So exit polls are more accurate than the actual vote count?
Well, there you go. Its scientific. Bush stole the election again.
I'll bet they're having fun with this story over in DUmmie Land.In fact,I think I'll pay a visit to check it out.
There's lies, damn lies, then statistics.
(Forget who said that).
Where is the official seal of the Democratic Party? Cmon...I don't know how to post pix here.
Where is he hiding it? You think someone would have found it missing before now!
A press release from some moonbat Dem group - now that's what I call an authoritative source!
So if we assume all exit pollsters are honest and all participants were randomly selected, then Bush winning was impossible. However, the probability that those assumptions are correct are zero. This so-called irrefutable case has just been destroyed. Q.E.D.
Exit poll data can only be used this way if exit polls are mandatory, which they are not.
Exit polls are self-selecting, and statistically useless for mathematical proofs like this.
However, I suspect in a couple days this is going to produce a smashing edition of the DUmmy FUnnies!
From their website:
7. Exit polls are unlikely to be inaccurate. We need by county EXIT POLLS by the 2006 Election. By county exit poll comparisons may be available for 2004 by aggregating multiple polls and adding county codes to existing polls to find large enough sample sizes in some counties (No one has mentioned that this is possible for 2004 to me yet though.)
If I read this right - this means that 70% overestimated Kerry's vote share.
Or does it mean that Americans don't like the sanctity of a private vote violated so they lie to pollsters who annoy them?
Or does it mean that conservatives have jobs and don't like to waste time talking to pollsters?
So many question
this is LW mathematical masturbation
play with the numbers until you get the desired result
The Mitofsky people have admitted that their polls were flawed. Working with bad data, this study reaches a bad conclusion.
The Kerry people deliberately stacked the exit polls, it appears, but whatever the reason, the polls were not at all accurate.
So why even have elections, just do exit polling.....
This would be doubled-over, tears-streaming-down-the-face, sides-hurting, can't-catch-my-breath-from-laughing-so-hard FUNNY, if it wasn't for the fact that there are people out there that actually BELIEVE this!!!!!!
Let's just scrap voting. It apparently doesn't mean squat. Let's just tell the pollster with blue hair that we are voting Republican, I'm sure he will be honest and put down our choice. /sarc