Posted on 05/01/2003 2:41:23 PM PDT by Polycarp
Even more posts on homosexuality...i'm curious as to why? (Click link for background.)
--Dr. Brian Kopp
Vice President, Catholic Family Association of America
A friend of mine is sitting in jail right now, having lived a life of severely self destructive behavior for many years. His current incarceration is for DUI.
From the time he was 13 to 15, he had a steady girlfriend, and was a quiet, well adjusted, normal kid.
At age 15 he was sexually molested by three male homosexuals, and in the process was introduced to drugs (need those whip its to open up a virginal anal sphincter, you know) and heavy alcohol abuse. He has lived a self destructive homosexual lifestyle ever since, a lifestyle induced by molestation and coerced drug and alcohol use at an early age.
I'm personally helping arrange his counseling and legal representation in the lawsuit against his homosexual molestors.
His life has been destroyed by these homosexual predators, yet many here and elsewhere have the unmitigated gall to castigate those of us battling this homosexual juggernaut, especially in regards to the efforts of the GOP to court the homosexual vote.
This type of predatory sexual abuse of young teenage boys is typical chickenhawking homosexual behavior. I've seen it so many times its enough to make me vomit.
And I guarantee if any of them ever touches one of my boys, there will be no trial, only a burial.
Furthermore, the credibility of my entire Church has been undermined by homosexuals who infiltrated its priesthood and systematically buggered its teenage altar boys for years.
And the same types who would criticize the Church for this buggering, also criticize the Church for being so "intolerant" of the homosexual agenda.
The homosexual juggernaut presents a clear and present danger to this Republic and the institution of the family upon which all decent societies are built.
The homosexual juggernaut presents a clear and present danger to our children, as chickenhawking is an integral part of its culture. Homosexuals do not reproduce. They are not "born that way." But they do recruit. They are actively trying to recruit your children and mine.
The homosexual juggernaut presents a clear and present danger to our health system.
Mankind has spent several millenia developing effective and sanitary methods of disposing human waste.
Mankind knows that human waste is the source of deadly diseases.
Mankind knows that highly promiscuous sexual behavior of any kind brings with it high morbidity and mortality. Homosexual behavior is inherently promiscuous, as every single sociological study on the subject has repeatedly proven.
Male homosexual behavior is essentially desirous of methods to literally and figuratively swim upstream to the sources of that human waste, with as many different partners as humanly possible.
Therefore, homosexual behavior is deadly and definitely decreases the homosexual's life expectancy, and the visceral repulsion it engenders is a natural, wholesome, and common sense response.
Public health records demonstrate that homosexuals, representing 2 percent of America's population, suffer vastly disproportionate percentages of several of America's most serious STDs, with incidences among homosexuals of diseases like gonorrhea, syphilis, hepatitis A and B, cytomegalovirus, shigellosis, giardiasis, amoebic bowel disease and herpes far exceeding their presence in the general population. These are due to common homosexual practices that include fellatio, anilingus, digital stimulation of the rectum and ingestion of urine and feces.
An exhaustive study in The New England Journal of Medicine, medical literature's only study reporting on homosexuals who kept sexual "diaries," indicated the average homosexual ingests the fecal material of 23 different men each year. The same study indicated the number of annual sexual partners averaged nearly 100. Homosexuals averaged, per year, fellating 106 different men and swallowing 50 of their seminal ejaculations, and 72 penile penetrations of the anus. (Corey, L, and Holmes, K.K., "Sexual Transmission of Hepatitis A in Homosexual Men," New England Journal of Medicine, 1980, vol 302: 435-438; as quoted in "Homosexuality and Civil Rights," Tony Marco, 1992).
A study by McKusick, et al., of 655 San Francisco homosexuals reported that only 24 percent of the sample claimed to have been "monogamous" during the past year, and of this 24 percent, 5 percent drank urine, 7 percent engag-ed in sex involving insertion of a fist in their rectums, 33 percent ingested feces, 53 percent swallowed semen and 59 percent received semen in their rectums in the month just previous to the survey ("AIDS and Sexual Behavior Reported by Homosexual Men in San Francisco," American Journal of Public Health, December 1985, 75: 493-496; quoted in "Homosexuality and Civil Rights," Tony Marco, 1992).
This is my answer to the question, "Even more posts on homosexuality...i'm curious as to why"
As long as this homosexual juggernaut looms over us, pro-family and all men of good will, desirous of defending and spreading the Culture of Life, will engage the battle and fight this integral and insidious piece of the Culture of Death.
Admittedly, it is difficult to balance Christian tolerance of gays with resolute opposition to the militant gay agenda.
Like the Catholic Church?
So, what are we to do with homosexuals, even the ones who don't practice it?
Force them into detention camps until they become heterosexual? Put them all in jail? Kill them?
Just what exactly would you like to do with, or to, homosexuals?
I'm serious about this. You want sodomy laws, but don't seem to care whether they're enforced or not, so what can be done about this homosexual problem, besides raise hell about it?
Me too! Maybe we could get together and, you know, talk about it!
And what 'science' to you buy into on this subject. The homo-driven babble about it all being genetic?
So, let's hear your arguments that homosexuality is a normal condition.
I had a similar experience when I was in college. I was working a part-time research job at a VA hospital and had to go to medical records on a regular basis. There was a strange looking creature who worked in that department. I believe she was female. One day I was pulling charts and she walked by me and meowed. I froze and was so repulsed I took the charts I had collected and immediately left. I was very careful from that time on whenever I had to go there.
And I would never be mistaken for a man either.
You folks are amazing. According to the logic I attacked, we could rape teens who say they are homosexual and turn them into heterosexuals. This is what I addressed originally. Now you have me quoting the New England Journal, saying homo is genetic and other things I have not said.
If you want to address what I said or defend the ignorance I addressed go for it, but don't ascribe views to me I have not stated.
Nothing. I just want them to leave me alone. I want them to leave my nieces, nephew, and child alone. I want them to leave the Boy Scouts alone and the Big Brothers organization alone. I want them to leave school children alone. I want them to form their own churches and leave mine alone. I want them to stop using my hard earned family income to pay their way out of the diseased messes they get themselves into. Etc...
You want sodomy laws
I want the right of a free people to set their own laws. I want Texans to retain the right to decide moral issues for their state themselves. They may or may not mean sodomy laws. I don't care.
1. Do you call a person a drunk even after they have completely quit drinking? (some in AA do, they also call it a disease for some unexplained reason)
2. Do all drunk drivers kill people when they drive?
3. Should drunk drivers be punished for endangering others with their behavior?
1. No
2. No
3. Yes
Sin = Sin
Homosexual = Sexual Drunk
We all need to seek out the sinful behavior in our lives and seek Jesus' help in eradicating it.
Well, you and I are in total agreement. I also want gays to leave me alone and, in return, I'll leave them alone, too.
I guess the only difference between you and me is that I want them to go first. ;)
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