Maybe it is the “kill all the non-believers” part of their religion that is inflaming their volatile, low average-IQ populations. It is not just the Jews that they want to eradicate. It is just that the Jews are the closest target.
Muslims were invited into the West, believing that secularism would put an end to their desire to keep their faith. Now, most of the West is being converted to Islam.
Good luck on that denazification thing.
IIRC, Ann Coulter said the only solution was to kill all the Imams and convert them to Christianity. Islam is evil and needs to be eradicated
De-Natzification? HA
Not enough. The palisavages need to be denazified AND moved somewhere where they cannot harm innocent people.
Uh, kinda lost me with this
“The meaning of the false denazification declared as one of the goals of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is difficult to explain, for Ukraine had ……no sense of national superiority against the people of Russia.”
Where has this guy been since the 1930’s and 40’s.
Banderistas still rule the Ukrainian nationalist cadre which adhere to their nazi symbols and rituals and dedication to ethnic cleansing.
After all, as they teach Ukrainian children, “ Bandera is our father, Ukraine is our mother” and the childrens’ songs and chants of hatred for the Muscovites are just as generationally enduring and vitriolic as the antisemitism of hamas.
The “world” beloved two state solution scam. Don’t fall for it. No one in the med believes a word of it. In fact it has never been a possibility.
islam is a totalitarian death cult founded by a child rapist.
ham ass merely represents true islam.
De-nazification is essentially impossible without the actual religious conversion of ALL involved muslims. That’s not going to happen.
So the best Israel can do is permanently defeat the will of the people to ever wage war again. Make their loss so overwhelming that every muslim knows attacking Israel is a sure death sentence for everyone involved.
That is the best way to limit casualties in the long run on both sides. Make a lesson in the infinite futility of starting wars against Israel.
A little realpolitik for your morning.
Hey buddy, the administration and half of the Democrats have unashamedly and openly come out in favor of the genocidal policies and actions of hummus. Those of my co-religionists who have supported Biden and the Democrats in the past need to assimilate that information, and vote accordingly. If they don’t, they are then self-hating, self-gassing, Jews, and I have no use for them.
De-Nazification as a Solution to the Middle East Conflict
How ironic!
Hitler virtually plagiarized the koran.
Well, in order to brainwash the German’s children, we had to conquer them first.
This mission of conquest and brainwashing has not been accomplished by Israel. Not yet, anyway.
But go right ahead.