So man's choices should not effect what is under his control, even though man has also been God-given much means to counter act the effects.
Anyway. I never expected this to be such a lively thread, but I will be back later, since my Latino neighbors called me up to come over for a "Pupusa." God is gracious. And I have many stories of such.
Never said that Man was guiltless, and/or was unable to remediate, slightly, some of the effects of Man's unwise choices. Or that Man shouldn't, ideally, abstain from willfully committing evil acts.
RATHER, I referenced supernovas causing Mass Extinctions, sunspots, etc.
Man has no means to adequately counteract such effects. Man a thousand years ago certainly did not have the means.
You are constantly diverting via "Tu quoque!" Let's stick with the question at hand: No one here disputes that humans are faulty, and often make bad decisions, and cause suffering. Rather, we discussing the Evil that God tacitly allows, does not immediately avert, needlessly permits. Mass Extinctions, volcanic eruptions wiping out entire civilizations, etc.
How do you explain them away?
SPECIFICALLY: How would it impair Man's "Free Will" if such natural catastrophes were simply not allowed?