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Who changed the Sabbath? (A Poem) Who changed the Sabbath? Is a question asked today by honest hearted people who seek to know the way.
Sabbath Recorder, Volume 70, page 104. Year 1911 ^ | 1911 | Seventh day Baptist Church Publication

Posted on 04/02/2024 11:56:16 AM PDT by vespa300

Who changed the Sabbath? Is a question asked today By. honest hearted people who seek to know the way.· Not I, Chimed the Church of England bell; It must have been-ah, well, I can not say, Just who did change the Sabbath day.

Who changed the Sabbath, The fourth command, so deep and, broad, Fixed by the firm decree, Of the eternal God.. Not I, Rang out" the Methodist bell; The Bible, it must be, will tell, I can not say, .' But think that Jesus changed the day.

Who changed the, Sabbath~,- An institution well designed, To keep the Creator's work in mind, Not .I, Came a sound from another steeple, Don't charge that Sin to the Baptist people, We only say ". It makes no difference about the day.

Who changed' the Sabbath, That day of holy rest. Which God not only sanctIfied, but 'blessed? Not I, Rang out in lusty tones a bell; I have no faith in Sabbaths, or in a burning hell, Don't dare to say The Congregationalists e'er changed, the' day.

Who changed the Sabbath;- The day that Christ adored And said 'twas made' for man, And he its Lord; The day the Marys kept, While Christ lay in the tomb; The day the disciples spent In their 'own upper room; The day which martyred hosts, Observed 'mid scorn and ,Jeers, - , On which they sealed their faith . With earnest cries and tears; The day that now is kept By many to theIr loss; By noble men who bear, The burden of the cross?

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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To: Jim W N

——>Under the New Covenant of Grace, you begin by resting in the perfect and finished work of Christ on the cross. “IT IS FINISHED!”

Here’s the New Covenant (which the Jews rejected). What did God say about his LAWS?

Hebrews 8:

10For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:

11And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.

12For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.

61 posted on 04/03/2024 4:10:03 PM PDT by Philsworld (It's all short quips and funny memes, until you find that you've come up short in the judgment. )
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To: Philsworld

Amen brother. I don’t tinker with God’s holy things. The seventh day Sabbath is a holy thing....”made for man” as in mankind.

Belshazzar tinkered with holy things in Daniel 5. It cost him his life that very night. Woe be to anyone who adds or takes from the word of God. The seventh day Sabbath predates every single person whoever lived except 2...Adam and Eve. So that notion that it’s Jewish is laughable.

And for those who say we are free from the law, it’s not the law they are talking’s the Seventh day Sabbath. Because if I go take their car.....suddenly God has laws again.

The Seventh day Sabbath is indeed bondage and works to those who would rather be at the Laker game, shopping, making money, and just about anything else pleasing to their senses then being in the house of the Lord, with the Lord’s people, the Lord’s book, worshipping and praising the Lord.....the whole day. It’s the best day the blessed day, the rest day and can be the test day.

All the turning and twisting of scripture to make some lame case for changing that which God wrote in stone with his own finger, spoke with his own voice..are just that...lame. As if a meal , breaking bread together on a Sunday changes God’s law. It’s embarrassing to even make that case.

The seveneth day Sabbath isn’t even our day. It’s God’s holy day blessed and made holy FOR US. It’s a gift for us. More and more people who seek truth are discovering this too.

Before the soon coming of Jesus, the Sabbath day will be revealed to all and then a choice must be made. It’s not about what it’s what it stands for. Loyalty to God’s law and his government. Many will accept it but many more will reject it. Those who had no love for Bible truth.and they will be among the masses that John saw...who accept her mark instead of God’s seal.

Revelation 12:17 says about this end time......the devil is wroth with the “REMNANT” who KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD.”

62 posted on 04/03/2024 5:01:26 PM PDT by vespa300
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To: mdmathis6

Now that song is running through my head! 😂

63 posted on 04/03/2024 5:15:57 PM PDT by DennisR (Look around - God gives countless clues that He does, indeed, exist .)
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To: vespa300

house of the Lord, with the Lord’s people, the Lord’s book, worshipping and praising the Lord.....the whole day. It’s the best day the blessed day, the rest day and can be the test day.

You actually believe the withered fig tree is Remembering His Sabbath all the while rejecting the Son?

Worshipping the Father when they don’t even know what day Passover is to the Father?

Judaism isn’t worshipping the Father in Spirit and Truth.

Judaism is worshiping the Beast

And doesn’t know it

64 posted on 04/03/2024 6:01:03 PM PDT by delchiante
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To: delchiante

>>>Judaism isn’t worshipping the Father in Spirit and Truth.

Judaism is worshiping the Beast>>>

The Sabbath predates the Jew by thousands of years. God hallowed it in Eden. The Sabbath predates every living human being except 2...ADam and Eve who spend their first full day together on.....the Sabbath, which Jesus made for man as in mankind. Mark 2:27.

The Sabbath is in the heart of the moral law, the ten commandments in stone in the ark.....not in a book written by Moses. In stone written by God. Of which Jesus said not a jot or tittle would change till heaven and earth pass away.

The Seventh day Sabbath is about as Jewish as honoring your parents or staying faithful to your wife.

Deep theology says Ye be Christ, ye be in fact, I’m a spiritual Jew anyways. So I win both ways. Hebrews and Galatians say you can’t change a will after someone dies, and Jesus as his custom was, was in church on the Sabbath..not Sunday. so much for changing a covenant after someone dies.

John sees the Lord’s day in Revelation.....and John didn’t have the new testament....he had the Old Testament which said God is the Lord and he calls his holy day, the Sabbath.

Such poor Bible scholarship by today’s evangelicals which is why most don’t even keep Sunday anymore. At least the Protestants of old kept Sunday ......the whole day. And society was much better back then.

Finally, God calls the church of the dark ages....”gentiles” I wouldn’t be so anxious to be a gentile. We are spiritual Jews , and that fig tree proves God took the kingdom from physical literal Israel and gave it to a new nation....spiritual Israel...because Literal Israel didn’t bear fruit.

Revelation 11:2.....God calling the church of Rome, the church of the dark ages, the church that started Sunday....”Gentiles”...and the saved....we are spiritual Israel.

It was Rome , the papacy that ruled for 1260 years, 42 months..a day for a year in prophecy...he calls her “Gentiles”

Revelation 11:2 New King James Version (NKJV)
But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months.

65 posted on 04/03/2024 6:20:24 PM PDT by vespa300
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To: vespa300

His 7th Day Sabbath isn’t Rome’s Saturday.

His 7th Day Sabbath is the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the 15th.
His Son finished His work as the Passover Lamb, the 14th.

That pattern of 6th Day= 14th and 7th Day= 15th is repeated every month,not just His 1st month in the Spring.

It leads to the 16th Day always being His 1st work day, every month, not just His 1st month and 2nd month in the Spring..

The Son died on His 6th Day, not Rome’s.
The Son laid in the tomb on His 7th Day, not Rome’s.
The Son rose on His 1st Day,not Rome’s.

And those who have the Son, can know the Truth.

But it starts with following the Passover Lamb.

That’s something neither Islam,Judaism or Christianity follow today.
They follow the Beast and it’s Friday lamb..

Which is why it says Satan deceives the whole world.

Including and especially Islam,Judaism and Christianity.

Tough to flee Babylon in that scenario..

The Blood of the Passover Lamb and the word of their testimony can overcome..

66 posted on 04/03/2024 6:47:12 PM PDT by delchiante
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To: MeanWestTexan

The Sabbath is binding on Jewish people, not Gentiles.

It’s basic contract law. The Covenant of Mt. Sinai is between God and the Jewish people. Gentiles are not a party to that contract.

Exodus 20:8Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, NOR THY STRANGER THAT IS WITHIN THY GATES: 11For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

The STRANGERS within their gates were GENTILES. They shared the same punishment as the Israelites for breaking God’s law.

All will be judged by God’s law, including those who insist that God’s law was contractually only for the Jews.

Romans 2:
9Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile; 10But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: 11For there is no respect of persons with God.

12For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; 13(For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. 14For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: 15Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;) 16In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.

67 posted on 04/04/2024 3:05:28 PM PDT by Philsworld (It's all short quips and funny memes, until you find that you've come up short in the judgment. )
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To: MeanWestTexan

Leviticus 24:22, “Ye shall have one manner of law, as well for the stranger, as for one of your own country: for I am the LORD your God.”

God’s law applies to ALL mankind.

68 posted on 04/04/2024 3:14:15 PM PDT by Philsworld (It's all short quips and funny memes, until you find that you've come up short in the judgment. )
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To: Philsworld

All that applies only in a Jewish state.

Last I checked, only one country in the world arguably applies.

Go look up the “laws of Noah” to see how this has been interpreted for 3000 years.

69 posted on 04/04/2024 3:27:12 PM PDT by MeanWestTexan (Sometimes There Is No Lesser Of Two Evils)
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To: Philsworld

Who is the “Ye” in that sentence

I’ll give you a hint: not you.

70 posted on 04/04/2024 3:28:31 PM PDT by MeanWestTexan (Sometimes There Is No Lesser Of Two Evils)
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To: MeanWestTexan
---->All that applies only in a Jewish state.

Nope. It applies to every human being that has ever lived on this earth.


Eccl 12:13Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of MAN. 14For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

71 posted on 04/04/2024 3:41:18 PM PDT by Philsworld (It's all short quips and funny memes, until you find that you've come up short in the judgment. )
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To: Philsworld

You’re cherry picking verses out of context.

Sorry, all of Judaism for 3000 years, disagrees with you, as does the entire history of Christian theology, not to mention Jesus and Peter and Paul.

And basic contract law.

There are lots of laws in the Bible that apply to all people. And then some to just Jews. And some to just Levites. And some to just Cohen. And some to just Cohen serving in the Temple. It’s literally broken down by category.

It’s not disputed by anyone serious.

72 posted on 04/04/2024 4:38:37 PM PDT by MeanWestTexan (Sometimes There Is No Lesser Of Two Evils)
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To: MeanWestTexan

——>It’s not disputed by anyone serious.

Paul is serious, as in Romans 2 (post 67).

73 posted on 04/04/2024 5:55:19 PM PDT by Philsworld (It's all short quips and funny memes, until you find that you've come up short in the judgment. )
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