WHen you came up with this solution, were you high? Cause that’s something someone who was high would say.
It’s something a normal person says because it’s obvious to everyone except closet case Putin lovers.
Why do you people who support Russia and hate Ukraine Always make such absolutely absurd remarks?
And ridiculous childish name calling. He must be on drugs to suggest that Russia withdraw from Ukraine which it invaded?
I don’t understand where some of you get your lack of logic and your lack of morality.
“ WHen you came up with this solution, were you high? ”
I think he was speaking from a fairness standpoint. For example when someone breaks into your home you don’t negotiate with the invader what rooms he can occupy. You make arrangements to have him forcibly removed and arrested, or depending on the situation, end his life. Him leaving your property vertically or horizontally is how it ends. I think that’s what he was referring to.