On the steel front add on that the EU in early Oct added sanctions for Russian steel/iron imports that require specific country of origin requirements from the mills to certify sources...the Chinese will be hard pressed to supply this documentation.
Heck, as US suppliers of final product to the EU; we are scrambling to provide the documentation. Normally such a reg, example being the conflict mineral requirements, only requires no knowledge and not objective prove from the mills. But the wording of the new EU reg will require a tracking of specific metal mill run sources and not just a declaration. Mutiple industries are scrambling right now.
I guess we have a new generation of lazyassbuttdraggers in the steel bizness. I thot we settled this traceability thing six decades ago. I wrote some of the rules for that when I was buying steel and stuff for ship construction. But the toaster oven crowd lead to some bad habits, I guess?