The other night when he barely made it down the stairs from the plane, a secret service agent had to push him into the car and then lift and place his legs once he was seated.
He is in the terminal phase of whatever dementia-parkinson's illness he is suffering from.
It ain't covid.
Jill and Hunter must be having 10 panic attacks. How are they going to get their pardons?
Jill and Hunter must be having 10 panic attacks. How are they going to get their pardons?
= = =
They are taking a lesson from how well that last signature just went over.
OOPS - Better do a better job on that pardon signature.
Same way they wrote that letter....................Weekend at Biden’s................
Most likely it's a some sort of Parkinson's freeze-up
or extreme dementia episode. I have seen this sort of thing
personally with family members (father and
father in-law.)
Maybe with time and medication the doctors can
pull Biden out of it.