Posted on 06/21/2024 6:50:00 AM PDT by RandFan
Fox News polls, etc. reminds me of what happened last time!
Will they be calling states when only 1% have reported?
Turn off FOX NEWS!!
I pointed out two things yesterday: 1 - this Faux poll shows Biden leading Trump in rural areas by 52-48 which is total nonsense; and, 2 - the other national polls show no such movement as the Faux poll.
Surges: 6 out of 7 people that attended Sleepy Joe’s rally were absolutely voting for Joe Biden. 1 left undecided.
or Trump picks up 5th lap on Joe
Have Fox News and the Republicans always been against us? Did we fool ourselves thinking they were our friends?
Only because Fox has the most laughable push polls in the business aside from Quinnipiac. No surprise that the Murdoch owned Daily Fail is pushing this.
Let’s see. Corporate news has a vested (financial) interest in people coming to their Websites or watching their TV programs. They are for-profit organizations and need to attract advertisement dollars. In a high profile election year like 2024, it’s in their best interest to vacillate back and forth on who is ahead in the polls. This affects continued interest, clicks and tuning in by the greatest number of people. Translation: it’s in corporate news best interest to skew polls right up to the election so as to maintain interest by the greatest number of people, so as to keep advertisers and the bottom line happy.
RV not LV
The idea that Biden is leading Trump in rural areas is ludicrous. Pretty sure they meant urban areas.
Personal opinion: its being done by Fox to convince its viewers that Biden is doing better than he really is, so when an attempt to steal is made, the segment of the population watching Fox diminishes the amount of potential public outrage, and also provides justification for any ‘pacification’ operations subsequently taken by the Deep State.
Jumps and surges, are the complete opposite of what Biden can do at his age. Crawls or rolls might be more appropriate.
When it comes to the poll, it’s incumbent o democrats to make sure they have enough people being polled, which is a way to make sure that, when they steal the election again, they can point at the polls which ‘indicated’ that the American people ‘chose’ Biden as their president again. The reality is that, nobody in his/her right mind would choose to have a dementia-laden corpse as president, especially not a president who has caused to much damage to the country and the American people.
Polls that seem to favor Biden are a necessity before they can pull off another theft of the election. It’s gonna be a “See? It’s exactly what the polls indicated.” type of thing.
Does anyone answer honestly in polls? I’m inclined to think that 20 people hung up on them for every one that agreed to answer their question. And of those, there are probably more than a few that gave an opposite answer from their real intention.
The only other likely explanation is this is a push-poll to make people think Biden is doing well, when they aren’t paying attention to reality.
“Biden surges past Trump in latest poll by Fox News”
GREAT NEWS! Now our Commander-in-Chief will have another 4 years to finish off Putin.
Just kidding. But it is good news in the sense that it throws a spanner into DNC plans to replace Biden after the debate next week. Gets difficult to remove the guy who is ‘winning’.
And here comes the propaganda headlines after the FOX News poll released.
Donald Trump Suffers Abysmal Polling Week
Another one:
Three-point shift in Biden-Trump matchup since May
The FOX Fags don’t use “the margin of error.” If the old, demented pedophile is really ahead of President Trump, this country is more screwed up that most of us think it is. You have to be one sicko chimp to think four more years of the pedo is a good idea.
Well heck yeah! You have a catholic with ‘deep root’ family values (?) and a convicted felon as his opponent. Anyway, seems as if bidenomics is working out okay for libs. Me? Not so much. Started using food banks. Sometimes scoring good stuff too. 🤔👍
Putting this in chat because I wanted to ask Freepers if they think they’re going to steal this again?
They certainly appear to be setting up another steal.
Election night 2020 Bill Hemmer of Fox was a smooth operator in how he handled the incoming votes and the whole thing was rotten. He’s a snake in the grass.
Fox polls are among the worst.
That's why we see the parade of Democrat politicians & supporters in the news industry saying on TV, that Trump will be coming after them, and try to make private citizens fear that he will come after them as well.
Then they produce false polls showing Biden making a comeback to make it seem like the election is closer than what the realty is.
It's called preparing the narrative.
I read somewhere this poll had Biden ahead with rural voters.
It’s ok to work line behind anyway
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