I see stories like this from time to time, and I never understand it. Is there a hill of water off the coast of the American South which is causing localized sea levels to rise? Is this hill of water not present over on the other side of the Atlantic?
Yeah...8 plus inches of rain in a 24 hour period has nothing to do with it. /s
If the sea level rises over here but doesn’t rise over there...
Non idiots know, water seeks a level. The writer of this screed is an idiot.
Except where dictated by tides and currents sea level is sea level. It can’t be one level in one area, but another level in another area.
Environmental whackos invariably measure “sea level” using “tidal gauges” which vertically protrude from sea beds in coastal waters. Tidal gauges don’t measure sea levels as charged. They measure land subsidence.
Land subsidence is a feature of human activity via water table extraction and by sheer weight of built structures.
These idiots have effectively proven that people are escaping from the North to live in the South. End of story.
Just how dumb do they think we are?...
“Climate change is steadily raising sea levels around the world, but the Gulf of Mexico is rising faster than almost anywhere else in the world.
‘It’s irreversible,’ Jianjun Yin, a climate scientist at the University of Arizona”
So a Chinese scientist, in Arizona, studying the ocean, thinks the sea levels are rising 6 or 7 inches a year, but only in the south. That sounds right. I remember last week I was having iced tea. The ice melted and it flowed over, but only on one side of the rim. Very odd. This scientist will be famous soon. I mean discovering that water does not seek its own level anymore. Amazing.
For some reason, the Plymouth Rock is exactly the same as it was in 1620... right on the water’s edge.
“It’s irreversible”
But we need to throw money at it anyhow???
“which experts said was made worse by sinking land”
Not “made worse” but the biggest cause.
Subsidence in coastal areas is a normal issue of natural geologic and weathering forces. It’s what happens at every ocean coastline. And the less rocky the coastline the more easily it is noticeable.
Whatever happened to water seeking its own level?
Haven’t we all seen water that has higher points on its surface and rivulets?
Talk about a load of crap.
I suspect that is the sole reason ocean waters appear to be rising.
I was taught in my high school physics class that water seeks its own level.
And if ocean tides seem to be increasing, that could be due to the changing gravitational pull of the moon.
It’s because so many illegals have invaded the South, that the land mass can’t handle the weight, and has sunk down.
land is not fixed. Some areas are rising and some have subsidence. Both of those land elevation changes have everything do with geology and hydrology. Man-caused climate change is a hoax and nonsense. Climate variability is real, but has not shown any consistence sea level change trends.
An analysis by who? LOL!
Maybe the land is sinking?
My suggestion, tell me how much the water level rises in Tampa Bay? I looked at old photos of the Tampa Bay region and except for high-rises, it seems the same!