I would say Tucker like Rand Paul has more of a libertarian streak in him!! I would take Rand Paul over ANY of the so called conservatives serving in both houses right now!! I think I am more libertarian than Republican at this point!! I frankly don’t give a damn if you are gay and live your life privately not trying to shove your beliefs on me, if you want to screw your life up with drugs it is YOUR LIFE go ahead and screw it up, the government is to protect the nation from foreign enemies THAT IS ALL!! The CDC, FDA, FBI, CIA, EDUCATION, HOMELAND SECURITY, IRS, need to be abolished PERIOD!!
Social liberalism always results in liberalism, only social conservatism can fight off liberalism.
Look at California and Texas and how the libertarian republicans were swept away by the left in short time in what had been GOP California, but in what had been Democrat Texas social conservatism fought off the hard left.
You good with 100,000 fentynal deaths?