In my humble opinion it is an excellent, informative, interview. Putin (again, IMO) is one smart, rational, fellow. I've not listened to any interviews with him prior to this. He comes across as well informed and an intelligent strategist. He is obviously the leader of Russia and Russia is his number one priority, as it should be.
38 minutes
Tucker: “Twice you’ve described U.S. Presidents making decisions and then being undercut by their agency heads. So it sounds like you’re describing a system that’s not run by the people who are elected in your telling?”
Putin: “That’s right. That’s right.”
I watched the entire interview with Putin. He had some interesting things to say about China’s economy, the C|A, and the Russian soul.
Sitting down to listen to more. I’ve heard many of Putin’s speeches, and have links to quite a few. I agree with your assessment of him. Hub who speaks Russian has listened to some speeches with only subtitles and no dubbing, and he agrees; Putin also has a sense of humor. Since Hub grew up in communist controlled Poland and grew up with NO love for Russia, had to learn Russian in school.
I agree about Putin. Was struck by how he is on Trump’s level of being able to speak at great length with no notes.