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Lakers win!!!
Los Angeles Lakers
| May 31, 2002
| Veggie Todd
Posted on 05/31/2002 9:43:10 PM PDT by Veggie Todd
Lakers Win!!! Lakers Win!!! Lakers Win!!!
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To: Veggie Todd
Kings left bloody!
posted on
05/31/2002 9:43:52 PM PDT
To: Veggie Todd
posted on
05/31/2002 9:43:53 PM PDT
Comment #4 Removed by Moderator
To: gura
the referrees were obvioulsy instructed to let the lakers win...
..unbelievable calls and NON calls
the Lakers did not win....the game was given to them by the nba.
gee, do you think 28 free throws in the fourth quarter were enough for the lakers?
posted on
05/31/2002 9:47:59 PM PDT
To: Veggie Todd
Show-down at Arco>p> Great Game===Go Kings
posted on
05/31/2002 9:48:13 PM PDT
To: cherry
the referrees were obvioulsy instructed to let the lakers win...Go call a cop.
To: cherry
Oveously the Refs called the game in LA"s favor
The last non call was Bibbys blody nose. Unbeleaveable.
posted on
05/31/2002 9:52:08 PM PDT
To: cherry
Oh come on Cherry, what could you be suggesting????
I mean it's not as though anyone or any network would benefit from a Game 7....
posted on
05/31/2002 9:52:33 PM PDT
To: Veggie Todd
Let`s face it, the NBA wants LA in the play-offs. Example, the in bounds play at the end of the game when Bibby was hit in the face and knocked to the floor--ref is looking right at it, no call. Shaq travels half the time, rarely called. He lowers the shoulder and plows through opponents who then are called for a foul. The NBA has two sets of rules, one for the stars and one for the rest
posted on
05/31/2002 9:52:39 PM PDT
To: cherry
I agree. The refs in LA are known for giving star treatment to star payers, and they admit it. Sad for the sport.
To: cherry
..unbelievable calls and NON calls the Lakers did not win....the game was given to them by the nba.
That's the way I saw it and it was pretty obvious. The officiating in the NBA continues to be an open scandal. If this game was called fairly Sacramento would have won easily. The refs call the game as they feel it, instead of how they see it.
posted on
05/31/2002 9:53:43 PM PDT
To: Veggie Todd
Lakers Stole is more like it. With a one point lead and 12 seconds left, Bryant elbows Bibby in the face and runs him down like a truck. No foul, even though it was blatantly obvious, was called against Bryant. Instead, in the continuation, Bryant gets the benefit of a foul against him. We go from the Kings having two foul shots and the possibility of taking a one point lead to the Lakers getting two shots and a three point lead. The corruption shown by the referees in tonight's (rigged) game was breathtaking. Anything for NBA ratings-what a farce. BTW, I'm a fan of neither team-I just think the officiating sucked, and I think honest fans would agree.
To: Veggie Todd
It is time to admit the NBA is fixed.
posted on
05/31/2002 10:02:08 PM PDT
To: gueroloco
The Non Basketball Association and David Stern are both Clown Shoes, dont get me started on Kobe.
To: RedBloodedAmerican
At least the 7-0 demolition of the Colorado Avalanche by the Detroit Red Wings tonight was not in the hands of the refs.
posted on
05/31/2002 10:02:41 PM PDT
To: Veggie Todd
Yeah... nice to see the refs bought and paid for... that no-call on the elbow to Bibby was the difference...
posted on
05/31/2002 10:03:10 PM PDT
To: RedBloodedAmerican;cherry;jdontom;bybybill;WRhine;gueroloco
Cheese would go really well with that whine.
To: bybybill
Bryant's right cross to Bibby's nose was not called. He should have gotten a flagrant foul. Instead, he gets the foul shot. Outrageous and reprehensible. The man is lower than a snake's belly, an arrogant and unsportsmanlike thug. If a team ever deserved to lose, it is Lakers. But, the referees looked the other way, and gave them the game. Can the next game be as poorly officiated? We will see.
To: hole_n_one
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