A ‘Rat candidate picked by Hollywierd❗ What could be better❓ ...and Taylor Swift!!! Why not just declare her POTUS and have a 4 year dance party❓ ⤵🚮
I just started reading this article by Corey Lynn, of 'Corey's Digs', and I find it poses interesting details about the structure of the deep state. I believe I've read interesting content from Corey's Digs before - I don't recall what it was but I recall dwelling on the ideas.
To begin with, the article outlines a layer of cabal organization which seems like the underlying skeleton of the 'pyramid' of elites, and it is based largely on legal immunity. There are lists, links and details. I don't know if the model(s) proposed are right, but it is the first time I've read this kind of detail and it seems to be exactly the kind of information missing from my world view. I watch the elites claw each other for position and I know it can't be a continuous melee all the way to the core, and this article (and linked articles) seems to propose some theories about the structure and organization of the deep state that might hold up. In case anyone else is interested, here's the link and the intro:
Corey Lynn: Who is “they”?
LOL! Beautiful comment.