“I will not consent to expedited passage of any spending measure that provides any more US aid to Ukraine.”
Okay Rand. You just said you would not consent to any fast spending on war money to the Ukraine. Does that mean you won’t let them have any more? Or even any less? Nope. You just said nothing unless you mean to stop it. That would be different. Paying the money more slowly doesn’t change the inevitable. And by paying it slower it puts up the illusion it is less with smaller amounts going out slower. So instead of 2 + 2 it is 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1.... and they lost money in the logistics. Did they actually pay people to come up with this scam? Any liberal could have come up with this.
Rand Paul cannot block a Senate bill on his own. All he can do is refuse to accept whatever procedural shortcuts the Senate puts in place to get a bill passed quickly without going through the formal committee work, cloture process, and a roll call vote.
That’s what he means by “fast spending.”