Throughout history, the amount of death and destruction levied by one People against another People has been staggering. The Assyrians, the Romans, the Mongols, the Muslims, it goes on and on.
After WWII, western civilization looked at the devastation (including the holocaust) and said, “Let’s not do that anymore.”
But non-western areas of the globe still believe in wiping out their enemies. I think we need to take that fact to heart. I think we need to realize that we learned the wrong lesson from WWII.
As a wise man once said...
“You only own that which you are WILLING and ABLE to defend using whatever means at your disposal!!”
And lately we in the west have been unwilling to protect that which is ours, and others are more than glad to take it.
And it’s actually worse that, we’re literally volunteering to just give it away!