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To: Yo-Yo
Tucker's first video has 102.7 million views. That's a smaller audience?

Mark Dice who is a fan of Tucker explained yesterday that in reality Tucker had gotten a little more than 5 million actual views as of yesterday. It is probably considerably higher than that this morning. Dice’s explanation of how this works starts at about 1:35 in the video. And then he goes on to show hilarious examples of the leftist meltdown currently going on.

The 103 million view number currently showing on Twitter is actually “impressions” not views in any normal sense of the word. Anyone who scrolls past Carlson's video on their “Twitter feed” is counted as a view. It is not the same, but a little like other webpages that start playing videos automatically when open them... you often need to close the page or turn off the sound on your computer because it is hard find where the video that is making the noise is even at.

If you recall Elon himself sued Twitter because the number of people actually using Twitter was massively inflated by counting “bot” accounts. This practice continues on both Facebook and Twitter.

It hardly matters. Although Tucker had a larger audience than any other nightly news commentator it was still only around 3 million on FOX and 5 million means that he has found a larger audience on Twitter which is surprising. Twitter normally allows videos only up to around 10 minutes which does not fit Carlson's normal format.

And we have not really found out what became of the writers and others that worked on Carlson's show on FOX. Tucker is great and no doubt came up with a lot of content on his own, but he had a supporting staff. What happened to them?

55 posted on 06/08/2023 7:29:43 AM PDT by fireman15 (Irritating people are the grit from which we fashion our pearl. I provide the grit. You're Welcome.)
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To: fireman15
The 103 million view number currently showing on Twitter is actually “impressions” not views in any normal sense of the word. Anyone who scrolls past Carlson's video on their “Twitter feed” is counted as a view. It is not the same, but a little like other webpages that start playing videos automatically when open them... you often need to close the page or turn off the sound on your computer because it is hard find where the video that is making the noise is even at.

So then this is similar to the metric that cable television companies use, which is "homes passed."

Instead of counting actual subscribers, they tout the number of homes who have access to their service and could in theory connect to their system.

Still, can't sneeze at 102.7 (which as of this writing is now up to 103.7 million) impressions.

56 posted on 06/08/2023 7:44:40 AM PDT by Yo-Yo (Is the /Sarc tag really necessary? Pray for President Biden: Psalm 109:8)
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