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White slaughter in South Africa?
World Net Daily ^ | February 9, 2004 | JOSEPH FARAH

Posted on 02/09/2004 5:59:12 AM PST by joesnuffy

FROM JOSEPH FARAH'S G2 BULLETIN White slaughter in South Africa? Plans made to conduct campaign of genocide after Mandela's death

Posted: February 9, 2004 1:00 a.m. Eastern

Editor's note: Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin is an online, subscription intelligence news service from the creator of – a journalist who has been developing sources around the world for the last 25 years.

© 2004

While former South African President Nelson Mandela, 85, scoffs at rumors of ill health, plans are being made by the nation's Communist Party to slaughter all whites in the country upon his death, G2B sources say.

One of the operations planned entails 70,000 armed black men "being transported to the Johannesburg city center within an hour" in taxicabs to attack whites.

The plans are variously dubbed "Operation Vula," "Night of the Long Knives," "Operation White Clean-up," "Operation Iron Eagle" and "Red October campaign."

Operation "Our Rainy Day" was to be carried out after the death of Nelson Mandela and would have entailed blacks being transported to the largest cities in taxis.

The assailants were expected to "take over" fuel points and massacre whites. The attacks would lead to a coup.

Sources say most blacks in the country are aware of the plans. When racial disputes occur, blacks often tell whites, "Wait until Mandela dies.”

"White people in South Africa can deny it to the end of the earth, but we are in real danger," one resident said. "This is no joke and any person with half a brain can see that this rumor has spiraled out of control."

Many whites are now convinced a vicious campaign of ethnic cleansing will follow Mandela's death whenever it comes. Some are making preparations for retreats.

"I have prepared myself and we have a gathering place where we can fortify for four weeks after Mandela’s death," said one white South African. "If nothing happens it will be a miracle."

The Red October campaign is allegedly a Communist plot to oust President Thabo Mbeki. Mbeki would be replaced by Cyril Ramaphosa.

"I was starting to think I was going nuts!" said another white South Africa resident. "'Operation Uhuru' or 'Operation White Clean-up' is definitely no rumor. I spoke to someone who told me that some blacks in Zimbabwe have also confirmed that this 'event' will take place. My cousin stays on a farm in Mpumalanga, not too far from Johannesburg. A black police officer in that district told his white colleague that they are going to kill us like flies, and there is nothing we can do about it. And that they also don't care if we know."

Meanwhile, Mandela, obviously aware of the growing rumors, last week assured the public he is well.

"My health is all right," he told reporters in Cape Town. "I'm doing very well. Others have gone further and said I am on the eve of going to my grave. If that day comes, I will go and knock at the door of heaven. ... They will look at the list and say: 'Your name is not here ... can you try next door?'"

Concern about Mandela's health surfaced last month when he canceled a scheduled meeting with visiting German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. The former president was at the time relaxing on the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius.

Mandela joked that when his time comes, "I will look for a branch of the ANC (the ruling African National Congress) in that world (and) I'll join it."

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TOPICS: Heated Discussion
KEYWORDS: africawatch; ethniccleansing; massacre; southafrica
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To: nopardons
221 posted on 02/09/2004 9:50:54 PM PST by cyborg
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To: cyborg
Why thank you dear, and I love you a motherly way. :-)
222 posted on 02/09/2004 9:57:45 PM PST by nopardons
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To: cyborg
And THAT is it exactly! One must have a VERY needed, special skill, or they aren't going to be needed or wanted by any other nation.
223 posted on 02/09/2004 10:00:11 PM PST by nopardons
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To: Hootowl
South Africa's original natives, Bushmen, Hottentots, and San, are long gone from that region. The Hottentots are mostly extinct. A few Bushmen and San still live in the Kalahari Desert and in other spots. This is the partly the fault of white settlers, who arrived there in 1652, and partly the fault of the Xhosa and Zulu tribes, who ravaged the area during the 19th century. Of those who live in the southernmost part of South Africa, the Boers and English pre-date the "native" Xhosa and Zulu by centuries. To whom, then should the land belong? The white settlers who built cities and farms and a civlization there, or the blacks who migrated there much later?

There were only a few Bushmen and Hottentots (I don't know about the "San") around when the Dutch first arrived in the early 1650s. In 1836 [?] some Boers, dissatisfied with British rule (instituted in 1806) of the Cape Colony, began to move northward and founded the Orange Free State and Transvaal. They clashed first with Blacks fleeing southward from rampaging Zulus and finally with the Zulus themselves. They defeated the Zulus in the Battle of Blood River in 1838.

South Africa has had an illegal immigration problem for years -- the same as the U.S and for the same reason. White South African business hired cheap Black labor in preference to more expensive White labor. Many Asian Indians also settled in South Africa to work. Eventually whites became a minority in the country they founded and, well, you know the rest of the story.

I should add that with the election of the National Party in 1948, Grand Apartheid, the separate development on the races, became offical policy.

To claim that Africa is a "black" continent is also nonsense. Most of northern Africa's peoples are Semites who, until recent times, were considered Caucasion.

Berbers, a fair-skinned people in the Magreb (Libya west), and Copts in Egypt, as well.

It's an intractable problem, but not unsolvable, with time and just laws and fair treatment. If people on both sides, though, continue to stoke the fires of racial hatred, I don't doubt that they will have their own holocaust in this century.

Human beings (and animals) are by nature tribal and tribes are by nature territorial and competitive. A racially (frequently even an ethnically or religiously) diverse society is by definition inherently prone to balkanization. Ironically enough, it seems that the only racially diverse societies that muddle through are ones where, quite frankly, one race is on top (such Whites were in this country and South Africa at one time and still are in parts of Latin America) or where there is a sort of "caste" sytem -- Malaysia comes to mind (Malaysians own the land, serve in the military and run the country, Chinese run the businesses and Indians are the professionals). This minimizes the friction inherent in competition between the races.

We're importing race war into this country. On top of the problems inherent in a racially diverse society, multiculturalism, victimology and leftism in general is making a bad situation worse. Non-whites, by and large, don't believe in racial equality -- you may have noticed that wherever they are in control -- owning an apartment building, running a business or dominating a town -- they openly and blatantly favor their own kind. At this point in time, I think that the only thing that holds this country together is prosperity. If and when we get into another Depression, this glue will disappear and I don't know what will happen. Something ugly, I think.

224 posted on 02/09/2004 10:01:43 PM PST by Siamese Princess
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To: nopardons
White South Africans as 'oddities and freaks'. People assume that's your home because you're descendants of evil, colonial oppressors. Other than vagrants, politicians, and lawyers, stupid uninformed people will bring down this country. (did that last sentence sound redundant?!)
225 posted on 02/09/2004 10:06:03 PM PST by cyborg
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To: xrp
Will the last Caucasian die of old age in a Shanghai zoo, or roasting over a primitive cannibal's fire?
226 posted on 02/09/2004 10:10:00 PM PST by Travis McGee (----- -----)
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To: Ciexyz; archy
What about the white American missionaries who serve the Black population?

When African blacks get into a wild MauMau mass psychosis rage, they will kill everything they perceive to be an enemy. In the Congo, they slaughtered white nurses and missionaries quite horribly, people who had dedicated their lives to improving the lots of Africans.

227 posted on 02/09/2004 10:14:27 PM PST by Travis McGee (----- -----)
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To: Siamese Princess
You're 100% incorrect on one salient fact.

Though it is 100% true, South Africa has had for decades and throughout Apartheid, continuing through this very moment,a terrible ILLEGAL ALIEN problem, it has NOTHING at all to do with whites hiring them for lower rates than SA blacks, whites, and/or colored.The black ILLEGALS, came/come to SA because their own countries are war torn,starving them, and/or has no jobs.

For many decades, the military was stationed at the border with a few other countries and sent the illegals back, though some have always gotten through. Contrary to your statement, most of the illegals don't get jobs and starve, become criminals,etc.

228 posted on 02/09/2004 10:17:15 PM PST by nopardons
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To: cyborg
Just the teeniest bit redundant. But give it no mind. :-)
229 posted on 02/09/2004 10:18:25 PM PST by nopardons
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To: Siamese Princess
I predict that China is going to colonize Africa on a massive scale over the next century. Probably beginning with naval bases, extending to "infrastructure projects" adn eventually to a hundred million Chinese usurping the Africans. The only question is how many Africans will be left at the end of the century, and will the Indians be competing for colonial territory with China.
230 posted on 02/09/2004 10:19:04 PM PST by Travis McGee (----- -----)
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To: Travis McGee
My uncle who was a missionary priest was hidden underneath floorboards in a church along with a Waloon and his wife because in addition to slaughtering whites, they were slaughtering native women who were married to any white Belgian. They were raping and chopping church women bits right over them. I know my uncle who just retired from the priesthood has seen worse than that but he sure won't say anything.
231 posted on 02/09/2004 10:20:05 PM PST by cyborg
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To: Travis McGee
232 posted on 02/09/2004 10:20:42 PM PST by cyborg
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To: Siamese Princess
My second novel, "Domestic Enemies," will largely be set in the state of Nuevo Mexico, soon after they pass the "Solo Espanol" laws. It's going to be a tale of the "American Kosovo." So-called Land Reform will be issue number one, as the Spanish Land Grants are reexamined by the radical judges and state legislature. Since 5th generation Anglo ranchers are unlikely to pack and leave without a fight, it's going to get ugly fast. Of course, it's just fiction.
233 posted on 02/09/2004 10:24:26 PM PST by Travis McGee (----- -----)
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To: nopardons
The COMMUNISTS came to power, when Mandela became preisdint!

Ironically enough, in the 1920s, South African Communists first backed the White workers, then later found in more useful to back the Blacks.

234 posted on 02/09/2004 10:26:26 PM PST by Siamese Princess
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To: cyborg
China. They are looking at Africa today the way our ancestors were looking at North America 400 years ago. Brush aside the hapless population, and harness the resources of the continent. They will not be hindered by modern European/American notions of sentimental kindness toward weaker peoples.


235 posted on 02/09/2004 10:27:27 PM PST by Travis McGee (----- -----)
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To: Siamese Princess
Yes, I am fully aware of that. :-)
236 posted on 02/09/2004 10:27:50 PM PST by nopardons
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To: Travis McGee
Did you forget about Nortern Africa? LOL... with all their wahabi and nuclear weapons?
237 posted on 02/09/2004 10:29:15 PM PST by cyborg
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To: hershey
Liberals scream about some problem they decide exists, and then do nothing sensible about really fixing it. They care only about the perception or feeling good themselves...not reality or consequences that result when they tear down a particular society.

You've put your finger on a major Liberal characteristic: a penchant for politically correct moral grandstanding as a substitute for personal integrity. Another one is that Liberal "solutions" actually tend to create more problems which necessitate further Liberal (read government) solutions.

238 posted on 02/09/2004 10:30:35 PM PST by Siamese Princess
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To: nopardons
Thank YOU!

You're welcome!

You are quite correct about one thing, no one in the U.S. media, conservative or liberal, gives a damn about the horrid situation in South Africa. I myself had no clue, except for what WHITE Africans posted here on the Free Republic. When I finally met people who've acutally lived in SA since 1994, they confirmed everything I heard here, and more.

The great thing about the Free Republic is you can get a tremendous amount of useful info that you'll never-ever see in the mainstream press. The information I'm gleaning about J.F.Kerry is worth it's weight in gold, and it's all very well documented and researched. While my local newspapers tell me about Kerry's heroism in Vietnam, the folk's here at FR let us know how great a hero Kerry was to the anti-war, pro-communist movement.

Ignore the idiots, and keep posting! There's really no other place to find out what's really going on in the world --seriously.

Good point about most murders being black-on-black. Amazing how it's the same here in the U.S.of A. But it's not "politically correct" to talk about black crime, or even to honestly study it. The only talking point about black crime allowed is to discuess the tremendous injustice being done to blacks: for there are far more of them in jail, per capita, than whites. Obviously, the system is racist...(I even hear about it from "conservative" whites!) If you want to be the object of great scorn and ridicule, just "suggest" that perhaps it's because the blacks commit more crimes that there are more blacks in jail...

The truth fell out of fashion a long time ago, and the situation is not improving...

Anyway, keep up the good work! And ignore the idiot posters!

239 posted on 02/09/2004 10:31:05 PM PST by Ronzo (GOD alone is enough.)
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