If this story is true, then I disagree with him on this-—parents need to be parents and stop using the government as the “parent”.
*If this story is true, then I disagree with him on this-—parents need to be parents and stop using the government as the “parent”.*
Come on. You have freedom of speech until you work for someone. Look at how many people who have been fired over tweets.
Surgery on transgendered kids w/o parent consent? I really don’t believe it could happen but we can be sure there’s people who think it should.
Parents have always relied on reasonable societal guardrails to protect their children when the parent cannot be around. There's nothing wrong with that expectation. Otherwise we might was well become "helicopter" parents to the extreme.
I used to be on education and was around kids a LOT.
Trust me, they get on all the time without their parents knowledge.
Indeed, but since parents and schools are increasingly liberal then government should forbid certain things to protect the vulnerable. If adult web sites are off-limits, why not requires parental consent for FB etc.? Yet hardly very enforceable, and unlikely to survive court challenge.
Yeah - this is gonna work.
About as well as keeping them from viewing online porn!
This doesn’t prevent parents from doing their job. It’s akin to the government making it an offense to sell alcohol and cigarettes to children. Do you disagree with that, also? Yes, if someone wants something and has the money to get it, they will do so, but that doesn’t mean we should just give up.