This offensive is being executed just as the Khereson/Kharkiv offensive. Starting out as small probing attacks to discern opportunities for advancement. During this time I remember well pro-war people saying the offensive was failing and Ukraine was having massive casualties. Turned out that was not the case. You would think they would have learned.
Stay tuned.
That would be you, and the rest of you cheerleaders.
Yo, what happened in Bakhmut? That was a great Youcraynian victory, one based on masterful probing of the Ruzzzziiiaaaaannn weak spots, right? How did that turn out for the Youks? You and the rest of Team Youkazoid said they were going to crush the Ruzzziiiiaaaans in Bakhmut! What happened?
Rumor has it that the gay-dancing grifter's going to finally get the phony military uniform he wears dirty in the Great Victorious Youcraynian Offensive by rolling around in the dirt and then pretending he was in the thick of the battle. Any news on that?
Slavo Youcrayny!!
What you’re referring to Russia retreated to east bank and ensconced
Ukraine took cities they can’t occupy in force for fear of steady bombardment
Is that a victory?
Russia made a decision the West Bank wasn’t worth trying to hold
We shall see
It’s smart of Ukraine though
If offensives wins they claim victory
If they fail then they were only probes they’ll say anyhow
They have to do something
The pressure from us has to be heavy