That's very interesting, because I've had several of those similar type of dreams over the years. I've been retired for almost 21 years, but in my recurring dream, I'm back working, not permanently, but as an extra in NY State's prison system, despite knowing in my dream that I'm retired, and making that status known to others in my dreams. It's weird, because I know there is no way I'd be allowed to do that in real life. Once you retire, there's no going back. In most of my dreams I'm not dressed in the standard issue uniform...but in civilian clothes, and I realize I'm not dressed according to the rules. I can't figure out why or where those dreams come from. I sure as hell don't miss the job, and I never dream of any of the people I worked with.
I read your replies about your days as a prison guard. That is not a job I would’ve wanted to have. And those are not dreams I would want to dream.