Steve Bannon said his "spies" on Capitol Hill reported that high powered
lobbyists made deal$ with these holdouts, to lock Jordan out. The Deep
State never sleeps.
That makes sense now...
Those meeting with, and getting paid off by lobbyists are the foulest kind of traitors. Without a Speaker, and a committed Republican one, this is the succession of filthy traitors who would take over if Biden keels over and Kamala is out of the picture:
President pro tempore of the Senate Patty Murray
Secretary of State Antony Blinken
Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin
Attorney General Merrick Garland
It would be helpful if the General Public could start learning who these “lobbyists” are so that we can start targeting them with mass protests along with the politicians. Maybe the lobbyists need to start dealing with John Q Public as well as crooked politicians to get things done. Why should the polticians be the only thing we protest?....the lobbyists represent many businesses that can be protested and boycotted as they too, need to maintain a public image in addition to their lobbying activities.