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0:10·the description below
0:11·more on them in a bit
0:19·the statue of liberty is easily the
0:20·world's most famous statue lady
0:22·liberty's visage is so iconic that it
0:24·serves as short hands for not only new
0:26·york city but
0:27·america as a whole but where did the
0:28·inspiration for this statue come from
0:30·to find it you have to go back over 2
0:32·000 years to a similar statue
0:34·also in a harbor and of a comparable
0:36·size nothing like it
0:37·had ever been seen in the ancient world
0:39·and people traveled great distances just
0:41·to see it
0:42·the colossus of roads only stood for
0:44·less than a century but the impact it
0:45·had has continued to be felt even today
0:48·but what exactly was the colossus of
0:51·why was it built and why did it earn a
0:53·place on the famed
0:55·seven wonders of the ancient world list
0:58·today we're going to find out
1:05·our story begins in 323 bc with the
1:08·death of alexander the great and the
1:10·city of babylon the macedonian king had
1:11·conquered a massive empire unlike
1:13·anything the world had ever seen before
1:15·but he died before he could secure the
1:17·position of his heir
1:19·instead his generals tore his empire
1:21·apart what followed was a long-running
1:23·series of conflicts known as the wars of
1:25·the successors
1:26·as each of alexander's former lieutenant
1:28·struggled to
1:29·carve out a position of power for
1:30·themselves eventually three major
1:32·factions emerged
1:33·egypt controlled by ptolemy the seleucid
1:35·empire in persia
1:37·and the antigone dynasty which ruled
1:39·asia minor caught in the middle of all
1:41·this term or quite literally was the
1:42·island city-state of rhodes
1:44·in greek mythology the island was said
1:46·to be created by the sun god helios so
1:48·that he had a place to rule since he
1:50·missed the meeting where the gods drew
1:52·lots to divide up the places of the
1:54·it was named after his wife the nymph
1:56·rhodos the capital city built in 408 bc
1:59·was also named rhodes
2:00·by the end of the 4th century bc rhodes
2:02·was becoming a commercial maritime power
2:04·it was situated at the conflux of the
2:06·aegean and mediterranean
2:08·seas 18 kilometers from the southern
2:10·shore of asia mine are an ideal position
2:12·to control the sea trade
2:13·rhodes was an important waypoint for
2:14·ships traveling between the cities of
2:16·greece and those of asia and so
2:18·roads grew exceptionally wealthy as the
2:20·successor wars raged around
2:22·them rhodes steadfastly maintained its
2:24·own independence
2:25·and neutrality but they formed a close
2:27·association with ptolemaic egypt
2:29·that irked antagonist ptolemy's sworn
2:32·enemy antigonus knew that if the
2:34·powerful rhodian navy allied
2:36·itself with egypt against him he'd be at
2:38·a disadvantage he decided
2:39·roads needed to be dealt with
2:47·in 305 bc an army of forty thousand
2:49·commanded by antigonus's son demetrius
2:52·attacked rhodes attached to the antigone
2:54·in force were
2:55·swarms of pirate vessels who hoped to
2:57·take advantage of the carnage to take
2:59·plunder for themselves
3:00·against them the rodians could only
3:02·muster a force of 7000 but their city
3:04·had strong fortifications
3:06·and a well-defended harbour demetrius
3:08·ravaged the surrounding countryside and
3:10·put the city of rhodes under siege
3:12·unable to capture the original harbour
3:14·built one of his own to house his fleet
3:17·of 200 ships along with the large
3:18·encampment that resembled a city itself
3:21·though his troops surrounded the walls
3:22·they were unable to prevent supply ships
3:24·from entering the roadian harbor to keep
3:25·the inhabitants from starving
3:27·demetrius tried to take the city by
3:29·storm and at one point breached the
3:30·walls but the troops that
3:31·made it into the city were all killed
3:33·and the attack was rebuffed the rodians
3:35·then quickly repaired the damage to the
3:36·city walls demetrius now tried
3:38·engineering his way to victory he
3:40·ordered the construction of gargantuan
3:42·siege weapons including a battering ram
3:44·and catapults
3:45·the biggest of these was a siege tower
3:46·known as the halepolis this wooden tower
3:49·was unlike anything the world had ever
3:50·seen before standing over 40 meters high
3:52·and 20 meters wide and weighing 160 tons
3:55·the structure was covered in iron plates
3:56·to make it fireproof and bristled with
3:59·16 catapults and all it required a crew
4:01·of 3 400 men to push it into place
4:04·surely against such a goliath as the
4:06·helepolis the city of rhodes
4:08·didn't stand a chance only it didn't
4:10·quite work out that way there are
4:12·differing accounts about what happened
4:14·when demetrius tried to use the siege
4:15·tower in battle
4:16·one story says the defenders damaged
4:18·enough of the iron plating that the
4:20·general ordered it removed from the
4:21·battlefield so that they couldn't set it
4:23·on fire another account says the rodians
4:24·flooded the ground the helepolis was to
4:27·advance upon the night before
4:28·and the huge siege engine got stuck in
4:30·the mud and couldn't be moved whatever
4:32·the city still held out a year after the
4:35·siege began when
4:36·a relief force sent by ptolemy arrived
4:38·demetrius outmaneuvered and knowing that
4:40·the siege was growing ever more
4:41·unpopular at home
4:43·was forced to sue for peace his army
4:44·left and the city of rhodes was saved
4:52·when demetrius's army departed it left a
4:54·lot of equipment behind
4:56·including the siege engines the rodians
4:58·deciding there was no point in letting
4:59·it all go to waste gathered it all up
5:01·and sold it for scrap they dismantled
5:03·the abandoned helipolars and melted down
5:05·its iron plating the total amount of
5:06·money they received after
5:08·selling the equipment amounted to 300
5:09·talents of silver
5:11·amount worth around 6.4 million dollars
5:13·in today's money so
5:14·what do they do with all the money well
5:16·the rodians wanted to give thanks to
5:17·their patron god
5:18·helios who they believed had favored
5:20·them by sparing their city and even back
5:22·then people knew the best way to honor
5:24·someone was to build a statue of them
5:25·this couldn't just be any ordinary
5:27·statue though it had to be big
5:29·huge in fact bigger than any statue the
5:32·world had ever seen
5:33·something as big as the helepolis to
5:36·build their mammoth statue the people of
5:38·rhodes turns to the best sculptor on the
5:41·a man named chares of lindos charis have
5:44·been mentioned by a man named
5:46·lisipos the personal sculptor of
5:48·alexander the great whose crowning
5:49·achievement was the building of a 22
5:51·meter high statue of zeus in the city
5:53·of terrence construction on the statue
5:55·of helios began in 292 bc on a hilltop
5:58·overlooking the city and harbor of roads
6:01·later depictions of the statue being in
6:03·the harbor or even straddling the
6:05·way so ships would have to pass between
6:07·its legs to enter it
6:08·a fantasy concocted in medieval times
6:11·the first thing to be built was a
6:12·15-meter tall white marble pedestal on
6:15·which the statue would stand on top of
6:17·this was constructed an iron framework a
6:19·skeleton onto which molded bronze plates
6:21·would be affixed to it to
6:23·form the statue's skin charles built a
6:25·massive casting bit to mold the bronze
6:27·pieces he needed for the statue
6:28·larger than any pit ever constructed for
6:30·this purpose before as the statue grew
6:32·taller stone blocks were placed inside
6:34·the interior to act as further support
6:36·for the iron framework it soon became
6:37·clear that normal scaffolding wasn't
6:39·going to be enough for the statue not as
6:41·its height continued to grow
6:43·it was becoming too difficult to move
6:44·the bronze pieces into place using the
6:46·technology of the time period
6:48·so shars decided to build a massive
6:50·earthen ramp around the statue
6:52·to allow workers to access it this also
6:54·had the effect of obscuring the statue
6:56·from public view
6:57·no one but the designer was going to
6:59·know what it looked like until it was
7:01·finally after 12 years of work the
7:02·earthen mound was removed and the statue
7:04·was finished
7:05·the finished statue stood at 70 cubits
7:07·high or 32 meters
7:09·together with the pedestal it towered
7:10·over the city and harbour of roads from
7:12·its hilltop
7:13·to describe it the greeks had to invent
7:14·a new word
7:16·colossus which literally means giant
7:19·so the finnish structure became known as
7:21·the colossus of rhodes
7:23·[ad text redacted]
8:57·bizarrely enough though there are plenty
8:59·of contemporary accounts of how large
9:01·the colossus was how it was built and
9:03·how amazed people were by it there are
9:05·no surviving accounts depicting what the
9:07·statue actually looked like so
9:09·historians have no idea many later
9:12·illustrators showed helios holding a
9:13·torch loft like the statue of liberty
9:15·but there's no evidence that this is the
9:17·a sculpture in a nearby temple has a
9:19·depiction of helios shielding his eyes
9:20·with one hand like a person would when
9:22·shielding their eyes from the sun
9:24·and it's possible that this is how
9:25·colossus looked what is known
9:27·is that in the years after it was built
9:28·people came from all over the ancient
9:30·world to view the colossus
9:31·it was an early form of tourism that
9:33·allowed learned men or at least men with
9:35·sufficient means to travel around
9:36·viewing the great sites known to them at
9:38·the time these sites became known
9:39·as wonders and as early as the second
9:41·century bc chroniclers were writing
9:43·about what wonders they had seen and
9:45·were encouraging other people to see you
9:47·might call the creation of the concept
9:48·of the seven wonders of the world as
9:50·an early attempt at a tourist guidebook
9:52·the colossus built to celebrate the city
9:54·of rhodes soon came to
9:56·define the place's existence people from
9:58·rhodes became known
9:59·as coliseums and tourist revenue from
10:02·people coming to view it only propelled
10:03·the city's growth further rhodes became
10:05·known as a cultural as well as a
10:07·commercial center becoming home to
10:08·famous centers of learning in the arts
10:10·but unfortunately for rhodes mother
10:12·nature ensured that the good times
10:14·wouldn't last forever
10:21·in 226 bc 54 years after the colossus
10:25·had been built
10:25·a massive earthquake rocked roads the
10:27·island sits on a boundary between two
10:29·tectonic plates that are pushing against
10:31·each other
10:32·making the area prone to large
10:33·earthquakes the quake of 226 bc caused
10:36·large amounts of destruction
10:38·destroying many buildings earthquake
10:40·proof construction was an unknown
10:41·concept at the time people
10:42·simply didn't understand the forces at
10:44·work and the colossus
10:46·as tall as it was just didn't stand a
10:48·chance the statue snapped off at the
10:50·knees and fell over breaking into pieces
10:51·when it hit the ground
10:52·contemporary accounts give no figure for
10:54·the number of people killed
10:55·but we can infer that they were high
10:58·office of aid came in from all over the
10:59·mediterranean to help the rodians
11:01·rebuild their city this included their
11:03·famed colossus pharaoh ptolemy iii of
11:05·egypt offered to help
11:06·finance its reconstruction at the time
11:07·however natural disasters were viewed as
11:09·a sign of god's disfavor and
11:11·the people of rhodes worried that they'd
11:12·displeased helios in some way
11:14·and he had sent the earthquake to smite
11:16·them they constructed the oracle at
11:18·delphi who cautioned them against
11:19·rebuilding the statue the rodians with a
11:21·heavy heart agreed and
11:23·no attempt was made to rebuild the
11:24·colossus neither were the remains of the
11:26·statue removed from where they fell they
11:28·were just
11:28·left there still so large and imposing
11:31·that people continued to visit them for
11:32·another 800 years
11:34·one writer described how visitors would
11:35·struggle to wrap their arms around the
11:37·thumb of the fallen statue and
11:39·remarking on how the fingers were longer
11:41·than most statues were tall in 653 a.d
11:44·the island of rhodes was conquered by
11:45·the forces
11:46·of the umayyad caliphate and the statue
11:48·was melted down and
11:49·sold as part of the spoils of war the
11:51·bronze was supposedly hauled away
11:53·on over 900 camels
12:01·no trace of the colossus remains today
12:03·outside of records and contemporary
12:04·accounts leaving experts to struggle
12:06·with a question of
12:07·where the statue was located and what it
12:08·looked like a lot of artistic liberty
12:10·was taken in the following centuries as
12:12·stated before a common misconception was
12:13·that the colossus straddled the entrance
12:15·rhodes's harbor and held a torch aloft
12:18·in some accounts the torch is even lit
12:20·meaning the colossus also acted as a
12:21·lighthouse these depictions are almost
12:23·certainly fictional as historians have
12:25·concluded that there was no way a statue
12:27·could have been built like that using
12:28·the techniques of the time period
12:30·collapsing under its own weight further
12:32·proof that the statue wasn't located in
12:34·or near the harbour is the fact that the
12:35·remains of the statue were visible for
12:37·hundreds of years after it fell over
12:39·which would have been impossible had the
12:40·statue fallen into the water
12:42·from which it would have been impossible
12:43·for the rodians to retrieve regardless
12:45·the fictional positioning of the
12:47·colossus became so influential that it
12:49·is the basis
12:49·upon which the statue of liberty was
12:51·built on a stone pedestal
12:53·in the harbor of a major maritime city
12:55·holding a torture loft
12:56·emma lazarus famous poem about the
12:58·statue of liberty describes it
13:00·as the new colossus rhodes wasn't able
13:02·to maintain its independence forever
13:03·any mores and they could keep their
13:05·colossus afloat the city fell to the
13:07·along with all of the successor kingdoms
13:09·and much of the known world after the
13:11·roman empire split into
13:13·rhodes was ruled by the eastern empire
13:15·renamed the byzantine empire for a
13:17·thousand years
13:18·except for brief periods when the island
13:20·was occupied by invading forces in 1306
13:22·the knights hospital captured roads and
13:24·ruled it for over 200 years until they
13:26·were forced out by the ottoman empire in
13:27·1522 eventually
13:29·moving their base of operations to the
13:30·island of malta italy seized control of
13:32·the island during the italo-turkish war
13:34·of 1912 and the germans occupied the
13:36·island during world war ii
13:37·capturing it from the italian garrison
13:39·who wanted to surrender it to the
13:41·after the war the island was given to
13:42·greece who have governed it ever since
13:44·today about a hundred thousand people
13:45·live on roads not counting the tourists
13:48·the island is one of europe's most
13:49·popular vacation spots they come to see
13:51·the beaches and
13:52·the medieval and ancient architecture as
13:54·well as to partake in the many mineral
13:56·springs on the island that have
13:58·purported healing properties to boost
14:00·tourism many investors have proposed
14:01·building a new colossus of roads on the
14:03·site of the original
14:04·or even in its fictional location within
14:06·the harbour but
14:07·none of these plans has ever gotten off
14:09·the ground meaning that the colossus
14:10·still exists only
14:12·within our imaginations but the very
14:14·fact that the colossus of roads existed
14:16·at all continues to fascinate us it was
14:18·a remarkable feat of engineering a
14:19·statue as large as the statue of liberty
14:21·being built entirely by hand without the
14:24·of any of the powered tools and devices
14:26·so essential
14:27·in construction work today it was so big
14:29·for its time period that language itself
14:31·needed to be changed to accommodate it
14:33·something that still impacts us today
14:35·after all from the word colossus
14:37·came the word colossal which can be used
14:39·to describe anything extremely large
14:41·it's also a term in sculpture referring
14:43·to a statue that is at least twice
14:45·life-size which
14:46·definitely applied to the colossus its
14:49·inspired countless other statues and
14:51·monuments over the following centuries
14:53·the most famous of which sits in new
14:55·york harbor and though there was always
14:57·some debate among
14:58·contemporary greek writers about what
14:59·exactly constituted the seven wonders of
15:01·the world
15:02·the present list wasn't established
15:03·until the renaissance the colossus of
15:06·was included from the very beginning
15:07·when these lists were first being
15:09·and what more could be said about it
15:11·than that being considered
15:13·a wonder of the world truly a colossal
15:17·so i really hope you enjoyed this video
15:19·thanks again to squarespace who
15:20·sponsored it link to them below
15:22·and thank you for watching

1 posted on 08/28/2023 7:19:45 AM PDT by SunkenCiv
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To: SunkenCiv

Doesn’t look so ‘colossus’ to me.....................

5 posted on 08/28/2023 7:25:22 AM PDT by Red Badger (Homeless veterans camp in the streets while illegal aliens are put up in hotels.....................)
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To: SunkenCiv

Summarized by chatgpt

- Video sponsored by Squarespace.
- The Statue of Liberty is iconic and symbolic.
- The Colossus of Rhodes, an ancient statue, served a similar purpose.
- Colossus of Rhodes built over 2,000 years ago.
- Wars of the Successors followed Alexander the Great’s death.
- Rhodes, a maritime power, had strategic importance.
- Rhodes associated with Ptolemaic Egypt, irked Antigonus.
- Antigonus attacked Rhodes with a massive army in 305 BC.
- Rhodes defended itself against the siege.
- Siege engines, including the Helopolis, were used.
- Siege tower Helopolis couldn’t conquer Rhodes.
- Demetrius’ army left, Rhodes sold the siege equipment.
- The money received funded a statue of Helios.
- The sculptor Chares of Lindos built the statue.
- Construction began in 292 BC, took 12 years.
- The statue was a colossal bronze figure.
- Known as the Colossus of Rhodes, it stood 32 meters high.


6 posted on 08/28/2023 7:43:47 AM PDT by MNDude
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