Like the Catholic Church?
So, what are we to do with homosexuals, even the ones who don't practice it?
Force them into detention camps until they become heterosexual? Put them all in jail? Kill them?
Just what exactly would you like to do with, or to, homosexuals?
I'm serious about this. You want sodomy laws, but don't seem to care whether they're enforced or not, so what can be done about this homosexual problem, besides raise hell about it?
Nothing. I just want them to leave me alone. I want them to leave my nieces, nephew, and child alone. I want them to leave the Boy Scouts alone and the Big Brothers organization alone. I want them to leave school children alone. I want them to form their own churches and leave mine alone. I want them to stop using my hard earned family income to pay their way out of the diseased messes they get themselves into. Etc...
You want sodomy laws
I want the right of a free people to set their own laws. I want Texans to retain the right to decide moral issues for their state themselves. They may or may not mean sodomy laws. I don't care.
1. Do you call a person a drunk even after they have completely quit drinking? (some in AA do, they also call it a disease for some unexplained reason)
2. Do all drunk drivers kill people when they drive?
3. Should drunk drivers be punished for endangering others with their behavior?
1. No
2. No
3. Yes
Sin = Sin
Homosexual = Sexual Drunk
We all need to seek out the sinful behavior in our lives and seek Jesus' help in eradicating it.
I'm fine with misdemeanor fines for sodomy offenses.
How about good old fashion stigma?
Tolerance = acceptance
I'm serious about this."
How about denying the political homosexual agenda one iota of high moral ground, just for starters??
How about denying their demand that everyone officially validate their lifestyle as "normal," or else be slandered as an intolerant bigot?
Or would you mean to imply that the militant radical homosexual movement is a figment of our imagination?