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DUBOB 11- more tales from the Dark UnderBelly Of the Beast...
various links and websites | 01-31-03 | The Heavy Equipment Guy

Posted on 01/31/2003 5:07:21 PM PST by backhoe

At the request of members, I am restarting those "Tales from the Dark UnderBelly Of the Beast"-- the stories and issues that the press and media either ignore, won't even talk about, or will mention once and forevermore claim "it's old news..."

Naturally, some will be stories which interest me, or things I think we all need to be aware of.

I am experimenting with a minor change in presentation- when I can, I will cut to


with a keyword or two and see what kind of links to "mainstream" stories I can find in contrast to what we see here and on other sites.

May I remind you of a couple of points to bear in mind?
Each link usually has many other links within- follow them all to get "the rest of the story."
Don't forget the "open multiple browsers" trick with control-n -- this allows you to hold your place with one, and use the others to follow links, run searches, etc.

Rather than go back and rehash old links, I'll give you links to the original posts here:

-DUBOB 10- the *best of* the Dark Underbelly Series--

-DUBOB 9-- even *more* tales from the Dark Underbelly of the Beast..... --

DUBOB 8-- still *more* tales from the Underbelly***

DUBOB 7-- even *more* tales from the Dark Underbelly of the Beast.....

DUBOB 6-- yet *more* tales from the Dark Underbelly of the Beast.....

DUBOB 5-- even *more* tales from the Dark Underbelly of the Beast.....

DUBOB IV- yet more Tales from the Dark Underbelly of the Beast-

DUBOB III -- "Tales from the Dark Underbelly of the Beast"

DUBOB 2-- more tales from The Dark Underbelly of the Beast-- thread II

-The Dark Underbelly of the Beast- Stories the Media won't Discuss...--

KEYWORDS: americans4prosperity; davidharsanyi; dubob; erichoffer; kochbrothers; lamestreammedia; oldmedia; thetruth
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Remember Truman’s advice about getting a dog if you’re in Washington and you need a friend? Well, Jeannie DeAngelis at American Thinker says President Obama has put a whole new spin on what important people in the nation’s capital do with dogs. It’s a lot like kicking the can down the road, except the dog doesn’t get to chase the can because the dog is the can …. trust me, it’s worth a read.  Obama claims that the buck stops with him, yet the president habitually avoids blame by pointing the finger of accusation at animate people and inanimate objects, which translates into presidential "dog-kicking."
Yep: MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD’S CHIEF OF STAFF says Iran can destroy Israel in a week.
SEARCHING FOR MODERATE TERRORISTS is a complete waste of time.
If you don’t know Walter’s Unified Field Theory of Everything, you don’t know there really is at least one guy on the Left who tries to give the Tea Partiers a fair shake.

MARK STEYN ON EVERYBODY DRAWS MOHAMMED DAY: “I’m bored with death threats. And, as far as I’m concerned, if that’s your opening conversational gambit, then any obligation on my part to ‘cultural sensitivity’ and ‘mutual respect’ is over. The only way to stop this madness destroying our liberties is (as Ayaan Hirsi Ali puts it) to spread the risk. Everybody Draws Mohammed Day does just that.”

Of course, as Michael Totten, my fellow Insta-guestblogger just noted here, Pakistan is rapidly becoming One Nation Under a Firewall to limit its citizens’ exposure to the samizdat images.

Update: The irrepressible blogger known only as Zombie wastes no time swinging into action.

America: Not Broke Enough!

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!

Forbes, May 18th - If allowed to stand, the EPA's endangerment finding will trigger a regulatory cascade through multiple provisions of the Act. America could be burdened with a regulatory regime more costly than any climate bill Congress has rejected or declined to pass, yet without the people's representatives ever voting on it.

Associated Press, May 20 - The number of people filing new claims for unemployment benefits unexpectedly rose last week by the largest amount in three months. The surge was a setback to hopes that layoffs were declining..

Posted by Kate at 11:02 AM| Comments (13)

Hey Illegals, Have Your Kids Admit in School You Don’t Have Papers and the Feds Won’t Touch You

May 20, 2010 02:12 PM by Doug Powers30 Comments


Dems Stand and Cheer as Calderon Bashes Arizona Law

May 20, 2010 02:52 PM by Doug Powers29 Comments | 2 Trackbacks

Los despicable

We believe this current White House should not hold any more state dinners — because they lead to disasters of epic proportions.

May 20, 2010 at 1:51 pm

Insulting AND inappropriate.
Can anyone publish an address, email, etc. for Calderon? I think we should innundate him with our outrage because if no one calls him on it, he will continue to think that he can come here, insult us and attempt to influence our lawmaking processes.
I am beyond outraged at him and at Obama, who seems to be shooting himself in the foot with his daily insults to America.
Even Obama’s fans must be sweating at bit at this point.

May 20, 2010 at 1:49 pm

But why doesn’t anyone in the MSM ever call him on it? Don’t they see the hypocrisy of Mexico?

I used to cross my fingers and pray we survive until 2012. Now, I really don’t know if our country will survive until then.

May 20, 2010 at 2:13 pm

The “Hate America First” crowd just gave Calderon a “Standing O” for bashing our 48th state. Remember who stood up and applauded this planned slap in the face of America. Remember November.

May 20, 2010 at 3:25 pm

Thank you so much Hillbuzz. You’ve said it all. I’ve never been so disgusted.

MOAR acerbic commentary HERE:

New Welcome To Mexico tourism video. It's called "Your money or your life!"

Continue reading

At least they caught the guys. This time. Don't you feel safer?Close it up
Posted by DrewM. at 02:09 PM New Comments Thingy

206 Calderon came into our house and told us to "smell the glove."  Obama and the dems were punked big-time...The AZ gov and Sarah Palin seem to be the only ones with the cojones to deal with our little brown friends to the South...

Flower in a Crannied Wall

Even familiar objects present so much information it is hard to understand them completely. Alfred Lord Tennyson famously observed that we could not fully know even a “flower in a crannied wall” in its “all in all” any more than we could comprehend the totality of the universe. This overload is exploited by steganography, an art in which a message is deliberately mixed with many other messages; where one pattern is engulfed in a a number of larger patterns. Messages concealed in this way are hard to detect. The give-away is often the vague sense that something is not quite right about it.

So when George Will says there is something inexplicably entertaining in current American politics he is making the wordsmith’s equivalent of the steganalytical observation that something about today is fishy and maybe we had better search it through for a payload. Something is going on inside the funniness, and it would be nice to know what it is.


"Our language is full of phrases that describe what is about to happen, the most apt being “the straw that broke the camel’s back”. I think we all here at the BC sense that our economic and political systems are rapidly reaching the “tipping point” and that one “black swan” will cause a system crash. And like computers, the economic and political systems will require a “reboot”. What takes the place of the old systems is anybody’s guess. The Tea Partiers hope that the reboot will restore our Constitutional Republic and free market economics. The left dreams the reboot will transform the economic and political systems into their vision and one that they control. What is clear, whatever the outcome, is that the “reboot” is going to be anything but peaceful and “calm”. There will be political and social “earthquakes”, and like their physical counterpart there will be destruction of the “unsafe and unsound structures” and that the survivors will be picking through the rubble and having to rebuild their lives. One can only hope that the “earthquakes” when they come are moderates one and not of the 9.0+ variety." Link to this Comment

I think this application of critical phenomena theory is relevant to both current and many previous posts. According to the theory in the vicinity of critical point oscillations around general trend become fast and violent.

Look for an event that brings people to a single point issue like the one that organized 10k Thai to show up at one point in the city center. When you have an event that attracts 10 million Americans to the town square, tow things are going to happen; 1) it will get the attention of the rulers. 2) They will barricade themselves and declare martial law. The sad truth is, true or not, a majority believes they’d like that outcome, the music stops and they are firmly in power.  Link to this Comment

Wednesday, May 19, 2010, 11:20 PM
Elizabeth Scalia

Noting that the press seems torn between being justifiably angry at President Obama for his dismissive attitude toward them (and his disinterest in press conferences and “transparencies”) and their instinct to lay down, roll over and let him rub their bellies while they pant, Allahpundit remarks: this relationship is the definition of co-dependency, isn’t it?

Well, yes, we’ve pretty much established that the White House press corps and most of the mainstream media are the well-paid equivalent of the desperate girl with glasses who got dazzled by the King of the Prom, gave her whole self to him on the first date, and now sits by the phone, waiting for him to call just so she can be used by him, again.

Or, perhaps the press is Miss Havisham, their emotional clocks stopped on the Inaugural day, their house tumbling about them as they drag about unsteadily, with one foot unshod, their pretty cake uneaten. Having been fooled by Obama Compeyson, they haul their heavy train of regret about them and grow bitter. One wonders if they will ever turn to the alternative media they despise and try to break as they have been broken and say, “I saw in you a looking-glass that showed me what I once felt myself, I did not know what I had done. What have I done! What have I done!”

Co-dependent, oh, yes. I watched the clip of Chip Reid asking Obama if he ever plans to have a real press conference again, and thought: “He wants me, but only part of the time/He wants me, if he can keep me in line”

The drama between Obama and the broken-hearted, ever-hopeful media is only going to grow; if some–even a handful–of journalists snap out of their slumber and begin to wonder what this congress and this president think about free speech, it may become downright operatic.

American Digest: It’s come to this…

READ the whole thing- Police State 2010 is not a joke:

Last week, an Illinois judge rejected Chicago artist Christopher Drew’s motion to dismiss the Class I felony charge against him. Drew is charged with violating the state’s eavesdropping statute when he recorded his encounter with a police officer last December on the streets of Chicago. A Class I felony in Illinois is punishable by 4 to 15 years in prison. It’s in the same class of crimes as sexual assault. Drew will be back in court in June to request a jury trial.

I’m currently working on a feature for Reason about man in a more rural part of the state charged with six violations of the same statute, all of them for making audio recordings of on-duty public officials. For several of the counts in that case, the police were actually on the man’s property. He started recording his conversations with police because he felt he was being unjustly harassed for violating a town ordinance he thought was unconstitutional.

Like our host, I’m of the opinion that it should always be legal to record on-duty police officers, both as a matter of policy and under the free speech, free press, and right to petition the government provisions in the First Amendment. We saw the power and potential of audio and video recording technology to expose government abuse in the Iranian protests last summer. But we also see it here in the U.S. with the thousands of  police misconduct videos uploaded to YouTube in recent years.

Typically, police who want to arrest someone for recording them while on duty use a strained interpretation of state wiretapping laws or whatever state or local law addresses obstructing or  interfering with law enforcement. These incidents are troubling enough, and I think state legislatures should consider passing laws explicitly making it legal to record on-duty law enforcement officials. Those laws should include remedies for people wrongly arrested, or who have had their cameras or cell phones illegally confiscated, damaged, or destroyed.

But in Illinois the situation is quite a bit worse. In Illinois it actually is illegal to make audio recordings of on-duty cops–or any other public official. Illinois is one of a handful of states that require all parties to consent before someone can record a conversation. But the other all-party-consent states also include a provision in their statutes stating that for there to be a violation of the law the nonconsenting party must have a reasonable expectation of privacy. On-duty police officers in public spaces have no such expectation.

Here’s where it gets even worse: Originally, the Illinois eavesdropping law did also include a similar expectation of privacy provision. But the legislature stripped that provision out in 1994, and they did so in response to an incident in which a citizen recorded his interaction with two on-duty police officers. In other words, the Illinois legislature specifically intended to make it a Class I felony, punishable by up to 15 years in prison, to make an audio recording of an on-duty police officer without his permission.

Given the spate of recent stories about cops in Chicago caught on video misbehaving (some of whom were subsequently held accountable only because of the video), the legislature’s already-awful-when-it-passed 1994 amendment hasn’t aged well.

I suspect most state officials know this law is unconstitutional. While several people have been charged under the statute for recording public officials, I’ve so far been unable to find anyone who was actually convicted, much less had a conviction upheld. (If you know of someone who has, please email me!) Prosecutors tend to either drop the charges or offer a plea bargain before the case gets to trial. It isn’t difficult to see why someone would take a misdemeanor plea and a clean record instead of challenging a bad law and risking up to 15 years in prison and a felony record if they lose.

Before Drew the closest anyone came to challenging the law came in 2004, when documentary filmmaker Patrick Thompson was arrested for recording police interactions with patrons outside of bars and restaurants in Champaign-Urbana. He was looking to document allegations that police were treating white patrons differently than black patrons. (See the ACLU’s brief on Thompson’s behalf here). But Thompson took a plea bargain before his case went to trial.

So the law remains on the books. Which Illinois police officers remain authorized by state law to detain, arrest, and jail people who record them while on-duty, and they can continue to confiscate the recordings.

(Cross-posted at Reason’s Hit & Run.)

UPDATE/CORRECTION: Eugene Volokh emails to say that Massachusetts also doesn’t appear to recognize an expectation of privacy exception to its all-party-consent law, and has upheld a conviction for recording on-duty police officers.

12,361 posted on 05/20/2010 3:09:35 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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Congressman McClintock's Response to President Calderon (delivered on House floor)

Senators press for National Guard troops on border

Mexico's Immigration Law: Let's Try It Here at Home (RE-POST - Laws for a Sovereign Nation)

Rush Limbaugh Tears into Felipe Calderon Over Mexico's Immigration Laws (Audio)

"...they deport more illegal immigrants from Mexico than we do. "

Driver Hits 4 Teens, Treats Them Like 'Debris'(Illegal Alien)

Video: Arizona to L.A.: Boycott us and we'll cut off your power...Enjoy your hot summer..LOL!

Obama Says Admin. Taking ‘Very Close Look’ at AZ’s Immigration Law for Civil Rights ‘Implications’

I really hope they try somehow to strike it down. With %70 of the nation for it, it would be politically disastrous.

Obama has already created a political disaster for his party by publicly opposing the new Arizona law.

Every time he opens his yap about this issue, millions of Americans hear him and realize that he doesn't speak for them, but for the illegals who are destroying their jobs, their towns, their cities, and states.

Part 7 in the Series--So You Honestly Think This Government Is Not Stealing Your Information?

It Gets Worse After Hours: Futures Fall Ever Closer To Flash Crash Lows

Europe's Sleepless Night

Rodent scurries by as Obama lauds Wall Street vote [Caption Obama/Rodent]


♪ Whooze da leader

Of da Club

Das made fer you N' Me? ♪



Wrong Rat!

Beware Rand Paul and Sarah Palin [Finally their fear shows it's real face]

Skills Everyone Should Have

Net Neutrality: As Important as Air

Horrendous Close Already Has Investors Worried About A Friday Massacre

Let them eat cake.

Remember this from 01/31/2009?

The Peasants Are Hungry? Uhhhhh, Let Them Eat Wagyu! 

Most of us thought that dietary items like arugula were a bit on the pricy (and eccentric) side. Now, however, The Dear Leader has added a new item to our national food lexicon:

Wagyu Beef

For you Saxon dog serfs out there, we're talking about a type of steak that runs over $100 a pound. In some instances, Wagyu beef can run over $100 a 6-8 ounce serving.

White House State Dinner--Its Own "Vanity Fair" Party

12,362 posted on 05/20/2010 4:28:20 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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Image and video 
hosting by TinyPic 

WE’D BETTER HOPE THIS IS JUST BOMBAST: “North Korea said on Friday the peninsula was heading toward war and it was ready to tear up all agreements with the South after it accused the reclusive state of torpedoing a navy ship near their disputed border.”

Why is this being downplayed?

Posted by Rick
Published: May 20, 2010 - 1:19 PM

A North Korean sub sinks a South Korean naval ship, the evidence is clear, and the United States of America, under Barack Hussein Obama, says nothing.


A North Korean torpedo sank a South Korean navy ship in March causing the loss of 46 sailors, an international report has found.

Investigators said they had discovered part of the torpedo on the sea floor and it carried lettering that matched a North Korean design.

Perhaps someone could pull Obama away from his bash America party with the Mexican President and speak to this in some cogent way.  I'm sure the South Koreans would love to hear from America about this.

Wouldn't you think?

Crossposted at Brutally Honest.

An ( anti ) American _Resident:
DID OBAMA’S SPEECHWRITERS WRITE THE MEXICAN PRESIDENT’S SPEECH? It sure sounded like it to me… and to Rush Limbaugh. (If you want to talk about it, the comments are open chez Althouse.)
HEZBOLLAH IS INTERESTING IN THE WAY FREDDY KRUGER IS INTERESTING: Michael Ledeen has more on why searching for Hezbollah “moderates” is such a half-baked idea, and retired Lt. Col. Rick Francona wonders why John Brennan, who hatched this idea in the first place, still has a job.
"Bring it on."

Melanie Phillips;

They were warned, of course, when the Euro was introduced that its inherent incoherence as the purported ‘common’ currency of wildly different economies would eventually bring it down, along with the EU project itself and the economies that so rashly tied themselves to it.

It’s not actually Europe that would fail. The countries sharing the continent of Europe could continue very happily to trade and ally with each other. What might now fail is the hubristic and anti-democratic project for an EU superstate, hoist by its own monetary petard.

Lots of chatter here concerning the gory details, and still more at Maxed Out Mama;

We aren't going to see any acknowledgment of this in DC, but the UK is cutting at least top-level government salaries, and there is much more to come, Spain is cutting government salaries and is reducing welfare payments, Italy is clearly going to get serious, and Sarkozy either will cut or just freeze hiring [...] Spain and Germany are probably going to be cutting a lot of their energy subsidies for that green sustainable stuff which they are finding to be an economic drag. The UK is still debating measures, but it is certain that they will be dismantling portions of their social support measures.

Thus, the irony is that Christie (in NJ) is now following the European model; the liberals in DC who always talk about the benefits of the European approach are sadly out of date. The Tea Bag Party are the Europeanists; DC is just gasping out its last breath in DC Disneyland.

Posted by Kate at 5:28 PM| Comments (9)

There's a rat in the White House

No... really:

In his battle with the titans of Wall Street, President Barack Obama almost got upstaged by a rat.
But he didn't even seem to notice. Assuming that's what it was, scurrying in front of his podium Thursday in a sun-drenched Rose Garden.

Obama had just begun an afternoon statement to reporters lauding the end of a Senate filibuster on his financial overhaul plan when some kind of rodent -- opinions differ on which -- dashed out of the bushes to his right, just outside the Oval Office.

As photographers snapped away, the critter trundled straight past the gray podium with the presidential seal and made a bee-line for another set of bushes to Obama's left.

It's not clear if the president could even see the streaker, but he didn't show any reaction. And he concluded his statement minutes later, returning to his office without answering a few shouted questions on other topics.

For those wondering, the rat is the one in the lower right hand side of the picture posted.

Crossposted at Brutally Honest.

Frankenstein redux:

CRAIG VENTER creates a cell with synthetic DNA. Venter is an interesting character.  I invited him to DHS while I was in government, for an encounter that left neither of us satisfied.  Here’s an excerpt from, yes, Skating on Stilts:

Craig Venter is a bald man with a beard and the tanned, bulky fitness of a sixty-year-old defying his years. He leans across the DHS conference room table as though he owns it. But the meeting isn’t going quite as smoothly as Venter expected.

If anyone represents the promise of biotech, it is Venter. He sees engineered organisms as the key to progress and riches on a vast scale. So he can’t be comfortable with the theme of the meeting.

I am pressing him on risks, not promise. Venter knows more about biotech than almost anyone. If there’s a way to avoid the dangers that come with democratizing genetic engineering, Venter should have it at his fingertips.

“What will stop terrorists from inventing new diseases?” I ask.

I’m thinking of what happened in 2001, when an Australian research project went frighteningly wrong. The researchers were trying to create a rodent contraceptive from the mousepox virus. They spliced a gene into the mousepox virus. They didn’t want to hurt the mice, so they injected the engineered virus only into mice bred for resistance to mousepox. And, adding suspenders to their belt, they vaccinated some of the mice for mousepox before administering the injection.

As a contraceptive, it turned out, the new virus was an overachiever. Dead mice don’t have sex, and dead mice were what the virus produced. The new gene turned the formerly mild mousepox virus into a killer, overriding the genetic resistance of every unvaccinated mouse. And then it turned on the vaccinated mice, killing half of them for good measure. If just one researcher made just one mistake as bad as that with human subjects, I tell Venter, even nations that had stockpiled vaccines would be destroyed. How do we know, I say, that well-intentioned hobbyists, not to mention hapless terrorists, won’t produce pathogens that are far more lethal and contagious than they intended? …

I’m hoping Venter can see something I’ve missed, some reason why democratizing this technology won’t ultimately empower the worst in human behavior as well as the best. Or at least some way to keep his beloved technology from putting humanity at risk.

I wait. Venter leans in, clears his throat. He smiles the winning smile that has charmed reporters and government funders for more than a decade.

“My, my, don’t you have an imagination,” he beams.

Overnight Open Thread


Happy Thursday all.

The Best Underrated Fantasy Books Before 1937

I was never into fantasy books until just a few years ago - I always figured they were just rehashes of D&D adventures with vorpal swords, magic stones, humorous sidekicks and some kind of quest. But by chance I read a fantasy book by Jack Vance and it was different and far better than I ever expected. So after that pleasant surprise, the genre's become a staple on my reading list. And it was a post by Ace that got me started reading Robert E. Howard's Conan series - which I liked.

So over the past year or so I've started reading some of the early fantasy-type books that started off the entire genre. Of the ten books listed, I've already read four so far and own copies of nearly all the rest. So far my favorites have been William Morris' The Well at the World's End and Lud-in-the-Mist by Hope Mirlees.

Continue reading

Close it up
Posted by Maetenloch at 10:15 PM New Comments Thingy

Ereddison - Worm Ouroboros 2


28 So according to a recent Pew survey 43% of 18-29 year-olds have a positive view of socialism

That's because they're weak little pussies looking for someone or something to replace mommy and daddy and take care of them. Stupid kids and their faux combover hairstyle.

12,363 posted on 05/21/2010 1:05:27 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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To: All
This is going to be The Jimmy Carter Rabbit moment for Kommander Zer0:

What Happened to Obama’s Standing Around the World?

Whatever happened to the man who stormed the international scene...


Selected quotes from:

| Comments (12)

"The rat made no effort to interrupt Obama out of professional courtesy."

That's not a rat. That's Nancy Pelosi's lost soul. "

"Looks like the little fella is deserting the sinking ship caused by the big fella."

US-JAPAN ALLIANCE PARTNERSHIP CRUMBLING (Cover Story/Photo of Nikkei Business) (Translation)

Believe me, people here can see right through this guy, after 18 months of this nonsense:

The EPA's Shocking Power Grab (making federal decisions without the consent of Congress)

Obama to Mandate Rules to Raise Fuel Standards (Stupid is as stupid does)

Feds: States' growing gun-rights movement a threat

Don't get uppity, peasants...

A Time To Speak Out(last chance to come clean?)

Lessons from Argentina’s economic collapse

The Coming Depression

What Good Can a Handgun Do Against an Army.....?


3 posted on Friday, May 21, 2010 4:18:53 AM by 2ndDivisionVet

The Tea Party Movement's New Anthem?

Palin bump? South Carolina GOP longshot Haley now leads

The Taranto Principle Vindicated Again

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer Responds to Obama and President Calderon on Immigration Law (Video)

A Mosque at Ground Zero Equals Victory

Time To Rein In Government Pay

Pink Hitler Posters Provoke Fury [Hitler in Sicily]

AZ Law Unfair? Let's Adopt Mexico's Instead!

On Immigration, Obama Backs Mexico, Not Arizona

New Orleans mayor demands apology from Fox Sports for remark about Katrina victims

On the Dan Patrick Radio Show on Monday, Myers talked about the flood victims in Tennessee pulling together to help themselves, instead of standing on roof tops and blaming the government — an obvious reference to Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in 2005.(continued)

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Richard Blumenthal's "Rolling Blunder" -- It's Apocalypse Now for a Politician

An Uncomfortable Robert Gibbs Refuses to Answer Questions on Sestak Job Offer - Video

Err, that is because "bribery" is part of impeachment law...

Why Voters Will Get a Lot Angrier

...a lot of them would be happy if everybody were poorer than THEY. As Glenn Beck said today, there is no doubt the “social justice” people would like to bring the U.S. down a lot of pegs, because our average income of $30K is just simply way more rich than the rest of the world, so we are obviously guilty of success and being born in the right country. But the people who want to impose those policies would never live under the regime themselves; they would plan to rule it and live like kings...

12,364 posted on 05/21/2010 2:17:11 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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Unions to spend $100M in 2010 campaign to save Dem majorities

From Banning Books to Banning Blogs

Sestak's little bribe problem(Video)

Rush Limbaugh on an Arizona-California "Civil War": Video

Obama administration should heed Mexico's call to crack down on guns

Mr. Calderón argued that the surge in violent, cartel-related crimes coincided with the 2004 repeal of the U.S. assault weapons ban.

That is such utter bullsh!t. These cartels and gangs like MS-13 have been chopping people up with machetes and shooting each other with old revolvers long before the AR-15 was invented. Any uptick in their activities centers around two things; money and power from illegal drugs. With the money and power come the ability to buy fully-automatic weapons, grenades and even RPGs from third-world sources. They would like the sheeple to believe that all those grenades and machine guns came from US gun shows. Riiight.

FREE SPEECH TRENCHES [Free Republic link list research]


Happy 'Draw Mohammed Day'!!!!!
Ok... culled from My Stack O Stuff:

Facebook Accused of Hurting Muslims With ‘Anti-Islamic Sentiments’

Artificial Hype...But Not Life...Created in MSM Laboratory

Federal Laws are Both Too Numerous and Too Vague

Scott Brown Blows It!

The Great Dying of Thermometers

Graphic: Great Dying of Thermometers

Police Knew Time Square Bomb Accomplice Was Illegal Alien

Top Official Says Feds May Not Process Illegals Referred From Arizona

Mexico is collapsing so quickly illegal aliens are still coming, they’d rather be in an Arizona jail

Fairly Warned Be Ye: The Pirates Of Zapata County

Leading (Economic) Indicators Fall Sharply To Lowest Level Since Last September

The Global War for Women’s Rights

Obama's Thuggocracy (Commentary)

I keep telling you all what it really is...

”Zimbabwe On The Potomac...”


Another Police State 2010 Alert:

12,365 posted on 05/21/2010 11:12:51 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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To: All
I spent most of today as one of the instructors for the Heritage Foundation’s Computer Assisted Investigative Reporting Boot Camp program at the National Press Club. It’s all about the incredible explosion of data about government programs and how easy it is to download and analyze. It’s free, too, you just have to get to D.C. for a full Friday of rather intense learning (We don’t call it a “boot camp” for nothing!). All bloggers who want to nail bad guys and bad programs should take it.  The instructor team also includes folks from and the Sunlight Foundation. Schedule is on the online enrollment page.


Over at my place, I discuss the looming problem in public pensions.  Frankly, at this point it’s not so much looming, as raising a giant foot to stomp us all flat.


“I HATE TO SAY I TOLD YOU SO,” Christopher Horner of the Competitive Enterprise Institute writes at PJM, “but I revel in it:”  As predicted ... Breaking the Spanish government’s admission here at Pajamas Media

With markets unsteady, this seems like a good time to recommend Benjamin Roth’s The Great Depression:  A Diary.  Those who don’t know history are doomed . . .

“TODAY MUST BE IRONY DAY IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE,” Ed Morrissey writes, adding, “First we have Cuba calling immigration enforcement ‘brutal,’ and now we have gun-control politicians demonstrating why the founders passed the Second Amendment in the first place.  When challenged by a reporter to explain how gun control makes the city safer when it only disarms the law-abiding, Mayor Richard Daley responded by offering to demonstrate by shooting him.”

Mexican “lake pirates”? As Sarah Palin would say, you betcha. Chris Stirewalt, my Washington Examiner colleague, gets the hat tip for pointing out this amazing story from a San Antonio TV station. BTW, Chris is our politics editor and his reporting bears an uncanny resemblance in originality and insight to that of our inimitable Michael Barone. You heard it here first, friends!

LEE SMITH says Lebanese-American Rima Fakih, this year’s Miss America winner, isn’t necessarily a fully Westernized Muslim just because she wore a bathing suit. She may well be what her admirers say she is, but to know for certain you’d have to look into her head and her heart, not at her body or clothes. The same is true for any other beauty pageant contestant, but there’s something else, too: Some bikini-clad women in Lebanon, believe it or not, support Hezbollah, just as a small number of Middle Eastern doctors perversely become terrorists.

I have already strongly recommended Smith’s book The Strong Horse: Power, Politics, and the Clash of Arab Civilizations, but I want to plug it one last time because everyone who wants to understand how the Middle East works needs to read this.

SAVING FACE IN KOREA: Austin Bay writes:

The Korean War started with an explosive communist attack that raised the specter of global nuclear war. Now it appears it may end with a communist implosion, one that risks igniting a brief but terrible nuclear conflict in East Asia, should North Korea hit Seoul or Tokyo with a nuke.

Seoul’s suburbs lie within range of North Korean artillery. A North Korean fighter-bomber, heading south from communist airspace, will reach Seoul in minutes. South Korea’s Samsung Corp. is one of the largest private employers in the Texas county in which I live. This means Pyongyang doesn’t need nukes to attack Texas’ economy, a fact of life among the 21st century’s economically, politically and technologically linked.

Global linkage and Pyongyang’s nuclear quest explain the caution stirring this strange twilight of an old war — caution expressed in Washington, caution followed to the point of kowtow by a South Korean government that hoped the Cheonan suffered a tragic accident.

Read the whole thing.

Fatal delusions

by Speranza ( 43 Comments › )
Filed under Ahmadinejad, Iran, Poland, Venezuela at May 21st, 2010 - 1:30 pm

“Our loyal, brave people… should know the truth. They should know that there has been a gross neglect and deficiency in our defenses; they should know that we have sustained a defeat without a war, the consequences of which will travel far with us along our road… and do not suppose that this is the end. This is only the beginning of the reckoning. This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of the bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year, unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigor, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in olden time.”
- Winston Churchill from his speech in protest against the Munich agreement, 1938

“All is over. Silent, mournful, abandoned, broken, Czechoslovakia recedes into the darkness. We have passed an awful milestone in our history, when the whole equilibrium of Europe has been derailed, and these terrible words have for the time being been pronounced against the Western democracies, ‘Thou art weighed in the balance, and found wanting’.”
- Winston Churchill lamenting the abandonment of Czechosolovakia by Britain at Munich in 1938

“The belief that security can be obtained by throwing a small state to the wolves is a fatal delusion.” – Winston Churchill

by  Charles Krauthammer

It is perfectly obvious that Iran’s latest uranium maneuver, brokered by Brazil and Turkey, is a ruse. Iran retains more than enough enriched uranium to make a bomb. And it continues enriching at an accelerated pace and to a greater purity (20 percent). Which is why the French foreign ministry immediately declared that the trumpeted temporary shipping of some Iranian uranium to Turkey will do nothing to halt Iran’s nuclear program.

It will, however, make meaningful sanctions more difficult. America’s proposed Security Council resolution is already laughably weak — no blacklisting of Iran’s central bank, no sanctions against Iran’s oil and gas industry, no nonconsensual inspections on the high seas. Yet Turkey and Brazil — both current members of the Security Council — are so opposed to sanctions that they will not even discuss the resolution. And China will now have a new excuse to weaken it further.

But the deeper meaning of the uranium-export stunt is the brazenness with which Brazil and Turkey gave cover to the mullahs’ nuclear ambitions and deliberately undermined U.S. efforts to curb Iran’s program.

The real news is that already notorious photo: the president of Brazil, our largest ally in Latin America, and the prime minister of Turkey, for more than half a century the Muslim anchor of NATO, raising hands together with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the most virulently anti-American leader in the world.

That picture — a defiant, triumphant take-that-Uncle-Sam — is a crushing verdict on the Obama foreign policy. It demonstrates how rising powers, traditional American allies, having watched this administration in action, have decided that there’s no cost in lining up with America’s enemies and no profit in lining up with a U.S. president given to apologies and appeasement.


They’ve observed the administration’s gratuitous slap at Britain over the Falklands, its contemptuous treatment of Israel, its undercutting of the Czech Republic and Poland, and its indifference to Lebanon and Georgia. And in Latin America, they see not just U.S. passivity as Venezuela’s  Hugo Chavez organizes his anti-American “Bolivarian” coalition while deepening military and commercial ties with Iran and Russia. They saw active U.S. support in Honduras for a pro-Chavez would-be dictator seeking unconstitutional powers in defiance of the democratic institutions of that country.

This is not just an America in decline. This is an America in retreat — accepting, ratifying and declaring its decline, and inviting rising powers to fill the vacuum.


Read the rest here: The Fruits of Weakness


"...Obama’s weakness just brings on more crazy reckless behavior in our enemies. The North Koreans never sunk a South Korean Navy Vessel when President Bush was in the White House."

You Know, For a Fat Guy, Chris Christie Moves Pretty Fast

—Dave In Texas

With the veto pen, all over a tax increase. When he moves, he slices like a f'n hammer.

Go read his letter, it's so good. My favorite excerpt:

The citizens of New Jersey have seen their taxes go up one hundred and fifteen (115) times over the last 8 years. Today, I act so that it will not occur for the one hundred and sixteenth (116th) time. After the dual failures of out-of-control State spending and the inability to curb a 70% rise in property taxes over the last 10 years, the supporters of this bill want to continue down the path of ever higher taxes, which has crippled our state’s economy and led to even more job losses. I'm on an integrity kick. Do you know where I'm coming from with integrity? Do you like your jobs? Well do you?

Kind of a rush post, busy day at work, I mighta messed up the quote.

via Guy Fawkes

Posted by Dave In Texas at 10:48 AM New Comments Thingy
78 Ya see there? Christie is telling it like it is, rather than being the usual mealy mouthed word parsing RINO we are all so damn disgusted with. We need more like him, and fewer "polished" nuanced hair splitters that know how to avoid a question on some TV show.

There are 22,798,012 illegal aliens in the country

There are 580,515 illegal aliens other than Mexicans in the country

Obama to announce secret U.S. missile tests, satellite launches

Here’s an interesting note we got from a reader, asking us to start using the term “criminal entrants” instead of “illegal aliens”.

Words have immense power.

The “aliens” always lends itself to cute ET or Roswell green imagery.

The “undocumented workers” garbage the PC-police on the Left keeps trying to push is something we never used for the Mexican reconquista invaders who illegally cross our borders and believe American immigration laws do not apply to them.

“Criminal entrants” is the term we’re going to start using…

May 21, 2010 at 10:11 am

It’s true we let the MSM and left define our vocabulary. And we let them distract us too much. They are marching forward with their socialist agenda and dominating the conversation and it makes me want to mail a spine to the Republicans to stand up to it. We have to grow our own spines as well.

I like criminal entrants. Criminal trespassors.

May 21, 2010 at 10:56 am

McClintock calls out Calderon:

"...I also humbly suggest using Limbaugh’s “regime” when speaking of the Obot, ahem, regime (because some are too stuck on stupid to pronounce junta)..."

May 21, 2010 at 11:34 am

Agree with much of the commentary already posted. Here is a graph posted on Market Ticker that really encapsulated neatly for me the problem — we are in serious trouble. Aside from banksters skimming profits, what are we really “producing” now that is tangible, and contributes to the GDP? Our manufacturing economy is but a shell of its former self. A solely “service-based” economy isn’t going to be our salvation.

May 21, 2010 at 9:28 am

I have been talking to ITALIAN and DUTCH TEA PARTY leaders. As I suspected, the views of the average citizen ARE more in line with the average American than the EURO elites. More details, from these leaders, is here:

West Memphis Officers Killed: Shooters Identified

Political Timewaster: Falling Obama


Sorry for another nothing post, but this is cute. Help guide Obama down, down, down into ever-sinking popularity.

Although maybe he doesn't need your help:

A private research group’s gauge of future U.S.economic activity unexpectedly slipped in April, the first decline in more than a year and a sign that growth could slow this summer, weighing on hiring.

The Conference Board said Thursday its index of leading economic indicators edged down 0.1 percent last month, the first drop since March 2009. Economists polled by Thomson Reuters had expected a gain of 0.2 percent. …

“Slower growth is likely in store for the second half of the year as the boost from inventories fades away,” said Tim Quinlan, economist at Wells Fargo Securities, in a research note.

Goldman Sachs economists expect growth to slow to an annualized rate of 1.5 percent in the second half of the year from more than 3 percent in the first six months of 2010.

See the link for Ed's noting that the MFM is embargoing this story (only the conservative Washington Times reported it) and how bad it is -- a 1.5% growth rate isn't really growth, as the workforce population expands at that rate, or just shy of it. This would not be deemed any sort of genuine recovery -- a real recovery includes explosive growth for several years as an economy ramps up towards its previous capacity (the "V" shaped recovery Larry Kudlow still predicts).

This would be the dreaded "L" non-recovery -- the economy falls down and then flatlines afterwards. This represents not a downturn so much as a permanentloss of economic vitality that never actually comes back. (At least in the short- to mid-term timeframe.)

A commentator suggested, cleverly I think, that Obama turned his attention away from the One Big Job he had to do -- fix the economy -- because he couldn't, and so pretended that his real One Big Job was something he could do -- sign a destructive health care bill into law. He'd get his "win" that way, the thinking went.

But that was a fatal error. The economy may still recover -- it has been almost unkillable since Reagan -- and that will save Obama.

But if it doesn't, that Halo of Unaccountability Obama wears on his head is going to rust and crumble into dust.

Posted by Ace at 04:04 PM New Comments Thingy
109 He really doesn't care ... All he thinks about is the mission given to him by Rev Wright ... Destroy the White Man's America.

Senate Democrats Pass Bill Allowing Govt to Collect Addresses, ATM Records of Bank Customers


12,366 posted on 05/21/2010 4:08:00 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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Sure "hope" you like that "change" you wanted so badly, Ø-Merica...
SMART POWER: “After witnessing Washington’s weak response to North Korea’s horrific act, we have to wonder if the mullahs think nuclear terrorism is a possible option for them.”
THE PARANOID CENTER: If you’ve never read it, Jesse Walker’s article in Reason from last fall is a must-see.

ONE OF THOSE MOMENTS: Mark Steyn on “Obama’s lazy tribute to Daniel Pearl:”

Like a lot of guys who’ve been told they’re brilliant one time too often, President Obama gets a little lazy...

Read the rest here.

SPIN-FREE OVERSEAS: In audio obtained by Naked Emperor News, Paul Volcker explains to a London audience that Obama has raised spending to 25% of GDP and there must be a massive new tax to cover it.

What could go wrong? American voters can look to California, “The Frog in the Sub-Prime Frying Pan” to find out.

RUSSIA will sell an advanced missile system to Iran despite sanctions.

Well, they worked so effectively with nukes... kiss air superiority goodbye...

ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO USED TO BE OPPOSED to the idea of unlimited executive power during the Bush administration … now seem to have embraced it during this administration.”  Funny, huh?

Obama orders new fuel standards on big trucks

How about Rep. Darrell Issa, R-CA, for House Bull Dog of the Year Award? He’s threatening to file an ethics complaint against Rep. Joe Sestak if the Pennsylvania Democrat doesn’t fess up to who in the Obama White House offered him a cushy federal job earlier this year in return for dropping his run against Sen. Arlen Specter.

Bribery... Impeachment...

Posted by The Sanity Inspector @ 8:50 pm
Comments (69)

Multi-Purpose Protester

by Bunk X ( 84 Comments › )
Filed under Humor, Open thread at May 21st, 2010 - 11:00 pm

Save Our Children – Collect ‘Em All!

This moonbatette doesn’t give a kukkuk for YOUR children, but she thinks hers need to be saved – and I don’t think she’s got Jesus on her fuzzy little brain.

Not "lawless"-- it's a Thugocracy:

Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, May 21, 2010, 6:25 PM

Charles Krauthammer called the Obama Administration “lawless” after a top official today announced that the administration will not process illegals referred by Arizona.

Charles Krauthammer on the Administration’s refusal to process illegal immigrants referred by Arizona:

I think its a perfect example of the arrogance and near lawlessness of this administration. Look, the Constitution requires that the federal government ensures that every state has republic form of government. Last time I checked Arizona does. There is no allegation that the immigration law in Arizona was passed in any way but legally… If the president doesn’t like he has an option. He can instruct the Department of Justice to go and have a judge strike it down. And, if likes he can get an injunction. In the meantime that will suspend it until its Constitutionality is ruled upon. In the meantime it’s as legal of law as any law in the land. For the executive (branch) to say that we’re going to ignore it or we’re going to un-enforce immigration in this state on account of this is lawless.

351 What is so incredibly funny is that there has been so much name calling and labeling that it has had the reverse effect.  You see, you have been programmed to not want to be called a racist, to not want to be called a loyal proud American and you were expected to shrink from this kind of stuff and run and hide so that no one will call you names....but..."the sticks and stones mentality" has kicked in....people feel it is more important to speak out and not to worry about the names...more and more people...every 70% want the borders closed and the immigration laws inforced...and hmm....that must include some of the 52% who elected this guy....oh what a conundrum they have now....what to do, what to do....


This is a battle of civilizations.  We thought we faced this on 9/11.  True, however we have a more pressing skirmish to attend to here at home.

If Obama and Soros are victorious, its over.  We'll be third world in 50 years.  Mexico in 25.

12,367 posted on 05/22/2010 2:10:12 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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Goodbye Sunshine

With Kagan appointment Goldman-Sachs runs America

Astonishing picture from Mexico travel board

How Mexico Treats Illegals (Michelle Malkin)

"I wish more Republicans would talk about this, and maybe even offer immigration reform based on Mexico’s existing law.

Well, for that to happen you would have to find [a] Republitard who has a "pair" and the only ones speaking out about anything are Michelle Bachman and Palin and as far as I can deduce, neither qualify as having those male appendages. Sad, very sad that just about all of our elected Congress-Critters are hiding under their desks on not only this issue but refuse to openly criticize our Dear Leader or his sycophant fellow-traveling, useful idiot, Demo-Rats. "

Why doesn't anyone talk about this? -LEGAL MODERN MEXICAN SLAVERY

Uhh, because it doesn't fit "the narrative?"

17 more states planning Ariz. 'illegal' crackdown

Not Everyone Has Right To Live In U.S.

Author of Arizona Immigration Law Wants To End Birthright Citizenship

"Unfortunately we had 8 years of GOP leadership, several with majorities in both houses, and we didn’t do a thing, unless you count recklessy spending our way into the minority. We did that well. I hope the Tea Party scares the survivors of the coming purge so badly they will actually do something substantial."

citizenship of the child at its birth is determined by...

De Rabbit, Boss, de rabbit...

Varmint crashes Obama's speech

"First a plague of bees, and now rats."
Didn’t Carter have to fight off a killer rabbit?

Obummer can't fight off vermin, you know, professional courtesy and all ;^)

Pakistani Army Major Among 2 New Arrests in Bombing

Video: NYC community leaders back Ground Zero Mosque plan!

Click the picture...

"Where it's nine-eleven all the time
and no Sun sets, and no clocks chime
where no voice speaks and no bird trills
the Moon hangs frozen o'er the hills
The winds are still, they seem to say,
Reflect, remember, stop to pray..."

Left Wing Fascists Given Police Escort to Threaten Civil Rights of Opponents

Is it any wonder that head of this thug union is one of Obama's most frequent White House visitors?

Lately (since his poll numbers tanked) Obama has been complaining about the shrill nature of political discourse and expressed concern that overheated rhetoric could lead to violence.

Does he have any concern about the mobs unleashed by his union allies?

Last weekend, 500 union thugs were given a police escort by the Washington, DC Metro Police to the home of a Bankof  America executive in a nearby Maryland suburb.

Here's the proud union video of the thugocracy at work on the doorstep of the Bank executive. According to Archy Cary at Big Journalism "The primary role of the Washington cops in this event was to protect the protesters."

Nina Easton reports that the bank executive was not home at the time. Instead, his son, a teenage boy was terrorized by the invasion:


12,368 posted on 05/22/2010 3:52:18 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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At West Point, Obama talks up national security strategy ("international order we seek")

Sounds like a lot of Marxist psycho-babble in which the USA takes its place in the "international community of nations" and continues the Democrats version of the military with continued "meals on wheels" and "policemen" of the world.
It's a good for our officer corp to see this two bit faggot get up in front of them live and in person to spew this marxist nonsense. After all, they will be the ones that will have to straighten out the mess that these socialist bastards are currently propagating.

Obama Uses Humor at West Point to Remind that His "Power is Absolute" over Military - Video

Obama: I am fully committed to “the Mexican people” — as I trash Arizonians (video)


Mexican President Calls For Reinstatement Of Failed Gun Ban

Mexico's Calderon Knows Nothing About America's Gun Laws

It's the Sun, Stupid


This page was removed two days ago, after one of our moderators had his email and skype hacked. His personal data was revealed. He then got scared and deleted the page, the blog and the emails. The rest of us, are now back without him after he backed out. This is another scare tactic from the Islamic extremists. We won’t fall.
Pictures you were unable to post on the 20th? Check the forums for interviews.

More details at Newsbusters. Meanwhile, in reporting on Pakistan’s apparently still ongoing ban on Facebook, AP quotes from the Seattle cartoonist who originally gave the day its name, who sounds like the real-life equivalent of Iowahawk’s parody this week:

The Facebook page encouraged users to post images of the prophet to protest threats made by a radical Muslim group against the creators of the American TV series “South Park” for depicting Muhammad in a bear suit during an episode earlier this year.

Meanwhile, Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris, whose satirical cartoon calling for an “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” inspired the Facebook page, said in a post on her website that she meant her work only to be a commentary on the “South Park” controversy.

“I made a cartoon about the television show South Park being censored,” she wrote. “I never started a Facebook page. I apologize to people of Muslim faith and ask that this ‘day’ be called off.”

Other sites have also been affected in the country as officials scramble to block content related to the Facebook page. Wikipedia’s English-language site and the Flickr photo-sharing site were also sporadically unavailable Friday.

It was not the first time depictions of the prophet have angered Muslims. In 2005, cartoons of Muhammad appeared in a Danish newspaper, sparking protests and riots from Muslims around the world, including in Pakistan, where the protests turned violent.

There have been several rallies against Facebook in recent days.

Others — mostly members of the more secular, educated elite — accused the government of blocking freedom of expression and hurting small businesses that use Facebook for marketing. Many questioned need for the entire Facebook and YouTube sites to be blocked, instead of individual pages.

Note that that last paragraph — the last of  a 15-’graph report — can easily be deleted by those newspapers who’d rather not even whisper a little Truth to Power.


“Second grader to Michelle Obama: My mom doesn’t have her papers.”

Hot Air, May 19th.

“Chutzpah! Obama Requires MI High School Seniors Have Papers to Shake His Hand.”

PJM, today.

(Headline concept via SDA.)

Mexico Tourism Promoter Running Threatening Ads in Arizona Newspaper?

May 22, 2010 01:05 PM by Doug Powers10 Comments | 0 Trackbacks

We’re waiting for you

Aztlan Rising Video

The Real Racists

As the debate gets ignored by the Left, it's time that Conservatives made it clear who is really holding racist beliefs. It's as simple as noticing what each side is demanding:

Conservatives simply want the law enforced regarding immigration and border crossing. There are long-standing and clear statutes on the books about what you do if you want to enter the United States, what you have to do to live here legally, and what you have to do to become a citizen here. The Conservative position is, and has always been, that anyone who is willing to obey the laws and become part of the greater America, contributing their talents to help themselves and their family and the USA all at the same time, is welcome to join this nation and succeed. Only those who wish to steal, to harm, to tear down or attack the United States by rejecting and defying its laws are to be barred. The Conservatives' hope for immigrants, whether Latin, Black, Asian, White, or any race or culture, is that they will prosper and grow, that their culture will enjoy free expression and their individual identity will be preserved while becoming part of the American identity. Immigrants should be able to reach whatever goal they desire, so long as they do so under the same laws and with the same opportunity as any other member of the community. Lawyers, doctors, accountants, scientists, political leaders, religious leaders, writers, whatever road they choose to walk, immigrants should have the same opportunity and requirements.

Liberals, on the other hand, seek to repress immigrants. When Liberals speak of immigrants as a demographic, they speak of immigrants taking jobs 'that Americans won't do' (which happens to be a lie). They speak of migrant workers and unskilled labor. They speak of menial positions and the complete absence of authority or rank. To Liberals, immigrants in the main are work fodder, not to be considered as individuals or competent to pass the requirements that ordinary people can handle. The Liberals may argue that they are protesting the conditions which apply to illegal immigrants, but the objective observer will note that Liberals never offer a way out of poverty to illegals. Liberals expect illegals to work at hard, low-paying jobs, they want illegals to be denied entry to truly professional work in the main. The proof of this is the fact that no Liberal politician in Congress or the White House has moved to change the laws on immigration in a generation, and even now the sum effect of what Liberals want, is to leave things just as they are.

It is the Liberal, not the Conservative, who wants to keep his illegal, low-paid, nanny. It is the Liberal, not the Conservative, who wants to keep his home costs down by using illegals on the construction site in place of qualified, responsible workmen. The Conservative wants illegals to return to the system, to go through an admittedly imperfect and difficult process to obtain legal papers, but after doing so that immigrant is free to rise in American society. Becoming a legal resident allows an immigrant access to their full legal rights to fair pay and benefits, to start a business openly and grow through the success of their efforts, to obtain degrees and licenses to prove their knowledge and skill, and so to gain financial and personal freedom and prosperity.

Liberals are the racists in this issue. Let's never back down from that fact.



Five Virginia teens are facing felony pornography charges for “sexting.”

This is happening far too often. I don’t quite comprehend the logic that says in order to protect minors from the dangerous consequences of sexting, we need to ruin their lives. Quote from the prosecutor:

It’s not clear what the consequences of the felony pornography charges might be but the chances of the students being convicted on the charges are as likely “as the moon coming crashing down tomorrow,” Commonwealth Attorney Cliff Hapgood said.

So why charge them in the first place?

I don’t think anyone would argue that it’s a good thing that minors are sending one another nude photos via cell phone. But the criminal justice system is a too clumsy a tool for this problem. In a lot of these cases, the most harmful part of sexting lies in what adult authorities do to these kids when they discover it.

12,369 posted on 05/22/2010 1:07:44 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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Smart Nations Lining Up Against USA

Immigration advocates block traffic in downtown Seattle [Recall what happened to Reginald Denny?]

Illegal Immigrants Trashing the Sonoran Desert (Video & Photos)

California Racial Attacks on the Increase


Seriously, this is the sort of campaign ad we’d make if we worked for Brewer’s campaign.

And had puppets.

Who are we kidding, we’ve already got the puppets.

We just need to work on figuring out how to make campaign ads…that are chock full of awesome, like this one.

We’ve seen much speculation on exactly why our race-baiting Attorney General Eric Holder and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano (and seemingly everyone in the Obama Administration) keep claiming they have not read Arizona’s immigration enforcement law.

It’s either because these people are illiterate, which is unlikely, because they’re all also on record praising the literary heft of both Dreams of My Father and The Audacity of Hope (authored, respectively, by William Ayers and Jon Favreau), OR it’s because someone at the White House told all these people to “just say you never read it” so that the administration would not have to come out against a sensible law enforcement maneauver.

All the Arizona law does is enforce existing federal law in the absence of the federal government’s will to do that itself.

Obama knows this.  His administration knows this. Holder and Big Sis and the rest all know this.

And they also know admitting they have actually read the bill, know what’s in it, and still have a problem with it means they’d all look even more stupid than they do being taunted by a puppet.



May 22, 2010 at 2:20 pm

This is a great commercial.

I also found this: Article IV, section 4 of the US Constitution requires the US Government to protect states from ‘invasion’ and ‘domestic violence.’ Wouldn’t that include illegals?

Obama: "We don't Need No Stinking Border Security Laws"

MEXICAN HYPOCRISY: They abuse illegal immigrants in Mexico but demand citizenship in USA (video)

Video-Obama Calls For New "International Order"

Editorial: End the plague [EPA should OK limited use of best pesticide to kill bedbugs]

Michael Barone offers his top five lessons from (May 18) elections (Two. Tea tastes good)

Looking for a job, second job, something better or graduating soon?

Muslims Strike Back: “Everybody draw Holocaust day” (30 June 2010)

Canadian ocean scientist proved right, 122 years later

12,370 posted on 05/22/2010 4:24:24 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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THE LAST WALTZ.  We have to escape this cycle or it will crush us.

WELL, HERE’S A REASSURING HEADLINE: “Dow Theorist Richard Russell: Sell Everything, You Won’t Recognize America By The End Of The Year”

(H/T: Maggie’s Farm, which adds, appropriately enough, “Yikes.”)



"Smart" diplomacy, anyone? It's a failure of Mo'Bam-bam: GORDON CHANG on Obama, the sinking of the Cheonan, and the failure of nuclear deterrence.

Even "Mo" 'smart stuff'-- A VERY DISTURBING, JOB-KILLING TREND: Courtesy of the EPA, which has long specialized in causing such trends...But this press release from the EPA ought to chill every business in America...

AMERICA’S NEW CULTURE WAR: Free enterprise vs. government control.

Saturday, May 22, 2010, 2:56 PM
Elizabeth Scalia

Strange days, my friends

Earlier this month, a voting-rights attorney from the Department of Justice resigned because, well, because the Justice Department refused to prosecute a clear case of voter intimidation.

Intimidation, it seems, is currently in vogue, in the Obama government.

Making Politics Personal/Photo Nina Easton

Just about a year after President Obama told bankers I am the only things standing between you and pitchforks, union thugs supported by Obama’s pals (and perhaps by the anti-capitalist-in-Chief?) decide to protest foreclosures at the private home of a (life-long Democrat) Bank of America attorney, whose terrified son was the only one home as 14 busloads (escorted by DC police) arrived.

The lies:

The hypocrisy and hypocrisy

Addressing his troops, the Commander in Chief tells them that his new “security strategy” means they are going to serve America within a new international order…or something.

The insanity:
Meanwhile, the Federal Government mumbles that it might prefer not to enforce those laws it does not like. The party in power, laughs at the state of Arizona, and the Governor of Arizona mocks them in return:

And in Connecticut, the senate race now includes a woman familiar with smackdowns

But don’t let it get you down; do not despair. The truth is, despite all of that craziness coming down from the elites at the top, the truth is, ordinary people are still quietly heroic, and I believe their sanity will win out, eventually.

But check out Bill Whittle on Tony Stark and Milton Friedman. It’s a great program, but what is mesmerizing is a bit of tape from the 1970’s, when–apparently–people still actually conversed and listened to each other.

12,371 posted on 05/23/2010 1:45:59 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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THOMAS MITCHELL: Government censors don't belong on Supreme Court

While Oil hits Louisiana Coastline, Obama goes golfing

The European Riots Can Happen Here: The SEIU Is Already Sponsoring Them

It turns out that restructuring the European lifestyle may be much more difficult than many EU members expected.

ARIS -- Across Western Europe, the "lifestyle superpower," the assumptions and gains of a lifetime are suddenly in doubt. The deficit crisis that threatens the euro has also undermined the sustainability of the European standard of social welfare, built by left-leaning governments since the end of World War II.

Europeans have boasted about their social model, with its generous vacations and early retirements, its national health care systems and extensive welfare benefits, contrasting it with the comparative harshness of American capitalism.

Europeans have benefited from low military spending, protected by NATO and the American nuclear umbrella. They have also translated higher taxes into a cradle-to-grave safety net. "The Europe that protects" is a slogan of the European Union.

But all over Europe governments with big budgets, falling tax revenues and aging populations are experiencing rising deficits, with more bad news ahead.

Restructurings (a term that is a euphemism for changing bad habits into good habits) are always difficult. Sometimes governments take it upon themselves to change owing to internal political pressures; other times it requires something far different, like a war, to bring about change. The lifestyle polemic currently at center stage in the EU crisis looks awfully familiar and there is a readily identifiable suspect right here in the United States that deserves some serious scrutiny.

Public employees now earn on average more than private sector employees in the U S. Their wages are higher, their insurance benefits are superior, their retirement plans are gold plated and they have an uncanny ability to avoid layoffs and unemployment. Mort Zuckerman made the point again in the Wall Street Journal Friday that approximately $250 billion of the $780 billion Stimulus legislation passed in 2009 went to preserve public employee payrolls, benefits and retirement plans. And you ask why there is no economic rebound evident from the stimulus? The riots in Greece, and the anxiety Germans have about bailing out the Greeks, is a perfect picture of what awaits the U S in the next several years as private sector employees (and unemployed) continue to experience in a very personal way the divide between them (the tax payers) and the SEIU protected public employees (the benficiaries of the tax payers).

Democratic policy, especially among its most liberal sponsors, has unapologetically promoted various forms of class warfare for over fifty years. This month's debacle in Europe is a preview of the real class warfare that will occur here. U S political trends and the recent increased violence of the Left shows indications of an evolving conflict, from civil disobedience to what might be called a "hot war" between the private sector and the political class. When even the New York Times begins to take note of the crumbling of big government socialism in Europe then everyone should pay attention. The gig is up. It's only a matter of time before there is actual conflict in the streets here.

But wait, there already is. Please go to the link and watch the videos and view the pics. The SEIU sent four busloads of Washington D C protestors to a Bank of America attorney's home last week, where they stormed his property and had the homeowner's teenage son hiding in a bathroom until they left. Fortune Magazine's Nina Easton lived next door and documented the attack. As one blog commenter noted, there are thousands of towns and cities in flyover country where this sort of assault would not have ended well for the SEIU thugs. The union's leadership knew that, however (they had a District of Columbia police escort) and terrorized a citizen's home safe in the knowledge that no violence would be visited upon them.

We have reached a point in this country when cooler political heads need to take charge before the natural instincts of citizen self protection kick in. This country has been at this precipice before and almost always found a peaceful solution. But that requires real leadership and courage which is sorely lacking in Washington DC today.


Texas State School Board Adopts New Curricula

by tqcincinnatus ( 71 Comments › )
Filed under Education, History at May 22nd, 2010 - 7:00 pm

The first crack in the monolithic left-wing control of public education?

Texas schoolchildren will be required to learn that the words “separation of church and state” aren’t in the Constitution and evaluate whether the United Nations undermines U.S. sovereignty under new social studies curriculum.

In final votes late Friday, conservatives on the State Board of Education strengthened requirements on teaching the Judeo-Christian influences of the nation’s Founding Fathers and required that the U.S. government be referred to as a “constitutional republic” rather than “democratic.” (See earlier story)

The board approved the new standards with two 9-5 votes along party lines after months of ideological haggling and debate that drew attention beyond Texas.

How horrible!  Texan schoolchildren might learn…the truth?  Of course, for those on the Left, this IS horrible.  As you can imagine, the Dems and other lefties are apoplectic about these changes.  But really, I don’t see what the controversy is all about.  Let’s look at the sore points for a moment,

“Separation of church and state” is not in the Constitution – well, uh, actually it isn’t.  It appears in a private letter written by Thomas Jefferson, the context of which pretty clearly shows that Jefferson wasn’t anywhere close to advocating today’s radical, secularfascist approach to religion in the public square.

The United Nations undermines US sovereignty – This has been pretty common knowledge since the beginning of the Cold War.  In fact, we were aware that the UN had been subverted by the Soviets since 1950.  One look at the long list of UN proposed treaties (such as the Small Arms Treaty) makes it pretty clear that the UN intended to infringe on American liberties and freedom of action.

The Judeo-Christian influences on our Founders – Well, duh.  Even the ones who weren’t Christians (and no, they weren’t all, but some of them were) are pretty clearly within the general Judeo-Christian orbit with respect to their views on religion and its impact on governance.  The myth that they were all “Rational Deists” who couldn’t have cared less what the Bible or Christianity said is just that – a myth.

Referring to the US as a constitutional Republic instead of a democracy – well yeah, that’s because we ARE a constitutional Republic.  I wonder if any of these naysayers have ever actually read what the Founders had to say about democracy (hint – it wasn’t positive)?

This change in curricula is a tremendous step forward toward retaking our public schools from the radical Left.  Per their Gramscian master plan, the Left made taking the public schools one of their primary goals, because if they can shape and mold the thinking of impressionable children, then they create an entire generation that thinks the way they want it to because its most formative years were spent sucking down non-stop propaganda of their devising.  Why do you think most reasonable and intelligent people know, based on the evidences, that global warming is nothing but a con game, yet America’s kids are still being propagandised to believe it as absolute truth?  It’s because the Left knows that sooner or later, we will pass off the scene, but the kids will still be left, and old enough to vote, and get elected, and make policy decisions.

The new curricula flatly contradicts so many dishonest Leftist truisms, it’s no wonder the lefties are up in arms (one Texan lawmaker – a Democrat – has vowed to “rein in” the board).  In other words, punish them for doing their jobs, and doing them well.

Even better, it’s not just 4.8 million Texan kids who will be shown the truth by these curricula.  Texas is one of two states (the other being California) that basically serve as a “gold standard” for public school curricula.  As Texas goes, so go a lot of other states, when the time comes for them to pick out the new textbooks that will be used in their schools.

The public education establishment hates alternatives to the public schools, especially homeschooling.  Every kid that is homeschooled, going to a religious school, etc. is a kid who is not in the clutches of the left-wing educrats.  While alternatives are good solutions, all the same, I think it’s pretty obvious that not every parent can afford a private school, and not every parent is capable of homeschooling their kids.  This leaves the public schools as an unfortunate necessity.  If we can actually succeed in wrestling back public education from the radical left fruitcakes who control so much of it now, it may not be an unfortunate option anymore.  This Texan curricula is a good first step, one which will hopefully be followed by other states as well.


Make Mine Freedom (1948)

This is great. Imagine if they still taught this stuff in every school.
posted by Trevor Loudon at
Just in case anyone's blood pressure is a bit too low, here is some information about government employees who are earning over $100,000 per year:

Beat And Starve The Ox

A very funny Bloomberg article about the private-market effect of the political BS in Europe. The politics of envy and malice amount to the economics of poverty:
Company borrowing costs jumped the most in two weeks after Germany’s short-selling ban, wiping out declines triggered by Europe’s $1 trillion aid package that was meant to halt contagion from the sovereign debt crisis.
“What investors need most of all is security and predictability, but they are getting ever less,” said Ciaran O’Hagan, a strategist at Societe Generale SA in Paris. “Instead they are vilified as sharks, wolves or locusts, while governments rack up ever higher debt and contingent liabilities.”
“One thing the markets really don’t like is political interference, and that’s what the German announcement smacked of,” said Tim Barker, head of credit research at Aviva Investors in London. “Investors are trying to come to terms with political uncertainty.”
Higher corporate borrowing costs are an economic drag.

In the meantime, France and especially Italy are quietly working on cleaning up their acts. The first steps (from the UK on ) are to cut high-level government salaries. Italy's finance minister has been trying to manage their situation very tightly, and now unions are saying that their cuts will be much higher:
The Italian government may cut the salaries of public servants by 10 percent and politicians by 15 percent, in a bid to reduce the country’s deficit.
The reports cited unnamed sources who discussed the proposals after a meeting between union officials and finance minister Giulio Tremonti.

Tremonti earlier this month said he aimed to cut the country’s budget deficit by at least 25 billion euros by the end of 2012.
They are also going to cut the federal payments to local and regional governments.

We aren't going to see any acknowledgment of this in DC, but the UK is cutting at least top-level government salaries, and there is much more to come, Spain is cutting government salaries and is reducing welfare payments, Italy is clearly going to get serious, and Sarkozy either will cut or just freeze hiring, which could reduce public payrolls very substantially and eventually might bring the unions to the table after a titular strike or two. This article gives an idea of the sweep, but Spain has also announced that they are going to drop the baby premium next year (2.5K Euros). Spain and Germany are probably going to be cutting a lot of their energy subsidies for that green sustainable stuff which they are finding to be an economic drag. The UK is still debating measures, but it is certain that they will be dismantling portions of their social support measures.

Thus, the irony is that Christie (in NJ) is now following the European model; the liberals in DC who always talk about the benefits of the European approach are sadly out of date. The Tea Bag Party are the Europeanists; DC is just gasping out its last breath in DC Disneyland.

And how crazy is DC Disneyland, fiscally speaking? They keep introducing proposals to pay for everything. Take NoFP's coverage of the "Homeowner's Defense Act":
On April 27th, the House Financial Services Committee approved the Homeowners’ Defense Act of 2009, and sent it to the House floor. The bill, H.R. 2555, would authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to guarantee debt of certain state catastrophic natural disaster insurance. In effect, see Section 202, it's a guarantee for earthquake and hurricane insurance, making the Federal government "the insurer of last resort for nearly every disaster-prone home in the country." Though the bill modestly limits (Section 202) the obligations to $5 billion for earthquakes and $20 billion for all other natural disasters, the legislation would allow the Feds to backstop (see Section 304) an "aggregate potential liability . . . sold in any single year" of up to $200 billion.

If passed, the law would be an "implicit subsidy [making] it practical for developers to build in currently wild or lightly developed coastal areas where conventional private companies won't write policies."
Follow the link for the ugly details. This could be amazingly expensive.

And then, of course, there is the growing drive for the government to assume state government pension liabilities. Snort. We can't even afford to pay Social Security, and now we are going to assume state government pension liabilities? Isn't that a lot like asking Germans to pay for Greek retirements?

Washington is insane - just barking mad. And our press is stupid, except for very few such as Samuelson:
All the mumbo jumbo about stabilizing "debt to GDP" and according special treatment to interest payments are examples of budget-speak. It's the language of "experts," employed to deaden debate and convince people that "something is being done" when little, or nothing, is being done. For example, Obama's target for 2015 would involve a deficit of about $500 billion, despite an assumed full economic recovery (unemployment: 5.1 percent). The commission is also supposed to "propose recommendations that meaningfully improve the long-run fiscal outlook, including changes to address the growth of entitlement spending," a mushy mandate. But balance the budget? There's no mention.
It's all just nonsense. That one sentence in bold summarizes so much about our current government, and that mindset encompasses most of our legislators from BOTH parties. There will have to be a sea change before we begin to address reality.

12,372 posted on 05/23/2010 5:49:15 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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Obama renounces military force to secure our national interests will rely on "cooperation" and..

Obama Advisor: Warm Words for Saudi Arabia, Hizbullah, Al-Quds (John Brenan AntiJew)

It’s Funny How Obama Can’t Bear To Utter The Word “Jew” Or, For That Matter, “Muslim Extremist.”

Modern Liberalism & Islam: An Uncanny Resemblance

Historian Details Nazi Outreach in Arab World

The Government's Share Of Your Paycheck Is Bigger Than Your Share

How To Know Very Shortly Whether We're On The Path Of Japan

32 States Have Borrowed from the Federal Government to Make Unemployment Payments

Why the Republicans Could Still Lose in November

Yep, 'cause it really is The Stupid Party...

Notice to tree huggers

Okay, here's the bombshell. The current volcanic eruption going on in Iceland, since it first started spewing volcanic ash in March, has, to this point, NEGATED EVERY SINGLE EFFORT you have made in the past five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet. Not only that, this single act of God has added emissions to the earth estimated to be 42 times more than can be corrected by the extreme human regulations proposed for annual reductions.

The Chicago Climate Exchange: a web of lies and corruption brought to us by Barack Obama

This is no different than the “Chicago Olympics”. If The Won had actually won, his friends would grow rich as the city bled. Perfect deal for “liberals:.


The Remarkable Rise of Jan Brewer (Very little political fallout from the Arizona Immigration Bill)

Sarah Palin on Fox News Sunday: Media Was Looking For That Gotcha Moment With Rand Paul (Video)

Load Up The Pantry [Flashback to April, 2008]

Backyard gardens become source of income


Living Prehistorically In A Modern Age

Knight XV -- The Luxury SUV of the Apocalypse

eBooks And The Future of Reading

12,373 posted on 05/23/2010 11:30:45 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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I SURE HOPE HE’S WRONG: Christopher Booker says of the Euro crisis, “We have still scarcely begun to wake up to the gravity of the crisis now upon us, not just for the eurozone but also for us here in Britain and for the entire global economy.”
JOBPOCALYPSE NOW: “This week, the Senate is expected to extend jobless benefits to more than 5 million Americans through the end of the year. It is the sixth time in nearly two years that they’ve expanded or extended unemployment benefits — putting off, again, a day of reckoning our political leaders seem unwilling to face. With the national unemployment rate at 9.9% — and 9.8% here in New York City — officials are afraid of what will happen to our cities, our welfare rolls and our struggling economy if these long-term unemployed are no longer given government assistance.”

“This is what water theft looks like in this part of the world.”

I have fond memories of National Geographic magazine. As a child I would wait with growing anticipation to the arrival of the beige envelope containing the yellow magazine. I love to lose myself in the pages of wonderful stories and amazing photos.

That was then...

Posted by Kate at 11:18 AM| Comments (22)
"The National Geographic has degenerated into just another propaganda arm..."
"I also used to look forward to each NG issue. They have always had a left-leaning, university perspective. In the past this was only mildly annoying not a fatal flaw. For a long time I ignored its ever increasing tilt to progressive politics. After the hit piece on the oilsands, I gave up. I still read it if it's lying around but each issue seems worse than the one before. Now, I assume that the truth is the exact opposite of what is written in NG."
May 23, 2010 at 11:52 am

Wait until this reporter gets a hold on this documented evidence. Hope he/she has a strong heart and stomache.
When the corruption started, all documented.
Actually Obama is a bigger crook than Nixon-Obamagate will be far bigger than Watergate ever was. People expected way too much from a common ordinary South Side hood, from the Cesspool of Corruption, Cook County-Illinois. Here is the proof of just some of the frauds.
The COLB, not really a birth certificate but hey our media fell for it and from Gibbs own mouth all it is is a PAID POLITICAL ACCOUNCEMENT.
Given the passions aroused when this subject comes up, I ‘get’ that people who believe Barack Obama is Constitutionally ineligible for POTUS might find using the term “dirty deeds” to describe the conduct of his henchmen throughout the ongoing illegal enterprise that not only made him President but also sustains his Presidency; does injustice to their multiple acts of treachery. But describing their illicit conduct in any other way wrongly gives these scoundrels more credit than is due for pulling off an election fraud of historical magnitude which in large part has only succeeded through sheer dumb luck.
and the COLB-that is waved around as if it is a birth certificate when it is only a PAID POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT.
re: citizen complaints filed with Attorney’s General in Texas and other applicable states regarding voter fraud in the 08 election cycle. When AG Greg Abbott/Boyd Richie complete their work then Congress can initiate articles of impeachment against Obama.

May 23, 2010 at 1:16 pm

I agree that this will go nowhere. The media and the DNC will go into overdrive to convince the citizenry that it’s no big deal. If the congress wouldn’t dump Clinton for perjury, this ain’t going anywhere either. Absolute proof that zippy was born in Kenya, carried numerous passports from Muslim countries, attended college on foreign student financing and used dozens of social security numbers wouldn’t get the congress to impeach and convict him. Because the cries of “racism” would be deafening and the congress would cower under that charge. The dims knew that electing a ( sort of ) black guy was key to having their way. The race card makes zippy almost untouchable as it can be used to combat any and all charges thrown at him. Even this story.

Sunday, May 23, 2010, 12:50 PM
Elizabeth Scalia

Ann Althouse, good instructor that she is, finds that a professional-big-time-journalist at the Washington Post (and other journalists, elsewhere, I am sure) have difficulty with reading, interpreting and pulling actual quotes from primary sources.

She takes WaPo to the woodshed, and it’s a joy to watch.

Tom Maguire deals similarly with the NY Times, which is also misreporting about the history they prefer to be re-written.

Gabriel Malor has more. It seems there are people who really don’t want history taught except as they may teach it. Oh, communists, controlling history. They never change.

Our president says words and then decides later what they mean. Our press reads words and does the same.

Hey, what is truth, anyway?

And how much longer will the United States remain “united”? That’s a question worth pondering, as we watch California, which recently declared it wasn’t speaking to Arizona, decides–like a kid with fingers-in-ears-shouting-“lalala…”it’s not going to think about Texas, either.

Only slightly O/T, considering the above: The dictatorship of relativism takes many forms.

No wonder the Catholic church–indeed all of Christianity–must either be deconstructed, or altogether dismantled. Imperfect as the churches may be, they are much too subversive, as they stand.

12,374 posted on 05/23/2010 1:31:40 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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Palin accuses Obama of being in bed with big oil

Versailles on the Potomac

Paging Dr. Hendricks-A Surgeons Devastating Appraisal of Obamacare

"ObamaCare is the next Holocaust. Case closed. Bend over and kiss your rear goodbye. If you’re not one of them, you’re TOAST in my opinion. You will face a Death Panel and they will check Big Brother’s database to see if you deserve to be kept alive."

Is it Assimilation or Invasion?

Video: Sam Donaldson Defends Calderon, Compares Arizona To Tienanmen Square!

The Van Jones - ShoreBank Connection?

‘Yours is a peaceful faith’ (At Muslim forum, Patrick vows action to combat prejudice)

(Video) Jackboot to the Throat--FDA Claims Citizens Have No Right of Access to Certain Foods

todays the day

Pro-Life Feminism Is The Future


More than two dozen cases of locally-acquired dengue fever have hit the resort town of Key West, Fla....The banning of DDT by EPA's chief Ruckleshaus in 1972 was one of the most monumentous examples of politics and hysteria trumping science the world has known.

Nouriel Roubini said the bubble would burst and it did. So what next?

12,375 posted on 05/23/2010 4:00:55 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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To: All
“Mr. Gibbs, Obama is the top recipient of British Petrolium PAC & individual money over the past 20 years. Dispute these facts.”
PARTISAN SENATE NOMINEE FLAILS ON MEET THE PRESS: Rand Paul? No, the other partisan Senate nominee, Hugh Hewitt writes:  Democratic Senate nominee Joe Sestak turned in a horrible, halting and dissembling performance on this morning’s Meet The Press...

Once the dust settled on the 2008 race, these sorts of double-standards ceased to be amazing, and become the accepted coin of the realm in MSM land, sad to say.

UPDATE: More at Hot Air. Sestak first dropped the bombshell that the White House tried to bribe him out of the primary against Specter more than three months ago...

Joe Sestak Offered Me a Job Not to Post This

May 23, 2010 05:05 PM by Doug Powers31 Comments

I would love to see the Pocket Lenin impeached…Either Sestak is lying or Obama is lying. Can’t be both.

NORAD Had Drills Of Jets As Weapons/ 2 Years Before 911
A friend and colleague of mine in the counterterrorism community co-authored a paper in the early 1980's asking

"why would terrorists bother building bombs, when there are all those nice airplanes loaded with fuel, sitting unguarded on tarmacs around the country?"

It was circulated around DC. Yes, in the eighties.

FYI, and FWIW...

...gating back out, into Cyberspace and The Dreaming

Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, May 23, 2010, 5:49 PM

Pelosi-Democrat Rep. Betsy Markey (D-CO) whines about Sarah Palin’s “hopey-changey” attacks.

She can’t help it… She’s got Palin on the brain. Poor thing.


As far as that “hopey-changey” stuff…
Obama’s trillion dollar Stimulus failed.
Barack Obama and the Pelosi Democrats tripled the national deficit last year by nearly a trillion dollars – something unheard of in our nation’s history.

Democrats are off to another roaring start this year.

The US unemployment rate has nearly doubled under the Obama-Pelosi regime compared to the Bush or Clinton years. It is expected to surge above 10% again in the next few months.

America has had their fill of the catastrophic “hopey-changey” policies of the Pelosi-Obama regime.

Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, May 23, 2010, 9:43 PM

The dismantling of America continues…
This is far left insanity.
The Obama Administration will unilaterally announce US secret missile tests and satellite launches in the hope that other regimes will do the same.

The USS Lake Erie launches the missile to take down the rogue satellite. (ABC News)

The LA Times Top of the Ticket Blog reported, via FOX Nation:

President Obama has decided to pre-announce to the world once-secret American ballistic missile tests and satellite launches.

The Democratic administration’s goal is to show a friendlier face to other countries and to coax Russia to do the same.

It’s part of a confidence-boosting initiative launched, so to speak, last fall when Obama suddenly abandoned the U.S. missile-defense system in Eastern Europe that had exercised the Russians, though it was aimed at potential future missiles from Iran.

Obama hoped such a unilateral U.S. forfeiture would encourage Russia to put pressure on Iran to halt its nuclear weapons development. So far, no good on that.

Of course, the point of secret tests by any state in an insecure, suspicious world is to deny advance notice to potential enemies, making it more difficult if not impossible for them to gain intelligence by monitoring the tests themselves.

According to George Jahn of the Associated Press, a confidential U.S. note sent to 128 other countries two weeks ago said:

The United States … will provide pre-launch notification of commercial and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) space launches as well as the majority of intercontinental ballistic and submarine-launched ballistic missile launches.

Security experts note that Obama left himself some wiggle room by using the phrase “majority of intercontinental and submarine-launched ballistic missile launches,” many of which depart from Vandenberg Air Force Base on the California coast.

Washington’s hope is that Russia will resume doing the same.

No wonder pundits are already noticing how the United States has lost its prestige in the world.
This is insane.

12,376 posted on 05/24/2010 1:15:52 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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The Obama Files, fm. Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog (and he's on The Awakening, Monday night)

The Obama Files, from New Zeal


Louisianans take oil cleanup in own hands as frustration mounts


Hussein is biggest recipient of BP cash ever!

Hussein SUCKS UP to BIG OIL!

VIDEO: Jindal - Obama sat on sand berm request 2 weeks, still no reply [AMAZING]

Obama: U.S. nat’l security strategy to be based on education, clean energy, rights for terrorists

ABC News Absolves Obama of Oil Spill Blame by Bashing Sarah Palin

LeBron Could Fit Well With Bulls, Obama Says (As Oil Leak Hits LA Coast, President Goofs Off)

U.S. Selective Service in Obama cover-up?

The Gathering Revolt Against Government Spending

John Bolton on American Sovereignty Under a Post-American Presidency

Illegal Aliens Flee Arizona--Media Sob Stories (video)

This video makes me sick, and not in the way the bleeding hearts at cBS intended.

Ten years in the country, still can’t speak English, and has managed to crank out 10 anchor babies. She might as well have a tattoo on her forehead saying “Screw You Dumbass Americans!”

The site below is no longer maintained, but it has an interesting map of the U.S. showing sanctuary states and states that contain sanctuary cities.

Suspected Illegal Immigrant Slams into Car of MA State Rep. at 60 MPH – Video Report

Mexican President Wants US to Open Border

State of emergency declared in Jamaican capital

The 15 Hottest Conservative Women In The New Media


Rand Paul is Learning What It's Like to Be Me, Says Sarah Palin

For Israel to Survive


Light sparks new approach to data storage

Photocopier Fallout - Congress, FTC "Concerned"

Mark Twain will finally reveal all

Solar System Passing Through Interstellar Cloud (No Severe Weather Expected)

National Hurricane Preparedness Week May 23-May 29


Dengue Fever Hits Key West

An interesting read from the American Council on Science and Health: The Legacy of the DDT Ban, the Legacy of Rachel Carson

12,377 posted on 05/24/2010 2:29:29 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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The House Divided (How long can a people remain a People when its leaders side with its foes?)

We Know About Soros — But Who Is Maurice Strong?

Jobpocalypse now (5 million Americans are ‘long term’ unemployed. Gov't puts off the problem)

Communist Party USA, Obama’s brown shirts claiming credit for Obamacare, promising more victories

Wow! Check out their website. It’s nearly identical to the DNC!


“Don’t let the insurance companies and their cronies in Congress kill real healthcare reform! Organize on your campus, workplace or community to let Congress know that young people want real healthcare reform and we need a public option!”


“Legislation supporting gay rights is passing despite the defeat in California in states such as Iowa and Vermont. And I was just informed that the Presbyterian Church USA approved the ordination of gay ministers.

The air is ripe with change. “

Lookin’ Ugly at the Deepwater Horizon Live Cam?

We don’t own this at all. Obama and company has oil on THEIR hands.

Israel Arms May Not Be Enough To Stop Iran's Nukes

Obama to get briefed on oil spill… and then host party at White House

I've said it before, and I'll say it again-- Kommander ZerØ's "_residency" is a laughable mixture of:

And "Movin' On Up!"



'Stop Islamization' leader Pamela Geller finds Tennessee Tea Party convention 'feels good'

Poll: Floridians favor immigration law like Arizona's

U.S. consulate issues warning about fake checkpoints in Mexico

GOVERNMENT ASSISTED THUGGERY? D.C. Metro Police Escorted SEIU Protesters to Bank Of America Executive’s Home. “Meanwhile, a teenage boy is home alone, frightened by what’s happening outside his front door.”

When tea-partiers show up on politicians’ doorsteps — and they will — I don’t want to hear any talk of “fascist tactics.” We’re already seeing that, and the press and pundit class, for the most part, doesn’t care. Just remember, every act sets a precedent.

Related: “They are the feral vanguard of a collapsing system, using violence and intimidation to make it clear those not favorably connected to the political power structure will be sacrificed to preserve it, for as long as possible.”

BRING BACK DDT (CONT’D): Dengue Fever Hits Key West.

This guy nails it:
rutabaga Says:
May 23, 2010 at 7:10 pm

The destructive evil of the ill conceived community center is bad in Boyztown. Think of the ramifications in the neighborhoods where the delinquents live! Brainwashed savages who have been coddled and inflamed by affluent liberals running troubled youth centers, go home and lay waste to their own neighborhoods. You’ve seen the videos of the honor student being beaten to death on the sidewalk with a 2×4 on the South side. That is played out all over America.

In two generations Black America has been transformed deliberately into African America. Where you used to have the highest church membership of any demographic group, now it is the highest incarceration rate. Where 40 years ago every child had Aunties minding them like guardian angels (in addition to parents and siblings) you now have latchkey kids with womb donors and a baby-daddy. Where you used to have Reverends and Deacons you now have rappers and imams. The abortion clinic now sits where the beauty salon used to be. Hate has replaced dignity. Butt cracks replaced ties. Gangs replaced congregations. Soon burning tires will be placed around the necks of those who don’t toe the line. The youths will being hacking their rivals to death with machetes in African America just like they do in Africa.

Elitist liberals have deliberately inflicted this atrocity on a group of people, based on race, in order to create a completely dependent voting constituency. These same elitists plan to flood the country with illegal aliens for the same purpose. They also foment hatred between gays and Christians for the same purpose. Elitist fascists excel at the art of “divide and conquer” which is a strategy that has yet to fail. Read about the Brown Shirts and their fate during the Night of the Long Knives if you doubt me.

If you read about eras where the very wealthy elite live in despotic luxury, it is only possible when they have an enormous, dirt poor, oppressed underclass as virtual or genuine slaves. It always transpires with the consent of the slaves just as it is happening now. Propaganda has a timeless quality about it. Pray for and support the Black and Hispanic culture warriors who speak out against this despotism.
Evil, racist, sick and twisted.

May 23, 2010 at 8:32 pm

When they go back to the primitive machete from the 9mm, it will be like going back from the indoor plumbing and radiant floor heat of the Roman Empire to the squalor of open sewers and latrines, and chamber pots for the relatively well off, in the 1,000 years of the Dark Ages.

The 1,000 years of Darkness was caused by liberal totalitarianism, over taxation and fascism of the sort we are getting a taste of now. The anarchy, riots, starvation and chaos that followed destroyed civilization, technology, medicine and other advancements that we are just now starting to regain and exceed.

The cycle of destruction is upon us. Americans don’t believe that in a year or two they may be fighting for a rusty hubcap full of muddy ditchwater, but that is entirely possible. Read about the beginning of the Dark Ages if you don’t believe me. They followed a period of great prosperity that rivals anything that we have experienced.


Modern politics dictates repeal of 17th not enough

Another fine legacy gift from the Woodrow Wilson Administration-it was a package deal, IRS, National Police Force, Alien and Sedition Acts(Overturned!)etc.

The War of Ideology Between the City States (Los Angeles vs Arizona)

Rand Paul: Another High Tech Lynching

STEYN: Lost in Obama's Imagination

"America, please pay close attention. What is happening to America and thus effecting the entire globe, is the direct result of the actual sovereigns allowing the criminal enterprise to take ove the Republic and use it as their means to run the world ... into the crapper! We have sitting int he Oval Office a man who is not even Constitutionally qualified to be there, yet we allow this lying sonofabitch to continue because it is easier to ignore his criminality than to stand up for our Constitution! "

Obama Exporting Chicago's Misery to a City Near You


Raw Video Catches Tornado Moving Across South Dakota Farm

Growing Vegetables Upside Down (Has advantages)

12,378 posted on 05/24/2010 7:34:50 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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A THUG TOO FAR. The precedent has been set. May they have joy of it. . . The folks at Big Government and Big Journalism have followed up on Easton's column. They note that the union and the lapdogs at Huffington Post and Media Matters have attacked Easton for reporting on the doings in her yard.

Big Journalism reports that the union demonstrators at the Bank of America lawyer's house outside Washington, D.C., had a police escort. The escort comprised DC police offers; the primary role of the Washington cops in this event was to protect the protesters.

SO MUCH FOR LEARNING TO LOVE OBAMACARE: 63% Favor Repeal of National Health Care Plan. “Support for repeal of the new national health care plan has jumped to its highest level ever."  I’m guessing that the Administration’s revealed incompetence regarding the Gulf oil spill and foreign policy is now lowering people’s assessment regarding ObamaCare.

OH, GOODY: Report: Healthcare law tax credits encourage small businesses to stay small, not hire.It's Not A Secret

Via Kathy Shaidle;

There’s an ugly secret of global poverty, one rarely acknowledged by aid groups or U.N. reports. It’s a blunt truth that is politically incorrect, heartbreaking, frustrating and ubiquitous:

It’s that if the poorest families spent as much money educating their children as they do on wine, cigarettes and prostitutes, their children’s prospects would be transformed. Much suffering is caused not only by low incomes, but also by shortsighted private spending decisions by heads of households.

It's not an "unacknowledged truth", either.

The poverty racket is an intentional lie, refined and perpetuated by that certain political class and their enablers in the gated-community community.

It's why those of us who live modest lifestyles, who rub shoulders with the dysfunctional poor, have so little sympathy for them. They're not victims of circumstance. They're creatures of entitlement.

You see - this is what I love about blogging. You don't need to write for the New York Times to get blunt truths into the newspaper.

Posted by Kate at 9:53 AM| Comments (23) "The truth hurts; but it still remains the truth."
"The poor are just another tool for progressives to use in their thirst for total control while justifying building up more and more big government. "

Louisana Gov. Jindal blasts Obama inaction, moves on sand booms

By Michelle Malkin  •  May 24, 2010 04:36 AM

This is leadership on the front lines, not just on the sidelines. Louisiana GOP Gov. Bobby Jindal has been working non-stop over the past month to protect his state from the BP/Deepwater Horizon oil spill — and from the bureaucratic delays in the Obama administration.

Click on the image to watch the video of his latest press conference as Gov. Jindal explains what he is doing to contain the damage:

Here is the page with extensive updates and resources on the state’s emergency response to the crisis, dating back to April 22.


Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) said the state will not waiting for federal approval to begin building sand barriers to protect the coastline from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

Oil has pushed at least 12 miles into Louisiana’s marshes, with two major pelican rookeries awash in crude.

Gov. Jindal was critical of the amount of boom his state received to ward off the oil seeping toward the coastline. But his major gripe comes at the expense of the Army Corps of Engineers, who have yet to give the go-ahead for the building of sand booms to protect the Louisiana wetlands. He used photographic evidence of oil breaking through hard booms, soft booms and another layer of protection, before being finally being corralled by a sand boom built by the National Guard.

“It is so much better for us. We don’t want oil on one inch of Louisiana’s coastline, but we’d much rather fight this oil off of a hard coast, off of an island, off of an island, off of a sandy beach on our coastal islands, rather than having to fight it inside in these wetlands,” Gov. Jindal said, making the case for sand booms.

The governor said he has been forced to protect Louisiana without the approval of the Army Corps of Engineers, which is weighing the ecological impact of the construction of more sand booms.

“We are not waiting for them. We are going to build it,” Jindal said.

At least one federal official is taking some responsibility:

The oil mass continues moving west, and as the toxic sludge begins to make landfall in Terrebonne, Capt. Edwin Stanton, who heads up the Coast Guard’s response, is taking blame.

“The governor is right. It’s too slow, and if it’s anybody’s fault, it’s mine, for not pushing (BP) hard enough perhaps,” Stanton said.“We did have a problem with getting boom down here to begin with, but there seems to be boom that is in the staging areas that needs to be put out.”

Then, in an exchange with a reporter, he went further.

Stanton: “It’s my job to direct this response in Louisiana.”

Reporter: “Why didn’t you do it?”

Stanton: “Well, the why — is that really important?”

Reporter: “Yes sir, we live here.”

Stanton: “Well, I guess I’m just slow and dumb.”

It’s a start.


More: Jindal is scheduled to speak with President Obama in a conference call later today.

Put the boot on their necks, Gov. Jindal.


Obama has sent the Justice Department to look at the oil spill. Inquiring minds want to know: Are they going there to uncover things…or cover things up?

comments (70)

"If ever one wanted to see inaction and a lack of effectiveness of the federal government in responding to a catastrophe, this is it. How long before it’s pointed out that Obama’s administration hasn’t a clue? I’m sorry, I meant to say, how long before there is outrage at the Obama administration? "

"Obamao will not take a hit for the Regime response. The doofus people that love him will never be convinced the man child President ever does anything wrong."

On May 22nd President Obama’s West Point speech described the new “international order” he was trying to build; one founded on multilateral action in contrast to the unilateralism of the past. He described security in unusually broad terms. No longer did it simply consist of the mere prevention of war. It now included managing nature, feeding the sick and helping the distressed. Obama set forth the goals of “countering violent extremism and insurgency; stopping the spread of nuclear weapons and securing nuclear materials; combating a changing climate and sustaining global growth; helping countries feed themselves and care for their sick; preventing conflict and healing wounds” as the objects of security. To achieve these goals he would use cooperation and diplomacy. The Chicago Sun Times had a full transcript of the speech in which Obama laid out his vision:


(22) Comments

"Where you are constantly asked to apologise for yourself, there are only two outcomes – the incredibly shrinking man (and I mean male, Whiskey), or revolution. Hopefully through the balot box."

'Obama is not interested in “soft power”; he is interested in “has no power.” The Ayers/Wright form of radical leftism is not interested in the “United States of the KKK” becoming a soft power: they interested in a “world without America.”
Obama is simply looking for China to give him an exit, an excuse to do nothing.'

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, May 24, 2010, 12:17 PM

This is a big F-ing deal…
Joe Biden praised Brussels today for being the “capital of the free world.”
Via BreitbartTV and Eyeblast:

Joe Biden praises Europe:

“As you probably know, some American politicians and American journalists refer to Washington, DC as the “capital of the free world.” But it seems to me that this great city, which boasts 1,000 years of history and which serves as the capital of Belgium, the home of the European Union, and the headquarters for NATO, this city has its own legitimate claim to that title.”


BEAM ME UP: Quantum teleportation achieved over ten miles of free space.

12,379 posted on 05/24/2010 12:17:42 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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Patrick says Obama critics are 'almost at the level of sedition'

Free enterprise vs. government control - A New Culture War

Obama's Nominee to Run Medicare: 'The Decision is Whether We Will Ration Care With Our Eyes Open'


Pelosi: ObamaCare allows artists to avoid the consequences of quitting their jobs (VIDEO)

Calderon's shot at American guns

Keep these handy...


 Facts v4.2!

Click the pic to go to the Gun Facts v4.2 download page!


ABC News Video--Whistleblowers Expose Massive Government Violations of Privacy

...a whistleblower who exposes a massive government intrusion into the privacy of all citizens by reading their emails and Instant Messages, listening to their phone calls, monitoring their movements on the Internet, and tracking the 'Patriot movement' as a 'violent threat' to national security, although no one in the Patriot movement has engaged in such violence.

Not only that, but the government is working with a corporation--AT&T--in order to accomplish this privacy violation:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Guess Who's Getting Food Stamps!!!??

As We Suffer, Gov't Salaries/Jobs/Union Payoffs Grow

Examiner Editorial: Stop providing police escorts to union thugs

Man Beaten By 5 Others

Civil War II is coming.
It’s already here, but only one side is fighting... so far...

RAW VIDEO: Violent Narco Insurgency In Kingston, Jamaica  Comin' soon to Øbozo's MØ'Merica?

Why we should be very afraid of Elena Kagan

From the Harvard Law Record, via Ed Whelan, we learn that Elena Kagan considers Israeli supreme court justice Aharon Barak her "judicial hero." According to Kagan, Barak "is the judge who has best advanced democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and justice."

However, it would appear that Kagan's judicial hero actually has very little regard for the rule of law and, indeed, is the antithesis of what a judge should be. That, at least, has been my understanding of Barak. It is also the view of Judge Richard Posner, and he makes a compelling case:

[A]lthough he is familiar with the American legal system and supposes himself to be in some sort of sync with liberal American judges, he actually inhabits a completely different--and,to an American, a weirdly different--juristic universe. I have my differences with Robert Bork, but when he remarked, in a review of [Barak's book] The Judge in a Democracy, that Barak "establishes a world record for judicial hubris," he came very near the truth.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Global governance is here!

hey Elana Kagan does United Nations international Human Rights Laws supercedes America constitution laws ?

Of course she does! Now off to the camps with you.


Minnesota woman gives birth to son in car – while driving that’s multi-tasking...

World's Largest Airship Inflated to Create Monster 'Stratellite'


12,380 posted on 05/24/2010 1:08:08 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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