7 in 10 American Jews will continue to vote for democrats.
Well, God helps those who help themselves, so the somewhat revised version of that phrase within the Psalm that is most appropriate now is:
“Even though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the meanest sonofabitch in the valley.”
Weakness invites evil - both spiritual and physical weakness. Israel has been quite spiritually divided lately, and quite clearly the Mossad and Shin Bet completely missed this. We can draw lessons from this in the US, mainly with regard to the multiple millions of illegal and untracked immigrants that have been dispersed to every corner of our country. How many reports do we need to see that many of these “immigrants“ are military age men, marching in a disciplined manner toward our border? After yesterday’s events, it *has* to be obvious that the purpose of many of these “immigrants” is to wreak similar mayhem within our society at an opportune moment for some foreign power. If something similar to what happened to Israel yesterday doesn’t happen within 24 hours of Taiwan being invaded, I will be shocked. Time for us to wake up, to prepare both as a nation and as individuals, for a similar action here.