That’s a great idea, do you do voices for it? If I did, no one would like it. Need a certain type of voice to make audio books work sell.
All of my audiobooks are public domain, but I find that most people underestimate how good their voices really are. The real secret to an excellent audiobook is simply this: “just be yourself.” That is what most people want to hear and you’re already an expert at that. That’s 60% of the audiobook right there along with knowing the original content, you’re already done.
Since you wrote the text of your book you own the copyright, that means when you go to record it as audio you would also own that copyright as well, you can go through your book publisher or Amazon.(or etc)
I should have an audiobook completed and out in the next week actually, it’s this one. I did this as a group with others but, if you’re curious. So with this one all wrapped up I’ll have a little time.
If you really don’t want to, that’s your call. But I did happen to look at your profile and I saw the picture of George Mason sitting there and an old history book about Mason would be a great thing to start up and make new again and use as a practice book.