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America – The Right Way!!
The Daily Update – November 4, 2002



The news as reported in The Washington Times:

[Note – All links go to The Washington Times’ website.]

1. The House, Senate, and a number of governorships are up for grabs tomorrow.

[If the NY Times is saying Republicans are going to gain in the House, at least that election process seems secure.]

House, Senate up for grabs

2. The race for governor of the People’s Republic of Maryland is very tight.

[Boy, that would just cheese off the demoflops. Maryland is so liberal, they think Lenin is a conservative, and then to elect a Republican governor? Let’s make it happen!]

Maryland gubernatorial race tight

3. Election 2002 coverage by the Times.

[Good stuff here. This will likely be a permanent fixture until November 5 – so don’t yell at me.]

Election 2002: News, profiles, finance reports

4. American authorities are questioning a Pakistani surgeon who may have helped The Evil One after he fled from Afghanistan.

[I wouldn’t want to be that guy right about now.]

Pakistani surgeon linked to bin Laden

5. Yesterday, at a campaign stop, President Bush said Coleman would be “a breath of fresh air in the Senate.”

[In less than 48 hours, we Republicans can end the unconstitutional control of the Senate by the demoflops. Let’s do it!!]

GOP scents an upset in Minnesota

6. Apparently Henry Belafonte’s characterization of Collin Powell as the “house slave” of the Republicans is too much for other liberals.

[I guess there are some lines liberals don’t want to cross.]

Black leaders hit Belafonte for slur

7. Trying the Beltway Sniper will be a challenge – how to prove he is guilty of multiple slayings without posing double jeopardy. To get the death sentence in Virginia, it requires the same individual to have committed multiple acts of murder within a three-year period, but prosecutors are trying to figure out how to present that in a case when the other murders haven’t been tried yet.

[ARE THEY THAT STUPID??? APPARENTLY!!! HERE’S A CLUE: MULTIPLE MURDERS, MULTIPLE TRIALS. Ask for life in prison in trial one, get the death sentence in trial two.]

Sniper case poses woes for prosecutors

8. The National Council of Women’s Organizations has tried to paint the head of the Augusta National Golf Club as a stereotypical southern male. Problem is, he’s anything but.

[Gee, isn’t it nice when a liberal’s plan backfires in their face?.]

Augusta National leader escapes the stereotype

We shall not rest until we have cut a swath 60-miles wide through the entire left - taking all that is before us with us as we go. We shall leave nothing to the enemy that may be of value to him. We shall show him that he may count on nothing and will be able to keep nothing, not his spirit, not his soul, not that upon which he shall feed. We shall not cease until the moment we have rent through their entire land and have arrived at the sea, with our glorious victory upon us.

Home Page of the December 19th Society

Now you have the info, go support the United States of America!!!

12 posted on 11/04/2002 4:51:40 AM PST by Chairman_December_19th_Society
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To: ohioWfan; kayak; Lorena; lysie; Miss Marple; Guenevere; All
America's Sunday Best This is the story of the truck driver who turned in the fateful sniper tip....from Opinion Journal......

Damn Dirty Dems from the Weekly Standard

15 posted on 11/04/2002 5:00:41 AM PST by Molly Pitcher
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To: Chairman_December_19th_Society
Great article about Hootie Johnson - thanks for that one.
24 posted on 11/04/2002 5:20:02 AM PST by lodwick
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