This is not a proper presentation of information.
OK, I have read and believe that the covid vaccine causes heart damage in basically everyone who takes it.
How significant is that heart damage? In what percent of people will it reduce their life expectancy?
The key information we still don’t know and no one knows.
It could be that it will only have long term effect in a very tiny percentage of the population. Or it could be much worse. We don’t know yet
key phrase
pretty good reason not to do it
OK, I have read and believe that the covid vaccine causes heart damage in basically everyone who takes it.
How significant is that heart damage? In what percent of people will it reduce their life expectancy?
I guess I’ll error on the side of NOT doing something that causes damage to my heart.
Well, they matter to most people. Perhaps the vaxxers feel differently.
The PROBLEM with the vaccine (as redefined by the CDC, conveniently) is that effects like myocarditis, etc. very likely would have been clearly identified HAD A PROPER FDA APPROVAL process and regimen been conducted. YEARs of tests, data analysis, and determinations were compressed down into mere months. No, the vaccine doesn't cause myocarditis in everybody. But it does in enough people that the drug never should have been approved for use, IMO. Or at the very minimum that effect clearly presented to the potential vaccine receiver so THEY could make the choice, NOT FDA, NOT CDC, NOT NHS, et al. PP