And so is the 2025 hurricane season.
How many times have the threatened this old tired line.
What if ocean water helps fuel ‘themicanes’?
Looks like we can add "rapid intensification" to our weather vocabulary.
Well, I recall fat Mikey predicting back in 2005 that there were going to be at least one or two storms the size of Katrina every year going forward. That certainly did not materialize.
Go suck seaweed “weatherman”.
Bottom line with Hurricane’s, they tell you they are coming your way and you have time to react.
Anyone who has ridden out a storm can tell you direction and intensity can change very quickly. Landfall differences of 5-10 miles can be a matter of life or death. Along with storm surge and forward speed. I remember Alicia in the early 80’s. Touted at first as just a rain event, then just a minimal storm and then it hit the coast as a H3. or should I say just off the coast and churned for over 12 hours without coming on shore.Predictions have gotten better over the years but sometimes they get a life of their own that defies all predictions.
They didn’t even know it was gonna rain an hour ago.
Seems like the handwringing is becoming an annual event. That’s how the weather channel sells aarp commercials.
It’s hurricane season. As usual fear porn except when our lovely masters start manipulating weather. I believe they do and I believe it’s the root cause of the more severe storms we’re seeing in the Midwest.
Midwest could also be exacerbated by the increase in geyser volume from Yellowstone too but who the heck knows really.
The sensationalism around weather is off the charts. If you ever see a network weather forecast (rare that I do) they show how many people “are at RISK.” They put up numbers like 25 million people at’s pathetic. Everything is a crisis or an emergency...
I tend to pay attention to these things since I do live in a high traffic area for hurricanes. They (weather services as a collective) have been saying this literally every year for at least a decade. Additionally Accuweather has to be one of the worst weather services I have ever used for what it is worth. I’m personally going to file this one under fear porn from an irrelevant forecasting service that is trying to bait clicks for advertising revenue.
Just like last year, and the year before and before that... Ever since New Orleans sank during Katrina they’ve been predicting massive hurricane seasons that seemingly never come about... They didn’t even have a big storm last year until September.
Same prediction every year.
One year they will be right.
And then, “see, we told you. Climate change . Your SUV made it happen and killed people”
This weather year has, so far, been kinda’ weird. Mild in my desert, yet boiling in mid-May in Texas, so.....
....I won’t be surprised at anything, from minimal to maximum. If reports are correct that the Atlantic is very warm, then storms may pop often. The massive under ocean volcano comes to mind, too. Such unseen volcano action around the seams could be having a large influence of ocean water temps.
Mother Earth is gonna’ do what she’s gonna’ do. Deal with best we can. She didn’t promise a rose garden.
Yes and no. “rapid intensification” is a new metric they adopted, just last year I believe, to scare people into fearing some kind of sudden “Storm Bomb.” Based only data mining, means nothing. But yes this year is under la niña conditions which are conducive to more frequent cyclonic storms, in the Atlantic particularly.