This reminds me of the evolution of politically correct language. The liberals have pressed upon the rest of us that you cannot use this word or you cannot use that word because it is offensive.
Words have meanings. Keywords have meanings. If people are offended by keywords, maybe they need to reread those words in a dictionary. A word, by itself, does not have a connotation, it has a definition.
In learning the definition, one is better able to converse and think. Thinking is a virtue, and one that should be encouraged. This should not be something that a thinking person cannot understand.
I would hope that this sort of hysterical censorship would be unheard of on FR.
FR is a private site, and can make its own rules. We’re not up “against” the First Amendment, here. Debate rules the roost, of course, but with voice and vote comes a modicum of personal responsibility. I think that what is being debated here.
If you have an opinion, that is what the comment area is for.
Just a suggestion, can the keywords be made "invisible" to the average viewer, but still be put someplace so that keyword searches still work? This would probably get rid of these almost pointless keywords (then again, freepers could unwittingly try to add the same keyword multiple times).