Links from yesterday:
Tehran planning nuke test by march
Tehran plans nuclear weapon test by March
Iran - Tehran plans nuclear weapon test by March
Well lets hope it goes real good as in opps what happened to half of Iran
It's hit or miss with Debka. Not really much credibility but they have been known to get it right a few times.
I don't put much stock in DEBKA but this is perfectly believable. What is not believable is the estimates that year after year keep pushing Tehran's nuke-ready date farther into the future.
Perhaps the most discrediting thing about these reports is
that simple A-bombs don't need testing.
The Hiroshima gun-type U238 bomb was never tested.
Only the Nagasaki plutonium implosion device was
So if Iran runs a test, it's either because they are
actually just sending a message, or they are trying
for a more sophisticated delivery device. In either
case, however, they blow off a major percentage of
their fissionable inventory.
Anyone care to place bets as to the day the IAF initiates "OsirakII"?
I'll offer a window of a week either way of Iran's proposed Test Date.