Sounds like "evolution lite" to me; a definition you've chosen to adopt for yourself. Even under this definiton I doubt you have literally observed evolution. No. You've become a parrot, a lemming, for those whose definition of the universe fits your pre-conceived notions.
This is not my definition. Even Creationists use it. From here:
Even under this definiton I doubt you have literally observed evolution.
I haven't literally observed the Earth orbiting the sun.
I haven't literally observed Thomas Jefferson authoring the Declaration of Independence.
I didn't literally observe my mother giving birth to me.
I have not literally observed relativistic dialation of time.
And none of these have yielded any significant anomalies either. Quite the contrary, each of these has been confirmed by several independent sources, the methodology is sound, and is consistent with the rest of what I know.
You've become a parrot, a lemming, for those whose definition of the universe fits your pre-conceived notions.
This is know as "projection". The only evidence you can point to are problems for which you claim the current theory of evolution might not have an explanation. So let's pretend: Evolution has been discarded, abiogenesis has been falsified, and everyone knows it. Now present and support your designer theory.
Also, when should I expect your description of gravity?