attacking to blogs as part of his "talking points," the whole republican noise machine is going to follow suit. We'll hear it on Rush, O'Reilly, Hannity (hell, all of Fox News), the SInclair owned local TV stations, the National Review and other right wing mags, etc, etc.

[So far the only attack on the blogs is coming from the Left. Just ask Mary Mapes and Dan Rather their opinions of blogs.]

The big problem with the rightwing having blogs is that blogs are a free flow of information and ideas. The Republicans cannot afford that if they want to keep people ignorant and subservient. They need to control the message strictly and precisely. Apparently there was a GOP blog that was sponsored by the party but they had to take it down because posters kept deviating from the talking points. They would need an army of mindless bloggers that blew smoke up each other's ass all day, and that would never stand with anyone of character or substance. You can't even disagree on their end without being attacked personally. There is no exchange of ideas, just rhetoric and Rovian spin. And so, I think the wingnuts are doomed to fail in the blogosphere.

[I was only able to commence with this edition of the DUmmie FUnnies AFTER my GOP talking points were delivered by special messenger.]

Angry as hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore.

[Please proceed with the Primal Scream.]

Great point! We should find a word to describe the right wing "blogs."

[It sounds like you downed a few too many scotches at Mark Warner's Stratosphere.]

That is the KEY!!!! Their mindless followers can't stay on point. Their message is so full of lies and contradictions that people must be well schooled in the double-speak and therefore it is a virual impossiblity that their crazy ideas can survive in an open forum discusion. Left to their own devices most people will come to pretty practical conclusions - practical, reality-based - all that stuff is big time danger zone for the GOP of the Early 21st Century.

[They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with... geometric logic... that a duplicate KEY to the wardroom icebox DID exist...]

So, how to stop him? If he wants to silence us, how do we stop him?

[Only by casting the Rovian Ring of Power into the volcanic flames of Mt. Doom, my little KObbit.]

There is nothing they can throw at us that can't be overcome with a shitty attitude.

[And you KOmmies are doing a great job of attaining that attitude.]

The GOP has been able to create an impression that the blogs on the right are legit while the ones on the left are a bunch of kooks.

[My own technical method for making the "blogs" (actually forums) on the left look like a bunch of kooks is called "copy & paste" such as what I am doing with YOU.]

Rove remains dangerous and not because he's brilliant, but because, as someone else said, he's without a conscience. He's a sociopath, quite literally, a little Nazi. I don't think I'm engaging in hyperbole. Karl Rove is to Bu$h as Joseph Goebbels was to Hitler. He's a master propagandist.Nothing sticks to him. Whatever kind of deal he cut with Fitzgerald, it sure looks like he's getting off scot-free. He'll never be held accountable. Whether it be the blogsphere he's setting his sights on or anything else, it doesn't matter if the Left has truth and the "American way" or anything else on its side. As long as the Right has Rove, it's their ballgame (and our country) to lose. Waiting around till 2008 IS NOT an option. These people are not going to go quietly, and even if they go, Rove will still be pulling strings and carrying on the campaign. Rove is a Traitor. Rove is a Liar. Rove is a Traitor. Rove is a Liar. . .

[...Spaketh the straitjacketed KOmmie from the Rubber Room.]

What will it take to exorcise This fat-ass vile gnome from the mess that is today's American Politic? Is he an evil genius? Or has he somehow hit a nerve with the rest of evil fat-assed gnome America? The sonofabitch lies, and twists, and spins, and people just lap it up. I want to see this manipulative bastard spinning and twisting at the end of a rope. No way he co-opts the blogosphere. Very few people that know their ass from their elbow read or post at Hot-Air or Footballs and the like. The echo-chamber is as big as it's gonna get, and boring as hell. When I was a kid, and someone wanted to fight in the halls of Junior High - a shove and a loud "choose-off" was usually enough to start a physical confrontation. Choose-Off Karl, you little wimp You're gonna get your ass kicked.

[Not too obsessed with Karl Rove, are we? And I bet you wake up every morning with your lips cursing the name of Rove.]

Red state America is an alternative universe. They are provincial and isolated. I grew up in a really red state. But I've been living in a blue. I travel a lot. They don't usually venture out of their town and immediate area. They think if they get on an airplane they will die. Where my parents live there is no cable yet, and no internet, unless you do dial up. And getting a computer is considered expensive and just not a necessity anyway.

[Red State Ug too stupid to know about computers. Ug never leaves his cave. Ug has no cable or internet or electricity. Ug heap big scared of airplanes. Ug just know how to rub sticks together to make fire to cook chunk of meat and let grease drip on hairy arms and chest.]

The fact that we are even talking about this means we are reacting. We are spending way too much time on defending ourselves and trying to pump ourselves up.

[It's called navel self-analysis.]

If you are arguing that the right has failed in its use of blogs, I believe you are wrong because there is a large number of right wing blogs available and actively used.

[And this KOmmie WINS a Kewpie Doll for having a brief moment of mental clarity!]

I hope the Republicans invest a ton of money into internet blogging. Most of the people I know that vote Republican don't read.

[Ug not know how to read. Only can follow simple hand signals.]

The right's got control of print, tv and radio. Why? Because money controls those media. Well the internet is free baby. So F*CK HIM! All us poor ass liberals can post diaries on here telling the truth about his fascist party. And no need to troll, cause we'll f*cking thrash you! This country is liberal and will become liberal again via the internet! The revolution has begun and they can't stop it!!

[Repeat that delusional hype enough times and you might actually start believing it.]

KEYWORDS: blogosphere; dummies; internet; karlrove; sticktodu; weblogs
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To: cripplecreek

Top 20?

21 posted on 06/18/2006 2:14:45 PM PDT by samiam1972 (Live simply so that others may simply live!)
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To: cripplecreek

So long as they go first :)

22 posted on 06/18/2006 2:15:17 PM PDT by MikefromOhio (aka MikeinIraq - Foreman of the NAU)
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To: samiam1972

Missed it by 1 second!!!! Guess I'll go read now. *sigh*

23 posted on 06/18/2006 2:15:25 PM PDT by samiam1972 (Live simply so that others may simply live!)
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To: PJ-Comix
two or three of our best orators

"Here we are. Where do you want us to start?"

24 posted on 06/18/2006 2:17:53 PM PDT by Choose Ye This Day ("The man was an animal and he deserved what he got. May he rot in hell" -- Paul Bigley)
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To: PJ-Comix
the blogosphere taking on a decidedly progressive bend

Progressive, as in the progression of lemmings off the cliff ... no need for Karl to do anything but let the Left keep marching away.

25 posted on 06/18/2006 2:20:15 PM PDT by mikrofon (Bog Blogoslawi Blogosfera)
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To: PJ-Comix
Below is from Chris_in_NJ's thread:

Dinner and United 93 w/ President Bush and First Lady - unexpected guests...with pictures

Chris's father was among those that took on the terrorists on UA93.  He and his mother were invited to the White House.

Just before this was taken I said to Karl "my good friends at say hello and send their best"....he looked back and said, "Well, they're a good bunch of folks". I left it at that...even if he lurks - I doubt he'd tell little 'ol me.....or should I say "me", cause I ain't so little!!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Karl knows his blogs and KOS doesn't even register!


26 posted on 06/18/2006 2:20:19 PM PDT by Incorrigible (If I lead, follow me; If I pause, push me; If I retreat, kill me.)
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To: freedumb2003
What? You're Traveling? And on an airplane? Oooh, how scary! Mr. Marple and I only go to Kroger and Target, because we are afraid if we venture further we will not be able to find our way home!


27 posted on 06/18/2006 2:20:44 PM PDT by Miss Marple (Lord, please look after Mozart Lover's and Jemian's sons and keep them strong.)
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To: PJ-Comix
They were banking on us becoming a laughing stock and falling on our asses.

Actually, we are constantly amazed at how you (DUmmies) make yourselves the laughing stock of the entire political spectrum.

None of us would have bet hard-earned money that you would have fallen for the Rove-indictment story especially seeing that it was written by a drug-addicted plagarizing journalistic fraud.

But you did fall for it. And yes, you became a laughing stock.

28 posted on 06/18/2006 2:22:33 PM PDT by Mr. Brightside
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To: Miss Marple
Yes, it is up to us Elitist Left to use the Airliner Medium to our advantage. You silly Rovians just use Calistoga Wagons to go from place to place. Whenever I fly I only see Progressive Leftists on the plane. I can tell that they are fellow Leftists Progressives by the superior expression on their faces.


In an hour I will be in Milwaukee and next Thursday I will be in Seattle. This "Airline" paradigm is starting to suck.... ;)

29 posted on 06/18/2006 2:26:07 PM PDT by freedumb2003 (The Left created, embraces and feeds "The Culture of Hate." Make it part of the political lexicon!)
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To: Charles Henrickson
Coming soon to your local movie theater: "Excorcist V: Mark of the Rovian Beast,"

Homework assignment, Charles :)

30 posted on 06/18/2006 2:29:26 PM PDT by freedumb2003 (The Left created, embraces and feeds "The Culture of Hate." Make it part of the political lexicon!)
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To: PJ-Comix
Most of the people I know that vote Republican don't read.

Yeah, riiiiight!

All of the crack-headed gang banging homes vote Republican?

Is there a political group called Street Bums for Bush? Or Homeless Drug Addicts For Free Enterprise?

We all know who they vote for.

31 posted on 06/18/2006 2:29:51 PM PDT by Mr. Brightside
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To: PJ-Comix
A special Sunday DUFU edition for you skeptics who are still doubting that the KOmmies are as delusional as the DUmmies. Read this edition of KOmmie KUOtes and you will probably change your mind.

I never doubted for moment!

You are doing yeomans work PJ!!


32 posted on 06/18/2006 2:31:43 PM PDT by Incorrigible (If I lead, follow me; If I pause, push me; If I retreat, kill me.)
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To: PJ-Comix
"Well the reason the internet has worked so well for us Progressives is because we pioneered the use of it. And we are able to use it in a constructive and creative way to expand our base, and exchange ideas. The problem for the right is that they're still kind of diddling with scratchy old AM radio, which is unfortunately kind of like comparing an Ipod with an 8-track tape."

How old is this doofus?!  16??!!

FR's been around for more than 8 years.  Are we really that hard to find?

Something tells me these KOSsacks are in for a rude awakening when they finally get clued in that they are now under the microscope.


33 posted on 06/18/2006 2:35:46 PM PDT by Incorrigible (If I lead, follow me; If I pause, push me; If I retreat, kill me.)
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To: Incorrigible

I've already gotten angry KOmmie remarks posted on my Blog.

34 posted on 06/18/2006 2:40:00 PM PDT by PJ-Comix (Join the DUmmie FUnnies PING List for the FUNNIEST Blog on the Web)
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To: PJ-Comix
Of course, Randi Rhodes and Janeane Garofalo (sorry if I butchered the spelling)

They could try spelling it "Godawfulho".
35 posted on 06/18/2006 2:40:32 PM PDT by cripplecreek (I'm trying to think but nothing happens)
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To: PJ-Comix
A special Sunday DUFU edition for you skeptics who are still doubting that the KOmmies are as delusional as the DUmmies

Thanks for the birthday present, P.J.! I wasn't expecting a KOmmie KOmix DUFU today, so this is an added treat!

36 posted on 06/18/2006 2:48:11 PM PDT by ShorelineMike (Constituo, ergo sum.)
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To: PJ-Comix
The GOP has been able to create an impression that the blogs on the right are legit while the ones on the left are a bunch of kooks.

No, you boobs created that perception..

37 posted on 06/18/2006 2:48:54 PM PDT by cardinal4 (Allah is the opium pipedream of a desert pedophile...Freeper Ax)
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To: ShorelineMike

Happy Birthday!!!

38 posted on 06/18/2006 2:51:54 PM PDT by PJ-Comix (Join the DUmmie FUnnies PING List for the FUNNIEST Blog on the Web)
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To: PJ-Comix

Oh, you're already getting feedback? Heheheh. They can dish it out, but can't take it. As usual.

39 posted on 06/18/2006 2:56:10 PM PDT by Miss Marple (Lord, please look after Mozart Lover's and Jemian's sons and keep them strong.)
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To: Incorrigible
"Well the reason the internet has worked so well for us Progressives is because we pioneered the use of it.

How old is this doofus?!  16??!!

Think he would have learned that the military pioneered the use of the Internet. Maybe that's why Free Republic is more effective than all the KOmmie and DUmmie sites put together.

40 posted on 06/18/2006 2:57:53 PM PDT by RedRover (DIANA IREY for Congress, PA 12th District: Fire Murtha!
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