1965 McDonald's ad
Cursory review of the internet shows that 52 cents in 1965 corresponds to $5.08 today.
It sounds like McDonald’s prices have gone up adjusted for inflation.
Then again minimum wage increases in many places in America have escalated quite a bit. I’m sure that has impacted pricing.
McDonalds doesn't offer a hamburger meal anymore, but a regular burger, small fries, and a small milkshake comes to $7.87 when purchased ala carte.
When we were children if you showed up at our local McDonald’s in a Halloween costume you got a free small fries. They were usually 15 cents (I think).
When I was enlisted as soon as I got to my Permanent Party base after 42 weeks of training I was immediately placed on Separate Rations for $82 per month. The Chow Hall started charging us by the item so it was too expensive to eat on base. A local Taco Tico (Wichita, KS) down the street always had 5 for a dollar tacos and two Sanchos for a buck. Ate like kings instead of starving.