This is hydrolysis.
Is this whole article telling us what we’ve been doing with 9 volt batteries in a shotglass of water for 100 years ?
You must be kidding me. Clean Hydrogen, Clean Oxygen?
And when one reads the article, one finds out it’s not only ‘clean hydrogen”, but also that “hydrogen gas is a low-carbon fuel” - pretty amazing for a substance that has no carbon content at all!
One of the most stupidly written articles on science for the general public I’ve ever seen.
Musk will need both on Mars.
This was my eighth grade science fair project. I made a beaker using a gallon jug, I used cigar tubes for test tubes. The electrodes were carbon rods from D cell batteries. I had made a power supply using salvaged parts from an old radio, which used an 80 tube as the rectifier, but my teacher wouldn’t let me use it. Had to use a battery instead.