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April 14, 1865 President Lincoln Shot
History ^ | 4/14/2005 | staff

Posted on 04/14/2005 6:40:53 PM PDT by kellynla

At Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C., John Wilkes Booth, an actor and Confederate sympathizer, fatally wounds President Abraham Lincoln. The attack came only five days after Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his massive army at Appomattox, effectively ending the American Civil War.

Booth, who remained in the North during the war despite his Confederate sympathies, initially plotted to capture President Lincoln and take him to Richmond, the Confederate capital. However, on March 20, 1865, the day of the planned kidnapping, the president failed to appear at the spot where Booth and his six fellow conspirators lay in wait. Two weeks later, Richmond fell to Union forces. In April, with Confederate armies near collapse across the South, Booth hatched a desperate plan to save the Confederacy.

Learning that Lincoln was to attend Laura Keene's acclaimed performance in Our American Cousin at Ford's Theater on April 14, Booth plotted the simultaneous assassination of Lincoln, Vice President Andrew Johnson, and Secretary of State William H. Seward. By murdering the president and two of his possible successors, Booth and his conspirators hoped to throw the U.S. government into a paralyzing disarray.

On the evening of April 14, conspirator Lewis T. Powell burst into Secretary of State Seward's home, seriously wounding him and three others, while George A. Atzerodt, assigned to Vice President Johnson, lost his nerve and fled. Meanwhile, just after 10 p.m., Booth entered Lincoln's private theater box unnoticed, and shot the president with a single bullet in the back of his head. Slashing an army officer who rushed at him, Booth jumped to the stage and shouted "Sic semper tyrannis! [Thus always to tyrants]--the South is avenged!" Although Booth had broken his left leg jumping from Lincoln's box, he succeeded in escaping Washington.

The president, mortally wounded, was carried to a cheap lodging house opposite Ford's Theater. About 7:22 a.m. the next morning, he died--the first U.S. president to be assassinated. Booth, pursued by the army and secret service forces, was finally cornered in a barn near Bowling Green, Virginia, and died from a possibly self-inflicted bullet wound as the barn was burned to the ground. Of the eight other persons eventually charged with the conspiracy, four were hanged and four were jailed.

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To: lentulusgracchus


361 posted on 04/20/2005 7:39:02 PM PDT by TexConfederate1861 (Still Free........Republic!)
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To: capitan_refugio
Lincoln correctly recognized the difference between natural, revolutionary rights -

Lincoln did not call for troops to invade the Confederacy in order to end slavery. He made clear in his inaugural address that he was not authorized by the Constitution to address that issue, "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so. Those who nominated and elected me did so with full knowledge that I had made this and many similar declarations and had never recanted them"

If you want to know why the tyrant was willing to invade and conquer the Confederacy you can find the answer also in his inaugural address, "I shall take care, as the Constitution itself expressly enjoins upon me, that the laws of the Union be faithfully executed in all the States. Doing this I deem to be only a simple duty on my part, and I shall perform it so far as practicable unless my rightful masters, the American people, shall withhold the requisite means or in some authoritative manner direct the contrary. I trust this will not be regarded as a menace, but only as the declared purpose of the Union that it will constitutionally defend and maintain itself. In doing this there needs to be no bloodshed or violence, and there shall be none unless it be forced upon the national authority. The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the Government and to collect the duties and imposts; but beyond what may be necessary for these objects, there will be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere."

By god the Republicans would have their taxes, collected from the midst of a people who sought to sever their political bonds as their forefathers had. When the bodies stacked hundreds of thousands high the Republicans had to find something worth the price they'd forced on the country.

It was John Calhoun who denied the fundamental truths of the Declaration, and who stated that Jefferson never meant to include free or enslaved Africans in the phrase, "All men are created equal."

It was always assumed (and often openly declared in ratification documents, etc.) that the States have the right to the resume the powers given to the federal union. That predilection toward self government is the embodiement of the Declaration of Independence.

When Nullification crisis began (Nov. 1932) John Calhoun resigned the vice presidency and took South Carolina's Senate seat, vacated by Robert Y. Hayne who became governor of South Carolina.

Here is his inaugural address, delivered during the crisis: [caps and punctuation in original draft]

"In the great struggle in which we engaged, for the preservation of our rights and liberties, it is my fixed determination to assert and uphold the SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY OF THE STATE, and to enforce by all the means that may be entrusted to my hands, her SOVEREIGN WILL. I recognize no ALLEGIANCE, as paramount to that which the citizens of South Carolina, owe to the State of their birth, or their adoption....

South Carolina, after ten years of unavailing petitions and remonstrances, against a system of measures on the part of the Federal Government, which in common with the other Southern States--she has repeatedly declared, to be founded in USURPATION, utterly subversive of the rights, and fatal to the prosperity of her people,--has in the face of the world PUT HERSELF UPON HER SOVEREIGNTY, and made the solemn declaration that this system shall no longer be enforced within her limits. All hope of a redress of this grievance, from a returning sense of justice on the part of our oppressors, or from any probable change in the policy of the Government, having fled, nothing was left for South Carolina, but to throw herself upon her reserved rights, or to remain for ever in a condition of "Colonial vassalage." She has, therefore, resolved to stand upon her rights, and it is for her sister States, now, to determine, what is to be done in this emergency. She has announced to them her anxious desire that this controversy shall be amicably adjusted, either by a satisfactory modification of the Tariff, or by a reference of the whole subject to a convention of all the States. Should neither of these reasonable propositions be acceded to, then she will feel herself justified before God and Man, in firmly maintaining the position she has assumed, until some other mode can be devised, for the removal of the difficulty. South Carolina is anxiously desirous of living at peace with her brethren; she has not the remotest wish to dissolve the political bonds which have connected her with the great American family of Confederated States. With Thomas Jefferson, "she would regard the dissolution of our Union with them, as one of the greatest of evils--but not the greatest,--there is one greater: SUBMISSION TO A GOVERNMENT WITHOUT LIMITATION OF POWERS;" and such a government she conscientiously believes will be our portion, should the system against which she is now struggling, be finally established as the settled policy of the country. South Carolina is solicitous to preserve the Constitution as our fathers framed it--according to its true spirit, intent, and meaning, but she is inflexibly determined never to surrender her reserved rights, not to suffer the Constitutional compact to be converted into an instrument for the oppression of her citizens....

A confederacy of sovereign states, formed by the free consent of all, cannot possibly be held together, by any other tie than mutual sympathies and common interest. The unhallowed attempt to cement the union with the blood of our citizens, (which if successful would reduce the free and sovereign States of this confederacy to mere dependent provinces) South Carolina has solemnly declared, would be regarded by her, as absolving her "from all further obligation to maintain or preserve her political connexion with the people of the other States." The spirit of our free institutions, the very temper of the age, would seem to forbid the thought of an appeal to force, for the settlement of a constitutional controversy. If, however, we should be deceived in this reasonable expectation--South Carolina, so far as her means extend, stands prepared to meet danger, and repel invasion, come from what quarter it may....

If after making those efforts due to her own honor and the greatness of the cause, she is destined utterly to fail, the bitter fruits of that failure, [will fall] not to herself alone, but to the entire South, nay to the whole union.... The speedy establishment, on the ruins of the rights of the states, and the liberties of the people, of a great CONSOLIDATED GOVERNMENT, "riding and ruling over the plundered ploughman and beggared yeomanry" [Jefferson's words] of our once happy land--our glorious confederacy, broken into scattered and dishonored fragments--the light of liberty extinguished, never perhaps to be resumed--these--these will be the melancholy memorials of that wisdom, which saw the danger while yet at a distance, and of that patriotism, which struggled gloriously to avert it...."

Jackson made threats that he could raise 100,000 men on the side of the Union in a matter of weeks. In response the South Carolina legislature authorized its Governor to call a draft, and appropriated $200,000 for arms. On January 8, the administration submitted a bill, known as the Verplanck bill, which cut the tariff in half over two years. On the 16th Jackson also sent to Congress the "Force Bill" (often called the "Bloody Bill"), to get Congressional approval for deploying the military to put down armed rebellion. Another compromise tariff bill was introduced and adopted to satisfy South Carolinians.

The federal government backed down and so did the State, but secession over taxation was undeniably in the air. In losing the Presidency the South saw they'd lost their last brake on the, protectionism, taxing and spending platform of the Republicans. Their only recourse was to withdraw. The reason why was debated in the South Carolina legislature, "It is seventy-three years since the Union between the United States was made by the Constitution of the United States. During this time, their advance in wealth, prosperity and power has been with scarcely a parallel in the history of the world. The great object of their Union was defence against external aggression of more powerful nations; which object is now attained, from their mere progress in power. Thirty-one millions of people, with a commerce and navigation which explore every sea, and with agricultural productions which are necessary to every civilized people, command the friendship of the world. But unfortunately, our internal peace has not grown with our external prosperity. Discontent and contention have moved in the bosom of the Confederacy for the last thirty-five years. During this time, South Carolina has twice called her people together in solemn Convention, to take into consideration the aggressions and unconstitutional wrongs perpetrated by the people of the North on the people of the South. These wrongs were submitted to by the people of the South, under the hope and expectation that they would be final. But such hope and expectation have proved to be vain. Instead of producing forbearance, our acquiescence has only instigated to new forms of aggression and outrage; and South Carolina, again assembling her people in Convention, has this day dissolved her connection with the States constituting the United States.

The one great evil, from which all other evils have flowed, is the overthrow of the Constitution of the United States. The Government of the United States is no longer the Government of Confederated Republics, but of a consolidated Democracy. It is no longer a free government, but a Despotism. It is, in fact, such a Government as Great Britain attempted to set over our fathers; and which was resisted and defeated by a seven years' struggle for independence.

The Revolution of 1776 turned upon one great principle of self-government and self-taxation; the criterion of self-government. Where the interests of two people united together under one Government, are different, each must have the power to protect its interests by the organization of the Government, or they cannot be free. The interests of Great Britain and of the Colonies were different and antagonistic. Great Britain was desirous of carrying out the policy of all nations towards their Colonies, of making them tributary to her wealth and power. She had vast and complicated relations with the whole world. Her policy towards her North American Colonies was to identify them with her in all these complicated relations; and to make them bear, in common with the rest of the Empire, the full burden of her obligations and necessities. She had a vast public debt; she had an European policy and an Asiatic policy, which had occasioned the accumulation of her public debt; and which kept her in continual wars. The North American Colonies saw their interests, political and commercial, sacrificed by such a policy. Their interests required that they should not be identified with the burdens and wars of the mother country. They had been settled under Charters, which gave them self-government; at least so far as their property was concerned. They had taxed themselves, and had never been taxed by the Government of Great Britain. To make them a part of a consolidated Empire, the Parliament of Great Britain determined to assume the power of legislating for the Colonies in all cases whatsoever. Our ancestors resisted the pretension. They refused to be a part of the consolidated Government of Great Britain.

The Southern States now stand exactly in the same position towards the Northern States that the Colonies did towards Great Britain. The Northern States, having the majority in Congress, claim the same power of omnipotence in legislation as the British Parliament. "The General Welfare," is the only limit to the legislation of either; and the majority in Congress, as in the British Parliament, are the sole judges of the expediency of the legislation this "General Welfare" requires. Thus, the Government of the United States has become a consolidated Government; and the people of the Southern States are compelled to meet the very despotism their fathers threw off in the Revolution of 1776.

The consolidation of the Government of Great Britain over the Colonies, was attempted to be carried out by the taxes. The British Parliament undertook to tax the Colonies, to promote British interests. Our fathers resisted this pretension. They claimed the right of self-taxation through their Colonial Legislatures. They were not represented in the British Parliament, and, therefore, could not rightly be taxed by its Legislation. The British Government, however, offered them a representation in Parliament; but it was not sufficient to enable them to protect themselves from the majority, and they refused it. Between taxation without any representation, and taxation without a representation adequate to protection, there was no difference. In neither case would the Colonies tax themselves. Hence, they refused to pay the taxes laid by the British Parliament.

And so with the Southern States, towards the Northern States, in the vital matter of taxation. They are in a minority in Congress. Their representation in Congress is useless to protect them against unjust taxation; and they are taxed by the people of the North for their benefit, exactly as the people of Great Britain taxed our ancestors in the British Parliament for their benefit. For the last forty years, the taxes laid by the Congress of the United States, have been laid with a view of subserving the interests of the North. The people of the South have been taxed by duties on imports, not for revenue, but for an object inconsistent with revenue - to promote, by prohibitions, Northern interests in the productions of their mines and manufactures.

There is another evil, in the condition of the Southern towards the Northern States, which our ancestors refused to bear towards Great Britain. Our ancestors not only taxed themselves, but all the taxes collected from them, were expended amongst them. Had they submitted to the pretensions of the British Government, the taxes collected from them would have been expended in other parts of the British Empire. They were fully aware of the effect of such a policy in impoverishing the people from whom taxes are collected, and in enriching those who receive the benefit of their expenditure. To prevent the evils of such a policy was one of the motives which drove them on to revolution. Yet this British policy has been fully realized towards the Southern States by the Northern States. The people of the Southern States are not only taxed for the benefit of the Northern States, but after the taxes are collected, three- fourths of them are expended at the North. This cause, with others, connected with the operation of the General Government, has made the cities of the South provincial. Their growth is paralyzed; they are mere suburbs of Northern cities. The agricultural productions of the South are the basis of the foreign commerce of the United States; yet Southern cities do not carry it on. Our foreign trade is almost annihilated. In 1740, there were five ship-yards in South Carolina, to build ships to carry on our direct trade with Europe. Between 1740 and 1779, there were built in these yards, twenty-five square rigged vessels, besides a great number of sloops and schooners, to carry on our coast and West India trade. In the half century immediately preceding the Revolution, from 1725 to 1775, the population of South Carolina increased seven-fold.

No man can, for a moment, believe that our ancestors intended to establish over their posterity, exactly the same sort of Government they had overthrown. The great object of the Constitution of the United States, in its internal operation, was, doubtless, to secure the great end of the Revolution - a limited free Government - a Government limited to those matters only, which were general and common to all portions of the United States. All sectional or local interests were to be left to the States. By no other arrangement would they obtain free Government, by a Constitution common to so vast a Confederacy. Yet, by gradual and steady encroachments on the part of the people of the North, and acquiescence on the part of the South, the limitations in the Constitution have been swept away; and the Government of the United States has become consolidated, with a claim of limitless powers in its operations.

It is not at all surprising, whilst such is the character of the Government of the United States, that it should assume to possess power over all the institutions of the country. The agitations on the subject of slavery are the natural results of the consolidation of the Government. Responsibility follows power; and if the people of the North have the power by Congress "to promote the general welfare of the United States," by any means they deem expedient - why should they not assail and overthrow the institution of slavery in the South? They are responsible for its continuance or existence, in proportion to their power. A majority in Congress, according to their interested and perverted views, is omnipotent. The inducements to act upon the subject of slavery, under such circumstances, were so imperious, as to amount almost to a moral necessity. To make, however, their numerical power available to rule the Union, the North must consolidate their power. It would not be united, on any matter common to the whole Union - in other words, on any constitutional subject - for on such subjects divisions are as likely to exist in the North as in the South. Slavery was strictly a sectional interest. If this could be made the criterion of parties at the North, the North could be united in its power; and thus carry out its measures of sectional ambition, encroachment and aggrandizement. To build up their sectional predominance in the Union, the Constitution must first be abolished by constructions; but that being done, the consolidation of the North, to rule the South, by the tariff and slavery issues, was in the obvious course of things.

The Constitution of the United States was an experiment. The experiment consisted in uniting under one Government, different peoples living in different climates, and having different pursuits of industry and institutions. It matters not how carefully the limitations of such a Government be laid down in the Constitution - its success must, at least, depend upon the good faith of the parties to the constitutional compact, in enforcing them. It is not in the power of human language to exclude false inferences, constructions and perversions, in any Constitution; and when vast sectional interests are to be subserved, involving the appropriation of countless millions of money, it has not been the usual experience of mankind, that words on parchments can arrest power. The Constitution of the United States, irrespective of the interposition of the States, rested on the assumption that power would yield to faith - that integrity would be stronger than interest; and that thus, the limitations of the Constitution would be observed. The experiment has been fairly made. The Southern States, from the commencement of the Government, have striven to keep it within the orbit prescribed by the Constitution. The experiment has failed. The whole Constitution, by the constructions of the Northern people, has been absorbed by its preamble. In their reckless lust for power, they seem unable to comprehend that seeming paradox - that the more power is given to the General Government, the weaker it becomes. Its strength consists in the limitation of its agency to objects of common interests to all sections. To extend the scope of its power over sectional or local interests, is to raise up against it opposition and resistance. In all such matters, the General Government must necessarily be a despotism, because all sectional or local interests must ever be represented by a minority in the councils of the General Government, having no power to protect itself against the rule of the majority. The majority, constituted from those who do not represent these sectional or local interests, will control and govern them. A free people cannot submit to such a Government. And the more it enlarges the sphere of its power, the greater must be the dissatisfaction it must produce, and the weaker it must become. On the contrary, the more it abstains from usurped powers, and the more faithfully it adheres to the limitations of the Constitution, the stronger it is made. The Northern people have had neither the wisdom nor the faith to perceive, that to observe the limitations of the Constitution was the only way to its perpetuity.

Under such a Government, there must, of course, be many and endless "irrepressible conflicts," between the two great sections of the Union. The same faithlessness which has abolished the Constitution of the United States, will not fail to carry out the sectional purposes for which it has been abolished. There must be conflict; and the weaker section of the Union can only find peace and liberty in an independence of the North. The repeated efforts made by South Carolina, in a wise conservatism, to arrest the progress of the General Government in its fatal progress to consolidation, have been unsupported, and she has been denounced as faithless to the obligations of the Constitution, by the very men and States, who were destroying it by their usurpations. It is now too late to reform or restore the Government of the United States. All confidence in the North is lost by the South. The faithlessness of the North for half a century has opened a gulf of separation between the North and the South which no promises nor engagements can fill."

When you accede to Lincoln's Chi-com rhetoric about the nature of the federal government's right to rule into perpetuity, you destroy the limited nature of the Constitution, and any escape from the outcome. Welcome to the federal government we know today that knows no bounds.

362 posted on 04/20/2005 10:15:46 PM PDT by Gunslingr3
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To: A Jovial Cad
It's the oldest game played by the relentlessly scummy & smarmy poseurs among us in the world

Concurring bump. You hit the nail right on the head, AJC.

363 posted on 04/20/2005 10:20:05 PM PDT by mac_truck (Aide toi et dieu l’aidera)
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To: lentulusgracchus; 4ConservativeJustices; M. Espinola
"He wasn't banned when he quoted Lincoln in 2003. He wasn't banned when he quoted Lincoln in 2004. He was banned in 2005, when a vindictive, aggressive flatulator from Beantown went after him for having the temerity to prove what the Brotherhood of Flatulators had denied to the last ditch: that by his language and by inspection of his policy, Abraham Lincoln was indeed a man of his century on the subject of racial relations."

Nolu wasn't banned for quoting Lincoln. That's just more dunderhead southron mythmaking.

364 posted on 04/20/2005 10:30:52 PM PDT by capitan_refugio ("The Union he saved still thanks him.")
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To: GOPcapitalist; Non-Sequitur; M. Espinola; fortheDeclaration; x; Heyworth; mac_truck; ...
GOPcapitalist = Half-truths R Us

GOPc Lie #1: "As you all know, the events capitan_refugio keep referencing preceded his month-long departure from the forum on January 26, 2005."

I was never suspended or banned. If I had been, it would have been all over your posts like flies on dog crap. After all, every Union poster knew you had been suspended within a few hours.

GOPc Lie #2: "The freepmail I got from JR informed me that he had sent the following message to capitan_refugio regarding the remarks he had pulled ...."

You don't think that I was going to let your baseless accusations go unrefuted with the boss, do you? I first saw them a couple of days later, and immediately replied to the owner. Not only did I demonstrate that you were full of it, I notified several of the other active posters on that thread of your power play. Several of them replied that you had tried similar things before and that information was all forwarded to the boss. As were examples of your petulance, and by the way, "Jim, is this the type of (neo-confederate-hate-America) stuff you really want to see posted on FR?" JimRob is a fair man who appreciates substance over appearances.

I got a couple of responses from Jim Robinson. First, he said he was not sufficiently aware of your "posting history." Second was that he was going to look into the threads. Soon thereafter, the Confederate 2005 thread became a neo-confederate graveyard!

I assume the boss didn't like being lied to, GOPc. I told him that I would stay off that thread so no one could claim I was baiting anybody - I was happy to give you guys the rope you needed to hang yourselves. In fact, that is exactly what I told as many of the Union posters by FReepmail ... play it cool, because the hammer is coming down.

I was not in "exile" or even gone. I checked in by Freepmail from time to time with several of the friendly posters. I had bigger things on my plate than to worry about you neo-reb nutcases. And besides, the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth from you neo-confederates over the sudden demise of so many of your racist foot soldiers was too funny to interrupt.

GOPc Lie #3: "As you all know however, capitan returned and far from ceasing and desisting his posting to or writing about me as JR's message instructed, he resumed and resumed with a vengeance."

Despite the fact that you apparently only knew half the story, no person in their right mind could expect that you would be given the right to slander. You used to be a serious poster, but lately you have become a degenerate cheap shot artist. You need to grow up, son.

GOPC Lie #4: "Sadly, this strange set of inconsistent events makes for only two logical possibilities: Either JR lied about his message to capitan when he sent me the freepmail posted above, or capitan is lying now about never receiving it."

No, there is another option. I didn't bother you, despite your incessant lying, because you weren't worth the aggravation. Unfortunately, you seemed to think that you could continue to get away with your B.S. and you became further emboldened. About that time 4CJ and a couple of neo-reb one-hit wonders got bounced or suspended. Some of your clique have pondered whether I was being "protected" by the moderators. It is true I have FRiends who are moderators, but if I were to in reality (rather than in your pitiful whines) do something contrary to the rules of the forum, I would get tossed just like the guys you helped to get bounced.

It's a good thing you're going - or so you say - because your "friends" might be a little bit wary about your backfires. You're radioactive.

GOPc Lie #5: "... West Texas Battle historian capitan has a long and demonstrable problem with telling the truth"

The "Battle of Fort Davis" was entirely the creation of your imagination. Neither you, nor any of your comrades, will ever find that I posted there was any sort of a battle. You will find that you took exception to the term "captured" and proceeded create innuendos, which turned in to misquotations, which grew into lies. Par for the course for you.

GOPc Lie #6: "If capitan desires to call JR a liar on this thread or any other part of the forum, that is up to him."

I'm right with the boss. He knows where I stand. I think the management is increasingly aware, through bushpilot's, nolu's, and CSSFlorida's posts, your drivel and whining, through LG rants, ad nauseum, where you guys stand too. I think the whole forum knows what type of poster you have become. That's why the moderators only paid enough attention to your plaintive whimpering to suspend you. They are very fair and long-suffering, but there are limits.

I'd say "good bye," but as you are leaving on your own volition, the sad fact is that you can come back. So I fully expect you, like a bad penny, to turn up again. I'm sure the "Cause" needs help elsewhere.

365 posted on 04/20/2005 11:33:24 PM PDT by capitan_refugio ("The Union he saved still thanks him.")
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To: Gunslingr3
"Lincoln did not call for troops to invade the Confederacy in order to end slavery."

Your premise is wrong. Lincoln legally put down a rebellion. The "confederacy" was an illegal, insurgant, criminal enterprise ... a combination too powerful to be handled through the court sytem.

It is true that Lincoln's foremost concern was to preserve the Union. The problem was, the southern slave oligarchy had other, unconstitutional ideas.

"It was always assumed (and often openly declared in ratification documents, etc.) that the States have the right to the resume the powers given to the federal union." "When Nullification crisis began (Nov. 1932) John Calhoun resigned the vice presidency and took South Carolina's Senate seat, vacated by Robert Y. Hayne who became governor of South Carolina ..."

Calhoun was so wrong about so many things.

"When you accede to Lincoln's Chi-com rhetoric about the nature of the federal government's right to rule into perpetuity, you destroy the limited nature of the Constitution, and any escape from the outcome."

You have no idea what you are talking about. Angry rhetoric is no substitute for rational thought.

366 posted on 04/20/2005 11:43:14 PM PDT by capitan_refugio ("The Union he saved still thanks him.")
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To: 4ConservativeJustices
"It's a shame that people like you that are intent on conducting reasoned discourse are banned/suspended for simply attempting to keep such conversations decent."

Take off those rosie-colored sunglasses, please.

367 posted on 04/20/2005 11:48:39 PM PDT by capitan_refugio ("The Union he saved still thanks him.")
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To: lentulusgracchus; 4ConservativeJustices; stainlessbanner
You know the funny thing about all that drivel el capitan just posted as a supposed rebuttal to me? Though rant and rave he did about how he supposedly never did any wrong, and how it was supposedly all my fault, he never once denied receiving the aforementioned censure...

"Do not post personal information about other posters. Do not stalk or harrass other posters. I would like you to immediatly cease and desist posting or writing to or about GOPcapitalist." - Jim Robinson to capitan_refugio, 1/26/05

Seeing as JR never once communicated to me so much as a single word of what he now claims happened after that, the only possible explanation for it all is that one of the two of them is (surprise!) lying. Given what we know about our famous Supreme Court Reporter and West Texas Battle Historian, I'll leave it to y'all to debate which one is telling the fib. Thanks again & keep in touch!

368 posted on 04/21/2005 12:03:24 AM PDT by GOPcapitalist ("Marxism finds it easy to ally with Islamic zealotism" - Ludwig von Mises)
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To: lentulusgracchus
"There are no "slavery fans" on Free Republic, or in the United States. Got it?"

Are you including all the white supremacist hate groups operating in the U.S., such as the KKK & Neo-Nazis & interlinked Neo-Confederates?

369 posted on 04/21/2005 12:13:27 AM PDT by M. Espinola (Freedom is never free)
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To: capitan_refugio; GOPcapitalist
But, but, but...I thought that poster self-ZOTTED himself with a weepy Opus just a scant few hours ago?

You mean to tell me that he's still bouncing around the place, responding to posts, despite vowing to close up shop and leave the place? Surely you jest...


370 posted on 04/21/2005 12:19:11 AM PDT by A Jovial Cad ("A man's character is his fate." -Heraclitus)
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To: Gunslingr3
That predilection toward self government is the embodiement of the Declaration of Independence.

According to the Confederacy, one race did not have the right for self-government, and said so in their Constitution.

The attempt by the Confederacy to secede was never about a resisting Federal tyranny, it was about the attempt to protect their own State tyranny.

371 posted on 04/21/2005 1:10:45 AM PDT by fortheDeclaration (Gal. 4:16)
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To: GOPcapitalist
You lied to Jim Robinson. It is your modus operandi. And you got caught. I am under no posting restriction and never have been. Whatever FReepmails he sent me quickly rebounded and resulted in the purging of your more "excessive" friends. As far as I am concerned, everything turned out just fine.

Move along now.

372 posted on 04/21/2005 1:14:50 AM PDT by capitan_refugio ("The Union he saved still thanks him.")
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To: capitan_refugio


373 posted on 04/21/2005 1:16:02 AM PDT by Jim Robinson
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To: capitan_refugio

Re: Confederate States Of America (2005)
To capitan_refugio | 01/26/2005 12:03:16 PM PST sent

Do not post personal information about other posters. Do not stalk or harrass other posters. I would like you to immediatly cease and desist posting or writing to or about GOPcapitalist.

374 posted on 04/21/2005 1:20:34 AM PDT by Jim Robinson
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To: capitan_refugio

Re: Confederate States Of America (2005)
To GOPcapitalist | 01/26/2005 12:05:24 PM PST sent

Ok, I sent him the following message. And you should not post or write to or about him either.

"Do not post personal information about other posters. Do not stalk or harrass other posters. I would like you to immediatly cease and desist posting or writing to or about GOPcapitalist."


375 posted on 04/21/2005 1:21:48 AM PDT by Jim Robinson
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To: capitan_refugio

And your reply to me proves you received my message:

Re: Confederate States Of America (2005)
From capitan_refugio | 01/30/2005 11:22:07 PM PST read

Since I have not posted in nearly a week, I am at a loss to as to what, exactly, you are talking about. I have not "stalked" any any person, or posted any personal information that they, themselves, have not already posted.

Since GOPCapitalist is someone who posts some of the most vile things on this board, I think your wrath is somewhat misdirected. You don't have to believe me. You can contact some of the other longtime posters, such as "x" or "non-sequitur".

I have been posting participating on your board and supporting your efforts of about 4 years. If you can point to one instance where I have violated the three cardinal rules ("no profanity, racism, or violence"), I'd like to see it.

Thanks, and please let me know what you mean by "harassing or stalking" other posters. It's a red herring and a load dumped on you by inveterate liars.

376 posted on 04/21/2005 1:32:36 AM PDT by Jim Robinson
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To: capitan_refugio
capitan, this was all so unnecessary. The thing about not being resolutely truthful in all matters is not so much that it's wrong (which it is), but that the one's most disappointed when the truth finally tumbles out is rarely ourselves. It's always our resolute friends whom wince the most and cringe the worst on our behalf in such situations, as is the case here, with me.

I have requested that a post of mine on another thread be removed, since 25% of it has now been effectively rendered untrue due to the revelations about your post here. Honor dictated that I do no less.

You were right, about so many things and in so many areas, and truthful in every one of your dealings with me and so many of the rest of us, save for the last one; the one that ended up counting the most. It wasn't worth it, whatever the reasons that led you to take that dicey chance. Therein lies the tragedy of this inexplicable development.

Take it easy, my friend. I still count you as one. But where I the Admin of this forum, I would've banned you, too.

377 posted on 04/21/2005 2:30:30 AM PDT by A Jovial Cad ("A man's character is his fate." -Heraclitus)
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To: Gunslingr3

Bravo.....Wonderful piece!

378 posted on 04/21/2005 3:32:21 AM PDT by TexConfederate1861 (Still Free........Republic!)
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To: mac_truck
Truck, why don't you load up your friend and go have a few dozen beers together in Bora Bora?

Nice to see you know someone you can get along with.

379 posted on 04/21/2005 5:56:31 AM PDT by lentulusgracchus ("Whatever." -- sinkspur)
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To: TexConfederate1861; Gunslingr3
Concurring bump. Man, that 18-pounder is loud, isn't it?


380 posted on 04/21/2005 5:57:38 AM PDT by lentulusgracchus ("Whatever." -- sinkspur)
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