The ancient law of the high seas, still applies against pirates and terrorists (a sub-classification of piracy).
THe obama III cabal now in office wont use the law of the high seas to stop terrorists since they are likely muslims. BUt, when Trump returns....they won’t be a problem for long.
He was also a member of GlobeUSA. The announcement of his appointment can be read at
On page three of that newsletter you can read:
GLOBE USA Receives Grant from Rockefeller Foundation
In August, GLOBE USA gained another prominent supporter by receiving a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation. A longtime a supporter of making policymakers aware of global trends and issues, Rockefeller approved a grant for GLOBE USA to highlight the changing role of national legislators as globalization and international institutions take traditionally national policy issues into the international arena. The grant will be used to improve GLOBE USA’s website and produce a publication and a briefing for members to be held at the beginning of the 107th Congress.
I hope that will help explain away any puzzlement concerned Americans might experience past or future when UNamerican, UNconstitutional action was taken or is to be taken by Congress or approved by the Senate or the Executive branch.
At least it should provide a better idea of who was and is the major buyer of our Constitutional based freedoms and reshapers of our lives.