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To: TxBec

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F R O M   T H E   V I S I O N   F O R U M ,   I N C .
A N D   D O U G   P H I L L I P S

J A N U A R Y   1 1 ,   2 0 0 2

How Not to Raise a Terrorist 

The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child
left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.

Proverbs 29:15

Dear Friends:

     Recently, a friend forwarded to me a remarkably telling article, "Blame Lindh's permissive parents," by Jeff Jacoby of The Boston Globe. Perhaps a better title would have been "How to Raise a Terrorist." I offer this alternative title because the author presents a detailed account of how the modern, open-minded, enlightened, progressive, and lovingly indulgent parenting philosophy faithfully followed by Frank Lindh and Marilyn Walker, produced America's very own Jihad-bound Taliban terrorist, John Walker. 

     Which brings me to my subject. Life is antithesis -- a constant reminder that we will either willingly play by God's rules and reap the blessings of obedience, or we will play by our own rules, and reap a harvest of bitter sorrows. Nobody sets out to train their child to be a terrorist, or a thief, or a murderer, or a rebel, or a wastrel, or a self-indulgent sloth; but any of these consequences are the natural, potential outcome for rejecting God's program of home life. In an absentee-parent society, the amazing fact is not that there is a John Walker; the amazing fact is that there are not thousands of John Walkers. 

     Once upon a time, there was a term used to describe the parenting philosophy employed by such progressives: "anarchy." In those days, it was understood that you could live in a home for twenty years with a child, but if you did not govern the child, for all practical purposes, you were treating that child as if he were a stranger, or worse, illegitimate.

     From a biblical perspective, the careful and faithful discipline of a child is one of the clearest means for demonstrating true love. In fact, to lovingly rebuke a child is proof that he is a true son. On the other hand, to indulge a child is to "hate" a child and raise what the King James Bible describes as a "bastard," or illegitimate child. In fact, failure to properly administer the rod for disobedience is viewed as the moral equivalent of "deliver[ing] his soul" to Hell.

     These are strong words, but they are not mine. If you don't like these words, your argument is with God, not with me. They come straight from Scriptures like Hebrews 12:7-8 and Proverbs 13:24 and 23:14, respectively, which read:

"If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons, for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not. But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then ye are bastards, and not sons."

"He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes."

"Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell."

     The opposite of anarchy is "family government," the only means prescribed in Holy Scripture for structuring a home and raising children. Family government in a two-parent home presupposes that the father is in charge and ultimately responsible for the direction and discipline of his children. Democracy is non-existent.

     Three hundred and fifty years ago, the great Puritan theologian Richard Baxter urged fathers to exercise government over their households and children. I offer the following gem for your family devotions tonight. Originally titled, "Special Motives to Persuade Men How to Govern Their Families," I am renaming it: "How Not to Raise a Terrorist."


     If it were well understood what benefits come by the holy governing of families, and what trouble comes from its neglect, there would be few people that walk the streets among us ... that would neglect a duty of such value and importance. Since we as a people and a nation lie overwhelmed with the calamitous fruits of this neglect, I think it important to try to awaken sluggish souls to do this undone work.

  1. Consider that the proper and godly government of families is a fundamental and important part of God's own government of the world, and that the opposite of godly government is the devil's government. The devil is always the governor where God's government is rejected. The world and the flesh are the instruments of the devil's government. Worldliness and fleshly living are the devil's service. Undoubtedly he is the ruler of the family where these prevail, and where faith and godliness do not take place. And what can you expect from such a master?

  2. Consider, also, that an ungoverned, ungodly family is a powerful means to the damnation of all the members of it. This is the common boat that carries souls to hell. He that is in the devil's boat is most likely to go as the boatman pleases and with everyone else on board. A well-governed family, however, is an excellent help to saving the souls of all that are in it.

  3. A holy, well-governed family tends not only to the safety of all the members in it, but also to the ease and pleasure of their lives. To live where God's law is the principle rule, where you may be daily taught the mysteries of His kingdom, where you may have the Scriptures opened to you and be led by the hand in the paths of life, and where the praises of God are daily celebrated, is a sweet and happy life.

  4. A holy and well-governed family tends to make a holy posterity and to propagate the fear of God from generation to generation. It is more comfortable to have no children than to beget and breed up children for the devil. He that will train up children for God must begin soon, before sinful objects take deep possession of their hearts and habits.

  5. A holy, well-governed family is a preparation for a holy and well-governed church. If masters of families do their part and send such polished materials to the churches, as they ought to, the work and life of the pastors of the church will be unspeakably more easy and delightful. But if churches are pigsties of unclean beasts, if they are made up of ignorant and ungodly persons that desire nothing but the things of the flesh, and worship what they know not, we may thank ill governed families for this. Thus pastors are discouraged, the churches defiled, religion disgraced, and infidels hardened through the impious disorder and negligence of families!

  6. Well-governed families tend to make a happy state and commonwealth. Godly training is the first and greatest work to make good magistrates and good citizens because it tends to make good men. When an ungodly family has once confirmed children in wickedness, they will act wickedly in every state of life. But oh, what a blessing to the world children are when they come to places of government and submission prepared by a holy training. And happy is that land that is ruled by such superiors and consists of such subjects as have first learned to be subject to God and to their parents!

  7. When the governors of families faithfully perform their duties, they provide a great means to overcome and make up for any lack or defects in the pastor. In addition, they provide a great means to propagate and preserve religion in times of public neglect and persecution. Thus holy families may keep up biblical religion, keep up the lifestyle and comfort of believers, and supply the lack of public preaching in those places where persecutors prohibit and restrain it, or where unable or unfaithful pastors neglect it.

  8. Your own house is your castle; your family is your charge. You may perform worship and instruction in your families with the greatest peace and least opposition from other sources since it is performed in your own home and under your control. You may teach them there as often and as diligently as you like.

  9. Well-governed families are honorable and exemplary unto others. A worldly, ungodly, disordered family is a den of snakes, a place of hissing, railing, folly, and confusion; it is like a wilderness overgrown with briers and weeds. A holy family, however, is a garden of God, it is beautiful with His graces, ordered by His government, and fruitful by the showers of his heavenly blessing. No doubt the beauty of such holy and well-governed families has convinced many, drawn them to a great approval of religion, and occasioned them to imitate them.

  10. Well-governed families are blessed with the special presence and favor of God. God is engaged both by love and promise to bless, protect, and prosper them (Psalm 1:3, Psalm 128). It is safe to sail in that ship which is bound for heaven and where Christ is the pilot. But when you reject His government, despising His presence, interests, and commands, you also refuse His company, despise His favor, and forfeit His blessing.

  11. It is an evident truth that most of the mischief that infests mankind throughout the earth is caused by the disorders and ill government of families. Disorderly families are the schools and shops of Satan from which proceed the beastly ignorance, lust and sensuality, the devilish pride, malignity, and cruelty against the holy ways of God which have so unmannered the children of Adam. These are the nests in which the serpent hatches the eggs of covetousness, envy, strife, revenge, tyranny, disobedience, wars, and bloodshed. Do you wonder that even in reformed churches there can be so many unreformed sinners, of beastly lives, that hate the serious practice of the religion that they themselves profess?

     Family reformation is the easiest and the most likely way to national reformation. If it does not extend to national reformation, however, at least it may be used to send many souls to heaven and to train up multitudes for God.

     Phenomenal! Thank you, Mr. Baxter. To be a free people, we must be a self-governing people. This begins in our own hearts and homes. It begins with the acknowledgement that actions have consequences. It begins with the recognition that life is antithesis. Either we will be self-motivated to live under God's law, or we will be forcibly subdued under man's law. The choice is ours.

                              Doug Phillips
                              President, The Vision Forum, Inc.

P.S.: To learn more about Richard Baxter and his massive tome A Christian Directory (perhaps the greatest "How To" commentary on biblical living of the Reformation), please visit our Web site. We have a number of precious volumes by diverse Puritan writers, but may I also recommend Why Read the Puritans Today?, as a very inexpensive, but invaluable guide to the wisdom and theological insights of these remarkable Christians.

3 posted on 09/12/2002 7:47:35 AM PDT by ppaul
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To: ppaul
Re: your post #3.

Excellent material. It reminds me a lot of the some of the writings of Michael and Debbie Pearl. Years ago our pastor recommended a little book they had written entitled "To Train Up A Child". It has been invaluable to us as parents (even though we often fall short of what they talk about in the book) and best of all, our children have benefited so much that other people are always commenting on how well behaved, polite, etc., they are (and I know I've fallen short on their training sometimes). Isn't it amazing how well things go when we do it God's way? :)
13 posted on 09/12/2002 3:40:20 PM PDT by Pablo64
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